<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 814: Born Flatterer


d instantly changed, and Liu Qin, who was sitting opposite him, also rolled her eyes directly, giving the impression of being about to faint...Ye Fan's heart skipped a beat, it was over...Total: 4,960...A spark of intense longing flashed in Wang Nan's eyes before disappearing. Lu Mo said, "Dreams My dream is to win the championship with this guitar and then marry Xiaoli. But I won the championship, yet Xiaoli walked away with someone else..."

Yuffie was overjoyed. It seemed she had guessed right. Wang Nan was indeed heartbroken because of his girlfriend. Thinking about it, his girlfriend was the one who gave him a guitar, hoping he could persevere with his dream. But when he finally achieved his dream, Xiao Li left him for someone else. This made Wang Nan completely despairing, making him feel that all his previous efforts were in vain, and so he fell into depression.

"Don't you want to make a comeback Don't you miss Xiaoli If Xiaoli saw you like this, how could she possibly still like you" Yufen decided to use a bit of goading.

“What use is she to me anymore She’s with another man now. He’s wealthy, owns an entertainment company. He helped her when things were tough, and Xiao Li ended up with him. I don’t blame him; who am I to blame I have no money…” Wang Nan began to cry again.

"You must cheer up, Wang Nan. Listen to me, you are a man. You can't cry. You have to prove to yourself that you can do it with your own hands. You have to get Xiaoli back!"

Wang Nan suddenly raised his head and looked at Yu Fei, saying, "Can I do it He's the boss of an entertainment company, and I have nothing..."

"Alright, you can definitely do this!" Yuffie said earnestly. "Join our company, I'm willing to help you, help you take Xiaoli back!"

"But..." Wang Nan seemed very moved, but for a moment he couldn't make up his mind.

Huang Ah Mao couldn't stand it anymore. Such a big man acting like a nag, and crying like a little girl! If he were his own brother, he would have kicked him to the curb long ago.

Gon Amo, in a fit of anger, forgot that Ye Fan was present. He strode forward like the wind and raised his fists menacingly at Wang Nan: "You big man crying What's the matter Someone took your woman, so go and take her back! Damn it, I, Huang Amo, might not be good at anything else, but I can only chop people. Just nod your head, and I'm willing to risk my life to accompany you in chopping that person!"

Suddenly seeing Huang Amao's murderous look, Wang Nan was intimidated by his aura. His face turned pale instantly, and he didn't know whether it was fright or anger that had him like this.

Ye Fan's face was full of surprise, he didn't expect the Nalong Gang to have such a lively character. He had only looked away for a moment and this fellow had already started causing trouble again. Just as he was about to speak up and stop him, a sharp shout rang out, surprisingly coming from Wang Nan!

"Good! Damn it, I've decided to quit!" Wang Nan gritted his teeth, refusing to live such a pathetic life anymore.

Yu Fei was overjoyed when she heard this. Ye Fan was also very surprised after hearing it. Is that possible

Huang Ama patted Wang Nannan on the shoulder and said, "Brother, if you ever want to chop someone up in the future, just find me, and from now on, I'll protect you!"

He spoke so confidently, he had completely forgotten that Ye Fan was right there beside him.

This Huang Ah Mao is quite a talent, isn't he Maybe I should put him to good use.

"However, I want to confirm one last thing. I'm willing to come back, but that doesn't mean I'll join your Mandarin company. Right now, all I want is to take that person down and get my Xiaoli back. So, I need to ask, what is the scale of your Mandarin company like What is the registered capital"

Yufei's face instantly turned the color of soy sauce. Her own little company was completely useless! If she told Wang Nan about it, would it even attract his attention Could it help him get revenge

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Now Yu Fei's company is no longer called Huayu. We have established a new company, called Extraordinary International Entertainment Company. It is under the Extraordinary Group, with a registered capital of 100 million yuan. How about that"

Ye Fan smiled and gave Yu Fei a look. When he saw Wang Nan joining, he thought of a link he hadn't figured out before. He had wanted to help Fei and get her to the next level before, but he lacked good business talents and creative ideas. Now that Wang Nan was here, he had new ideas in mind.

Wang Nan thought for a moment, that person who snatched Xiao Li seemed to be from Honghe Entertainment Company. The registered capital was about one hundred million yuan. It seemed that he still had a chance on his side.

Seeing his eagerness, Ye Fan gave him two reassurance pills, "After you join the Extraordinary Company, I'll give you a vice president position and 10% of the company's shares. What do you think"

And Ye Fan proclaimed himself chairman, Yu Fei became the general manager, and Wang Nan was appointed as vice-president. He didn't want much money; if he ran out, he'd just take some from the company. The rest, he decided to leave entirely to Yu Fei.

Wang Nan's heart skipped a beat. Don't underestimate ten percent of the stake water, registered capital of one hundred million, that year wouldn't it be ten million Even if the profit wasn't that much, this is fixed assets. That means he had suddenly gained ten million in assets out of thin air!

Wang Nan immediately declared, “Alright, I’m willing to join Extraordinary Company. I believe that through our joint efforts, Extraordinary Company will surely grow rapidly!” Good fellow, he's a true professional. He was already immersed in the role-playing.

Huang Amo laughed gleefully, wasn't this a win-win situation He was also happy that he had done this for Master Fan, and in the future, he could boast to everyone in the gang that he had once fought side-by-side with Master Fan, hehe...

He was grinning cheekily, just about to turn around and go back, when Ye Fan suddenly grabbed him by the arm.

"Little Yellow Hair, what's so funny" Ye Fan said with a smile.

Huang Ahmao's face instantly turned ashen, and he cried out, "Master Fan, please spare me! I have an eighty-year-old mother, a three-year-old child, a wife, and six or seven concubines... They are all waiting for me..."

Ye Fan was depressed. Was he that scary Why was this yellow-haired kid so afraid of him every time

Ye Fan said angrily, "I'm just asking you if you're interested in coming to work for my new company as the head of security. Since you're so concerned about meeting your little lover, get lost."

Huang Amo was clearly taken aback. He really didn't expect to be noticed by Fan Ye, and even more so, to be offered the position of Department Head of Security for a large company He had just heard that Fei Fan Corporation was a registered capital of one hundred million!

How much would the Security Department head earn in a month That's way more than being a small-time thug in the Nanlong Gang, right Even though he was clinging to Ye Fan like a leech, nodding his head furiously and repeatedly saying "I'm willing, I'm willing," that expression... It gave Ye Fan goosebumps. It was as if he thought they were equals. "I'm willing" doesn't mean I want to!

After hastily giving them a few words, Ye Fan went back.

Yu Fei still had things to attend to at the company, so Ye Fan instructed Huang Amao to help send Yu Fei back first. Regarding the new company, Ye Fan said he would transfer the money to her card tomorrow and leave everything else to Yu Fei to handle. When Yu Fei heard that Ye Fan was going to give her 100 million yuan to start the new company, she was so moved that she couldn't even contain herself. In front of everyone, she gave Ye Fan a passionate kiss. Ye Fan seemed unfazed, but Huang Amao and Wang Nan were both taken aback.

As for Wang Nan, Ye Fan gave him some money and told him to find a hotel first, buy some clothes, and at least dress himself up properly before talking. He asked him to contact Yu Fei about company matters.

Now Yu Fei is Huang Mao's direct superior. This kid is indeed a former member of the underworld; his ability to change roles is astonishing. He calls Yu Fei "General Yu" all the time, making Ye Fan feel embarrassed. He finally understands that some people are born flatterers. They flatter so well that it feels incredibly comfortable. Huang Mao is clearly one such person. stammering at the sight of Ye Fan before him, "You... you...""Not bad, I'm the big boss you're talking about."After he finished speaking, Ye Fan put on a look of his own, withdrawing the appearance o...