<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 802 Not One Less


have various contingency plans in place. 。Under these circumstances, I'm afraid nobody can sleep well tonight, right In Ding Lei's home, Ding Lei and his sister had already watched the video and all...Waves of shock crashed over Fang Biao's heart. How did he know And if he knew, why didn't he eliminate me Why instead put on such a calm and composed act Could it be that he wasn't afraid of me

FANG Biao suddenly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Fan!

Ye Fan was still smoking haphazardly, as if he didn't care what anyone else did.

"Finish all the bullets in your hands and cooperate with me when I ask questions. This way, we won't waste everyone's time." Ye Fan was clearly impatient.

This person is really insane……

Fang Biao snarled, "Friend, even if you possess the legendary mysterious dark energy, it won't stop bullets! You're too arrogant!"

"Don't waste your time talking. Just try it and you'll know," Ye Fan said with a smile.

Fang Biao's heart hardened. Since you want to die, I'll grant you your wish!


Fang Biao pulled the trigger on his machine gun!

But, the bullet filled with his expectations still let him down. After this shot, Ye Fan was surprisingly unharmed and still sitting there!

"No!" Fang Biao cried out in terror, he couldn't possibly be faster than a bullet! How was this possible!

Soon, Ye Fan gave his answer. He held a bullet between his hands and gestured with them, pointing to his thumb and firing it out silently!

Fang Biao closed his eyes. He no longer had the will to fight, his life and death were at stake. Legend has it that there is a martial art called "彈指神通" (Danzhi Shen Tong), and it is said that when practiced to a high level, one can use stones as weapons and catch flying knives or even bullets. He didn't believe it before, but...

Even bullets couldn't defeat him, Fang Biao didn't know what other means he could use to kill him.

Just give up...

But he waited for a while, and he didn't feel the bullet hit him. He opened his eyes in confusion, but saw that there was a dent on the wall beside him at some point, and inside the dent was a bullet!

As it turns out, the man across from him didn't intend to take his life, otherwise he wouldn't have left him alive until now!

"Brother Biao, can we cooperate properly now" Ye Fan said with a smile.

At this moment, when Ye Fan uttered these words, Fang Biao felt a sense of unease all over. He felt that the man was mocking him, but he couldn't retaliate because he simply didn't have the ability to do so.

Fang Biao swallowed a mouthful of Lu water with difficulty and said, “Our gang is called the Green Robe Society. We moved here from Hangzhou two months ago and are currently fighting the Nánlóng Gang for territory.”

"Qingyi She, is that right Who's your leader Where are you all from"

"Our president is named He Tiesheng, he wields a blood-red Asura sickle. Even though you are a scientist, you still wouldn't be our president's opponent!"

"He Tiesheng The Asura Sickle What's the relationship between the Asura Demon God and him" asked Ye Fan.

Fang Biao was obviously surprised that Fan Zhong could know about the Asura Demon God, "The Asura Demon God is our president's master. He got the Asura Sickle from the Asura Demon God."

“That explains it.” Ye Fan said calmly. If it was the Asura Demon God, it was indeed fiercer than he imagined. It wasn't that Ye Fan couldn't defeat this person, but it was rumored that this Asura Demon God specialized in cultivating unorthodox methods. Things like a girl’s menstrual blood and a child’s true body were all the Asura Demon God’s favorites. His evil arts, while his martial arts might not be exceptional, made many famous masters fall to him in battle because he had too many strange moves that were impossible to guard against. Facing someone like this was truly a headache.

Ye Fan also learned from Fang Biao that the fat man he had killed was named Yang Zhuang, He Tiesheng's cousin. He Tiesheng loved his cousin very much. If he knew Ye Fan had killed him, he definitely wouldn't let it go. He Tiesheng is currently holding a meeting at the Hangzhou headquarters.

When Ye Fan heard this, he was quite surprised. The black society these days was actually civilized enough to hold meetings. Fang Biao told him that their Qingyi Society wasn't a completely traditional black society. They also had legitimate businesses under their control, such as real estate, clothing, and transportation. Their chairman was the real head of the black society. It was under his leadership that the Qingyi Society was formed, and within just two months, they managed to establish themselves in Linhai City and carve out a space for themselves. Otherwise, they would have been wiped out by those from the Nanlong Gang long ago.

Of course, Ye Fan asked about this man's name. Unfortunately, Fang Biao said he had never met him. It seemed his name was Lu Dawei, and he was said to be the leader of the Hong Gang, a world-class criminal organization, in Hangzhou. Fang Biao didn't know anything else.

Ye Fan finally understood. He thought to himself, after going through all this, he ended up back where he started. He remembered that he had disciplined a man named Lu Wei in a coffee shop near the sea before. Later, Fatty got him arrested, but someone eventually bailed him out. He heard his brother's name was Lu Dawei, the boss of the Hangzhou Red Gang. Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be quite capable and started doing business, even setting up a black society company and causing trouble in Linhai. It seemed like Ye Fan needed to meet with this Lu Dawei. After all, if he gave his brother such a big gift, the older brother couldn't possibly not have a share.

In the midst of their conversation, Ye Fan had noticed Fang Biao glancing around nervously several times, as if keeping a watchful eye on the activity below. Ye Fan smiled knowingly and said, “Are you waiting for your brothers downstairs to come rescue you”

"No... No, there isn't..." Fangbiao tried his best to conceal.

"No need to wait, they're not coming." Ye Fan flicked the ash from his cigarette, "If nothing goes wrong, they should have been wiped out by Brother Biao's men."

Fang Biao hesitated and said, “Wh…what …Biao…Brother Biao Which Brother Biao”

"Of course it's Brother Long from the Southern Dragon Gang. Are there many Brothers Long in Linhai City Don't tell me you think I'm talking about Brother Long from the Green Robe Society"

When Ye Fan was waiting for these people, he had already called Liu Qin. Liu Qin was furious and said that Ye Fan was back, he was the boss in Linhai City, who dared to disrespect him Originally, Liu Qin wanted to personally lead all the brothers of Nanlong Gang to block the Qingyishe people, but Ye Fan told her not to make such a fuss, saying that her identity was too prominent and many people were investigating her every move. He asked her to wait in the gang first, and he would go find her after finishing things here. Liu Qin had no choice but to ask Qin Biao to lead the brothers of the gang to listen to Ye Fan's orders at any time. According to Ye Fan's instructions, Qin Biao secretly hid everyone in Xiaocangzi near the hospital. As long as the Qingyishe people came, they would immediately act. After so long, no matter how incompetent Qin Biao was, he should have had results by now.

Fang Biao was speechless, thinking to himself that it turned out the other party's backer was Qin Biao of the Nanlong Gang. No wonder he had been so fearless!

At that moment, a sudden flurry of footsteps echoed from behind. A group of people rushed towards them, their eyes fixed on Ye Fan from afar as they shouted, “All of them are accounted for, one hundred and eighty-seven, not one less!”

Fang Biao's heart was pounding. One hundred and eighty-seven of his brothers had all fallen into the water How many people must the other side have deployed lacked finesse. It was all about the degree, and it was really difficult to grasp.So grandpa asked him to cultivate himself, and he tried fishing, practicing calligraphy, and tasting tea. But wheneve...