<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 899: First Failure


ng on with the Seven Fairy Maidens Who are they Why are they taking their clothes off and bathing again What is this all aboutEspecially Qin Xu, her pretty face flushed red as she lowered her head....Ye Fan couldn't help but think of the organization with strict warrior rank divisions, of the scene where those so-called B-rank warriors led by Koizumi Jiro had surrounded him, and of Koizumi Jiro's death.

Ye Fan couldn't help but pick up his phone again, bringing out the pattern that Koizumi Jiro had drawn on the ground before he died. Ye Fan looked at it carefully for a long time. What did this circle mean What was its meaning Could it be related to the person who killed Koizumi Jiro

Ye Fan was certain that the person who killed Kozaki Jirō had to be someone from this Blood Alliance. Kozaki Jirō was an extremely cowardly man. If he fell into Ye Fan's hands, he would most likely reveal everything he knew in order to save his life.

Perhaps they didn't want to know what Koizumi Jiro knew, so they resorted to murder. Before he died, Koizumi Jiro definitely saw the person who shot him. That's why he struggled with all his might to draw a circle on the ground. In other words, only by deciphering Koizumi Jiro's circle can we find the true members of the Blood Pact and uncover their real plot.

Ye Fan was a little excited for a moment. He had seen the breakthrough point, at least knowing a direction, which could allow him to focus his energy on breaking through.

Before that, shouldn't we establish our own armed force, perhaps like Smith's thirty-strong squad

Ye Fan's mind flashed with Smith's thirty fearless and loyal mercenaries. He knew these were all Smith's private property.

Perhaps, this matter can be left to Tuto to plan well.

Before this, Ye Fan didn't think it was necessary to understand this Blood Alliance well. This organization might become his biggest opponent in the coming period of time.

He took out his phone and dialed a number he hadn't called in ages.

At this moment, Andre is playing with two Belarusian women on an oversized bed. It's the most crucial moment of the sprint. The waves of sound coming from the Belarusian woman pinned on the bed excite Andre immensely. He is like a sprinter in the 100-meter race, waiting for the final breakthrough to cross the finish line. At this very moment, his phone suddenly rings.

"You!" Andre snatched the phone and cursed, "By the great name of Satan himself, whoever you are, you dare to interfere with my Andre's good time I swear, I'll make your life a living hell!"

"Andre, stop doing x." A low voice came from the phone.

“Oh, Satan, how did you know I was doing x You are the great War God,” Andre leaped away from the two women who were making disgruntled noises, sat up straight, and laughed heartily. “My Great War God, have you changed your mind Are you going to lead the lost Andre to reclaim his reign over Europe’s underworld Oh, Satan, I am so excited! I've been waiting for this day for too long.”

"I need information about the Blood Alliance, something with real insider details. Any problems with that" Ye Fan cut short Andre's reverie.

If someone interrupted his fantasy, Andre would definitely take that person's life, but when it was the God of War, he didn't show any displeasure at all, as if he had gotten used to it. He immediately became serious and said into the phone: "It's the God of War, no problem, I'll arrange it right away~". After that, Andre hung up the phone and called a few more subordinates. Intelligence personnel stationed all over the world were running at 200% efficiency.

As the world's largest arms dealer, he usually has dedicated intelligence contact points all over the world. Their information is quite well-informed, which is why Ye Fan would ask him about the Blood Alliance.

Ye Fan wouldn't worry about Andre's efficiency at all. He had collaborated with him so many times, and there had never been a time when he was late. This was one of the reasons Ye Fan chose Andre instead of others.

Ye Fan leaned against the roadside, took out a cigarette, and lit it slowly. He took a deep breath, but his mind was spinning rapidly. The reason he didn't go to the Youth League Committee in Beijing to inquire about the Blood Alliance was that he knew even if he asked, there wouldn't be much breakthrough. The Youth League Committee had great influence within the empire and understood domestic information very well. However, when facing some international organizations, such as the Blood Alliance, they were unable to infiltrate them.

And Andre was different. His arms trade spanned the globe, and for organizations of this caliber, he typically compiled a comprehensive file. This served as a crucial reference point for selecting collaborators worldwide.

As expected, before Ye Fan had even finished his first cigarette, Andre's call came in.

“My most glorious War God, your most loyal servant kneels before you in plea for forgiveness. Please forgive me for failing to complete the task you bestowed upon me,” Let Ye Fan be astonished, he actually heard Andre’s somewhat dejected words.

You have to know, Andre is the biggest arms dealer on Sha'er side. Even in the world, he's one of the top few arms dealers. In Ye Fan's impression, he has always been loud and passionate, but now, his voice is clearly filled with helplessness and depression. This gave Ye Fan a bad premonition.

"Get to the point," Ye Fan interrupted him, asking bluntly.

"Yes, Great War God, my intelligence database actually doesn't have any data on the Blood Alliance," Andre spoke much more crisply this time, but Ye Fan could still hear the shock in his tone.

Actually, at this moment, what was going on in Andre's heart wasn't so much shock as it was anger.

Recently, one of his arms deals in the island nation was raided by a group of unidentified individuals, causing Andre to suffer heavy losses in that transaction.

Andre Thunder was furious, how could he tolerate someone daring to challenge his dignity.

He immediately assembled his men and went to the island nation to fight them, but what astonished Andre was that this group of people were clearly professionally trained. It was more accurate to say they were mercenaries than pirates.

Because whether it was the way he killed or the qualities he displayed in a firefight, everything was so methodical and organized. Andre, after pouring a lot of manpower and resources into it, still couldn't defeat that group of desperate fanatical soldiers. In the end, Andre couldn't bear the enormous casualties and had to painfully evacuate the island nation. Naturally, the arms trade on the island fell into those people's hands. This caused Andre to lose a large number of men while also losing a huge amount of money.

To the reader:

It's about to reach chapter 900. Well, I recommend a book called "The Strongest Young Master." Also, please give some monthly votes and recommendation tickets for the King of Heaven. There will be another chapter tomorrow morning, chapter 900.ait until tonight was over and discuss countermeasures with the young master."Soldier, let him go," Guo Zisheng said coldly. When the soldier heard the young master's order, he kicked the man off the...