<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 970: Accept Me as Your Master


the Asura Demon God suddenly opened his eyes. Then, with lightning-fast reflexes, he struck out with two fingers, shattering the layers of illusion and seizing the bald man's wrist.It's really fast a..."Then tell me quickly why you ambushed me and that secret you promised to tell me earlier. If you don't say anything or lie, I promise you won't like the consequences when I find out." Ye Fan pretended to be breathing heavily, as if he was about to lose control.

Jiang Xue hurriedly said, “Don’t get excited first, I said, I said…”

Jiang Xue explained to him why she came here to block Ye Fan.

After hearing "You didn't lie to me," Ye Fan stared at Jiang Xue in astonishment.

Jiang Xue hurriedly shook her head, she was being very well-behaved now.

Is she telling the truth or is she lying Ye Fan's mind raced.

Just now, Jiang Xue said that the reason she ambushed Ye Fan was because she encountered a very strange thing tonight. The batch of ancient martial arts association members that Ye Fan had dealt with earlier had something unusual about their bodies.

They were clearly not dead, but exhibited characteristics only the deceased would possess. No matter what medication or injections she used, they showed no reaction whatsoever. This was unlike anything Jiang Xue had ever learned in her medical studies.

What was even more strange was that these people, who resembled the walking dead, actually woke up on their own after two or three hours without taking any medicine. Their physical features were exactly the same as normal people, which left Jiang Xue utterly amazed.

At the same time, I also made up my mind to get to the bottom of this.

And through contact with doctors in the hospital, it was discovered that the hospital's diagnosis report indicated that these people were most likely acupunctured at a certain point on their body by a peculiar method, which is why they exhibited such phenomena.

Jiang Xue herself had studied these acupuncture points and similar esoteric techniques. She knew that if one truly wanted to achieve such effects, it would require extremely mystical methods.

Once she mastered this technique, it would undoubtedly be of direct help to her medical research in the future. Therefore, she decided that she must learn this profound and mysterious acupuncture technique no matter what.

And she found those who had been acupressed, and after much inquiry, confirmed that it was Ye Fan who did it, so she decided to set an ambush on Ye Fan's必經之路, wanting to catch Ye Fan off guard.

Thinking about how that hateful Ye Fan had repeatedly embarrassed Bai Jie today, Jiang Xue wanted to vent her anger for Bai Jie. She didn't expect, however, that Ye Fan easily defused the crisis.

And he also took advantage of me and even claimed that I assaulted him. As Bai Jie said, this Ye Fan is really a complete scoundrel, bastard, and wolf!

However, Jiang Xue only had the duty of obediently listening.

This is Jiang Xue explaining to Ye Fan why she had to ambush him.

After hearing her explanation, Ye Fan didn't immediately state his position. Instead, his eyes darted around as if he were thinking about something.

Jiang Xue was startled. Could this bad guy have come up with another vicious idea to deal with her

Her heart clenched, her face turned green, and her eyes suddenly closed tightly, her expression resolute.

Looking at her like this, does she have a resigned look It means no matter what happens to her, she won't resist or fight back.

Ye Fan looked at her gloomily. Was he that bad He was a good citizen, wasn't he When he was little, he even received a red flower in kindergarten.

"Hey, Jiang Xue, isn't it You said that if I win, you'd tell me a secret, right Once you say it, you can leave." Ye Fan patted her lightly and said with displeasure.

Jiang Xue suddenly opened her eyes wide, looking at Ye Fan suspiciously, "You really don't plan to..."

Looking very doubtful.

Is she crazy Why does she have to force herself like that

But Ye Fan pretended to say, “What are you talking about Which one of me”

"It's...it's something only men and women would do," Jiang Xue said, her face becoming increasingly flushed as she spoke.

Ye Fan saw her shy appearance, and his heart felt amused. He couldn't tell that this girl was so innocent.

Ye Fan deliberately said, "What are the things that only men and women do Is it childbirth" Ye Fan suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue's heart suddenly clenched. This scoundrel, pretending to visit Le Zhi, and yet he still revealed it in the end.

Ye Fan, however, smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have no interest in having children with you."

Ye Fan thought to himself, he wanted to be born and live with Sister Yanran.

When Jiang Xue, who was originally quite nervous, heard Ye Fan's dismissive tone and saw the disappointed look in his eyes, she felt her pride challenged. She immediately stood up, puffed up her chest, and said angrily, "What do you mean Is it hard for you to have a child with me"

Jiang Xue now has forgotten her fear, crossing her arms and regaining her fiery personality.

Ye Fan opened his mouth wide, looking at her with some uncertainty: "I didn't mean it that way. If you don't mind, we can start right now."

"What are you looking at" Jiang Xue looked at Ye Fan strangely. Suddenly, she saw him staring intently at a certain part of her body. Her face flushed instantly, and she shrunk into a corner like a rabbit, daring to only show half her head out, looking like a cute little thing.

She suddenly regretted what she had just said.

Her unintentional action, however, caused Ye Fan to burst into laughter. Ye Fan felt that he had been living a highly strung life these days, and getting along with such a cute little girl seemed to have lifted his gloomy mood considerably.

Seeing Ye Fan like this, Jiang Xue took a deep breath and bravely ran out. She gave Ye Fan a hard pinch before scurrying away to the side.

"Ye Fan cried out in pain, "What are you doing"

Jiang Xue mumbled with her lips puckered, puffing out her cheeks and saying, "Who told you to bully me You'll taste the bitter consequences!"

Ye Fan was both angry and amused. What the heck was this little girl thinking Didn't she fear what he might do to her

However, it seems that in this situation, I can't really do anything to her.

Seeing Ye Fan's helpless appearance, Jiang Xue suddenly stuck out her tongue and said with a sly smile: "Although you look like a lecher, you don't seem to be very bad. So this Miss will forgive you."

"What are you apologizing for" Ye Fan was confused.

Jiang Xue was very happy to stretch out her hand and say, "Hello, my name is Jiang Xue, it's nice to meet you."

Ye Fan looked around suspiciously, finding nothing afterward. He then carefully reached out and shook the girl's hand. He felt her small hand in his, soft and boneless, and very smooth.

"From now on, I've decided to accept you as my master. You'll be responsible for teaching me the art of acupressure. How does that sound" A look of excitement flashed in Jiang Xue's eyes.

Ye Fan almost got struck by lightning. How can you say that I should be your master It's the other way around, isn't itThere are only ruins and rubble everywhere.Several people jumped out of the car and walked up slowly. Looking at everything suddenly, they couldn't help but feel overwhelmed for a moment. The contrast...