<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 779: Earth Shattering


thought it was the effect of alcohol, after all, he had said before that he wouldn't drink.Everyone ate and chatted, occasionally glancing at Ye Fan. They found he was just blushing and eating quietly...Ye Qingcheng turned her head and saw it was a knife.

Wu Dayong was also angered, his face turned pale with fury. He was seething with rage, squeezing out a few words from between his teeth: "Don't regret it!"

I've seen arrogant people, but never this arrogant. Standing there waiting to be beaten Does he think he's invincible

Iron Bear sneered, "Our captain is afraid I'll kill you, so I'll stand here and let you hit me. You hit me three punches, and I'll hit you one. How about that You won't lose out, right"

Wu Dayong laughed angrily, “Good! First punch, watch out!”

Wu Dayong's punches were like the wind, he practiced Shaolin Fuh Tiger Fist, which emphasized large openings and closings, making it the best practice martial art for those with innate strength.

Wu Dayong was tall and strong, naturally powerful. This kind of boxing suited him perfectly, but his only flaw was that he wasn't very fast. The reason why he was easily defeated by Ye Qingcheng today was because Ye Qingcheng didn't engage him head-on. After dodging his punch, she took advantage of his inability to turn around in time and punched him back, leading to his defeat.

Now that this Iron Bear was down, he actually stood there motionless, acting as a live target for himself. This perfectly compensated for his lack of speed. Wu Dayong's punch was full of power, carrying a ferocious force like a gust of wind. Coupled with the fact that he was striking out of anger, no one doubted that this punch would leave a hole in Iron Bear's body when it landed.

However, to most people's astonishment, Wu Dayong's punch, which he was sure to land, struck Tie Xiong's chest with a solid thud. But it sounded like hitting an iron wall. Tie Xiong was punched, but he still stood there steadily, not even taking a step back, his face still sporting a cold smile, showing no sign of pain whatsoever. On the other hand, Wu Dayong's face showed astonishment, while his hands were already trembling slightly. The joints of his fist had actually fractured in two!

Wu Dayong's heart was filled with terror. His body... why... Suddenly, he remembered a rumor from his time in Longya. It was said that Tie Xiong, the deputy captain of the Ninth Squad, practiced the Iron Cloth Shirt technique. He was impervious to blades and bullets; even Captain He's flying knife skills couldn't penetrate his throat!

To such claims, Wu Dayong scoffed. After all, it sounded exaggerated. One must remember that the throat is the most vulnerable part of the human body. Even if he had trained in iron cloth shirt technique, how could he possibly arm his throat

Therefore, Wu Dayong didn't take Tie Xiong seriously in his heart. He studied hard and practiced diligently, swearing to avenge the deputy squad leader.

But today, this punch truly shocked him. The rumors were true after all!

"Is your finger joint okay Maybe you should go to the hospital to get it bandaged first" Tie Xiong's eyes were sharp, he had seen the difference in Wu Dayong's finger joints a long time ago, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

“Stop talking! Take my second punch!” Wu Dayong was furious. Even if you've practiced Iron Cloth Shirt, what does it matter My Tiger Roaring Fist has already reached 70% of its power, capable of splitting mountains and rocks. I don't believe it can't break through your Iron Cloth Shirt!

"Bang!" With another punch, Wu Dayong doubled his speed and strength from the previous one. However, even with this effort, he couldn't inflict a single speck of damage on Tie Xiong.

How could this be… Wu Dayong was panting like an ox, sweating profusely. He had used all his strength, but why…

"Kid, don't say I didn't give you a chance. If you scram now, you might still make it out alive. Otherwise, when my fists start flying... hmph!" Tie Xiong put on an air of magnanimity. If Wu Dayong backed down now, the Dragon Tooth gang would look too pathetic. Word getting back to the Ninth Squadron members would surely boost their morale.

"Give up Admit defeat" Wu Dayong glared angrily at Tie Xiong. Suddenly, he saw a cold figure standing behind Tie Xiong - it was the Captain!

Long Nu stared coldly at the battle on the field. She had just gone to park her car and upon returning, realized something was amiss. Rushing over, she witnessed this scene.

The Ninth Corps were simply too much! A nameless fury surged into her chest, making her knuckles crack as she clenched her fists.

When Yan Wujie saw the Dragon Girl, he was initially delighted and wanted to go up and talk to her. However, sensing the killing intent emanating from her entire body, he stopped and a contemplative expression appeared on his face. Today, with the Dragon Girl present, it seemed he couldn't be too ruthless...

Ye Qingcheng stepped forward, his tiger eyes fixed on the changes in the arena. Once something happened, he was ready to intervene at any time.

The fat man didn't know when he had already put a cigar in his mouth and started taking large puffs.

Today is his big day, and these people dare to crash the party How bold of them!

Ye Fan kept smoking incessantly. Today, Yan Wuxue had obviously incurred the wrath of many. Why was he so brazen to come and cause trouble Since he dared to come, then Ye Fan would accompany him to play properly. He wouldn't be leaving today.

I didn't expect to settle the score with him so early... Ye Fan's eyes gradually darkened with killing intent.

"Absolutely not! To make him admit defeat is like killing him!" Wu Dayin roared, starting to run wildly across the floor, his speed increasing with every stride. Faster and faster he went until all that remained was a blur of motion.

Even Tie Xiong, who was present, showed a look of astonishment.

What's wrong with Wu Dayong Did he go crazy

Only when Wu Dayong was in high-speed motion did he know what he wanted to do. A hint of sneer flashed in his heart. When he was learning martial arts, his Shaolin master once told him that when his Hu Fu Quan reached its peak, even a copper plate could smash a hole!

His current skill level can only exert about 70% of his power. To improve his punching power, he could never do it himself, so he has to borrow strength!

His biggest weakness is that his moves are relatively slow. Right now, all he's doing is a warm-up run. In an official competition, he wouldn't have the opportunity to use this move. But this Iron Bear is just asking for it, standing there and hitting himself! Fate has given me a perfect opportunity, so I won't be polite!

Wu Dayong had reason to believe that after the acceleration, he could achieve his master's so-called 100% strength. This final strike aimed to knock down Tie Xiong with one punch!

When he reached the tenth round, Wu Dayong shouted loudly, "Watch this punch!" Suddenly, Wu Dayong revealed his true form and leaped in front of Tie Xiong. He punched straight at Tie Xiong's chest!

This punch, heavy and powerful, shattered the heavens and shook the earth!

Tie Xiong didn't even see how Wu Dayong made his move. He already felt the fist landing on his chest. He only had time to take a breath before being struck in the chest by that punch!

Tiefeng retreated seven steps in a row, only then barely managing to steady himself. things are far more complicated than they appear. 。"Ye Fan, it's really from the Ye family," Ding Ran said. 。However, before she could finish her sentence, Fatty rudely interrupted her: "Little girl,...