<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 904: Is she alright now?


, Teacher is so kind, how could I bear to..." Ye Fan quickly apologized, but looking at his expression, there wasn't a hint of remorse.Li Xiangting rolled her eyes again, this jerk...However, after ta...The organization also said that the leader of China would arrange people to contact them in a short period of time. They must approach the Sikong Group as a joint venture and gain their trust.

And this time, the person they met in Linhai City was Zhuge Konghua. He is said to be the chess piece placed by Qiushi inside the Sikong Group.

Originally, Zhuge Kong Hua didn't need the involvement of the Kizan Group to achieve the organization's goal of acquiring that core technology. However, Ye Fan's sudden intervention, seizing control of the research and development department, effectively halted the transfer of core technology, leaving Zhuge Kong Hua with nothing but failure. That is why Zhuge Kong Hua once again sought the help of the Kizan Group.

Therefore, Zhuge Kongming logically found Koizumi Jiro. Before that, Koizumi Jiro had been negotiating as the representative of the Koizumi Group, but he kept delaying things without reaching an agreement, which made Zhuge Kongming very dissatisfied and decided to take action himself. However, the appearance of Ye Fan disrupted his plan, forcing him to reactivate Koizumi Jiro.

However, what happened afterward, Izumi Ichiro came to know nothing about it.

That's because his younger brother, Xiao Pai Tou, suddenly disappeared.

According to the report sent back by the people he sent to protect Kōzō Kozaki, the exact news is that Kōzō Kozaki has died and was murdered. Judging from the method, it seems to be the work of an organization member.

Koizumi Kazuo was greatly astonished and enraged. He had done so much for the organization, why did it ultimately have to target his own brother

He got in touch with this Zhuge Kong Hua, but Zhuge Kong Hua said he didn't know anything about it. Xiao Quan Yifei was helpless and had to request a meeting with the leader, but Zhuge Kong Hua, as the contact person, said the leader wouldn't see him. The leader was already very disappointed in him. If he couldn't resolve the matter smoothly, the leader would report to the organization and request additional personnel.

Koizumi Ichibei heard the subtext in Zhuge Kongming's words, meaning he was going to make a move against him. As a result, Koizumi developed a desire to betray him.

Koizumi knew that if he betrayed the organization, he would be subject to its usual punishments. Throughout all of China, the only person capable of challenging the organization besides the God of War was beyond his imagination.

Although Koizumi Ichiro obtained information about Ye Fan from the organization, he still didn't know the specifics of Ye Fan's abilities and whether he had the strength to protect himself and the organization. Therefore, Koizumi Ichiro wanted to personally test Ye Fan's capabilities.

Therefore, he deliberately acted so flamboyantly in the meeting room today. His purpose was to intoxicate Zhuge Kongming and then secretly signal Ye Fan. In the end, he launched a full-fledged surprise attack on Ye Fan, which left him very satisfied.

Ye Fan silently thought about Xiaoquan Yiwu's words, a sneer in his heart. He wanted to test his skills first, not to mention whether Xiaoquan Yiwu's words were credible or not. If it wasn't for his own skills being decent, Ye Fan believed that once Xiaoquan Yiwu succeeded today, he definitely wouldn't say such things to him. It was very possible that he would kill him on the spot.

No matter what, killing the God of War would be a great achievement for their organization.

As for his concerns afterwards, that's his own business. But can we trust what he said Ye Fan stared intently at Koizumi Ichiro. This man who grew up in China almost feels like a Chinese person, but deep down, he has the blood of a Japanese person flowing through him. The words of a Japanese person… can we believe them

Then wouldn't you be stupid

Ye Fan stared coldly at Xiao Quan Yif, the latter, however, had no fear in his eyes, looking like a perfect gentleman.

This made Ye Fan suddenly think of Zhuge Kong Hua. These two people were surprisingly similar! He wondered if their organization also taught them acting skills.

Ye Fan suddenly grinned menacingly, revealing a row of white teeth, and said, "Why should I believe you Do you think I should believe you"

Koizumi Kazuo shook his head. "I don't have anything worth your trust. If I were you, I would doubt me too. But please believe that I have no ill intentions towards you."

"Oh, is that so Then give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you." Ye Fan said faintly.

Kobayashi Kazuo was shocked. This Ye Fan was truly ruthless. He implied that if he didn't believe his words, he would kill himself. No wonder he was a war god feared by everyone in the organization.

"You trust me, first, you will get some information you want to know from me. Second, I'm in Linhai now, you can kill me anytime. Besides, I can contact the organization and report the latest intelligence to you at any time."

Ye Fan suddenly burst into laughter, "Xiao Quan Yihua, you are indeed the successor of the Xiaoquan Group, your mind is sharp. I like it. I'll trust you this once, but you better not play any tricks on me, otherwise, you know what the consequences will be."

But Ye Fan thought to himself, "To trust you is to be a fool."

"Of course," said Kozumi Kazuo. "But, I think we can actually strike at Zhuge Kongming." Kozumi was also thinking in his heart: Even if you don't believe me, it doesn't matter. As long as I achieve my true purpose, who will die when the time comes is still uncertain.

Two people with ulterior motives are still playing the most dangerous and thrilling game of death.

"You suspect your younger brother's death is related to Zhuge Konghua," Ye Fan said lightly, dancing his shoes.

“There's no evidence, but even if he didn't do it, he should be implicated. There's something crucial here: he contacted the leader directly. In China, besides him, no one knows the true identity of the leader. Therefore, resentment is the only clue.”

Koizumi Ichibei's reasoning was indeed alluring. In that case, he had to make friends with this Zhuge Kongming no matter what.

"Well, that's it for now. I know what to do, but you best not act rashly, wait for my word." After Ye Fan finished speaking, he walked out.

He hurriedly greeted Sister Yanran and then left the Si Kong Group.

Ye Fan drove alone on the road, his thoughts a little scattered.

Today's events were actually intended to prevent the Siku Group from having excessive contact with the Koizumi Group. After all, as a Chinese person, Ye Fan didn't want to see his core technologies spread abroad.

And as for what they wanted to do with this technology, Ye Fan could figure it out with his toes.

What Ye Fan didn't expect was that Kozumi Kazuo would actually betray him at the last minute and tell him this earth-shattering secret. And judging by the signs, could this blood pact be connected to a special agency in Japan

That way, he wouldn't be able to single-handedly prevent the leakage of Siko Group's aerospace technology. This was a matter concerning national security. As a member of Dragontooth, he should report this incident.

Ye Fan thought of this, he took out his phone, flipped to that familiar yet strange number. He hadn't called this number in a long time, and he didn't know if she was doing well now.d down with each laugh. Her wild hair swayed as she laughed, making Ye Fan secretly swallow hard.This woman is really something! Especially her proud pair of assets, they're probably a 38 size. I bet...