<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 767: No Chance


ly defeat anyone in the world, how many brothers are there in the Nanyong Gang Can he kill one person, ten people Can he kill a hundred people Can he beat thousands of people What awaits him thenEspec...Ye Fan almost dropped the teacup in his hand. What do you mean by "fighting fair" You're acting like a ten-year-old! How old am I Am I also fighting fair

What a shame Why are you coming to me to save face after losing to the old man Go find him!

If I had known you were looking for a fight, I would have stayed far away. Back then, I could hold my own against the old man, but in the end, I lost because my heart wasn't as strong. Could that person be any worse Plus, Ye Fan has seen Ye Benkong's swordsmanship. That sword was perfect, and even with his keen eyesight, he couldn't find a single flaw. If he had faced it, he would have only been able to dodge. He wouldn't stand a chance if he couldn't dodge. It's just one sword!

Ye Fan shook his head and said, "Grandpa, I can't beat you. You're too fast! I'm not your opponent. I think it's best to just give up"

Ye Ben stared into Ye Fan's eyes and said, "I don't think so. You have received the true teachings of Ye Wudao, you will only be stronger than him, never weaker. You are young now, at your peak physical strength. Moreover, can a God of War ever remain unchallenged"

"You know that too" Ye Fan looked at Ye Benkong with some fear. How did he know he was the War God

Yan Wuque paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, deeply moved by his grandfather's words. The transition of power had just begun, and at this crucial juncture, stability reigned supreme. The Ye family couldn't act rashly for now.

They have been meticulously planning this for years, determined to control this election with an iron fist. They believe that in a few days, there will be a result. If nothing unexpected happens, the Yan family will be the biggest beneficiary this time.

The Ye family Humph, then I won't have to be so cautious anymore.

As for the Ye Family's Twin Swords, Yan Wuxie didn't really care. It was something from decades ago; who would remember But since his grandfather praised them so highly, there must be something special about them. If he wanted to deal with the Ye Family, it seemed he couldn't directly confront them head-on. Although he was confident he could defeat the Ye Family, what other secrets were hidden besides the Twin Swords No one knew.

To be safe, Yan Wuque decided to use a roundabout strategy. The current Ye family is like a tiger without teeth, with only claws left to harm people. To deal with this tiger, just remove its claws first. Then, no matter how powerful this tiger is, it will just be a paper tiger...

Who is the Ye family's pawn It's obvious that the Chen family has always served as the Ye family's henchmen. As the number one family in the north, the Chen family's status even rivals that of the Yan and Ye families. However, they show little interest in internal affairs and have remained inactive these years. Within the system, only Chen Ming entered the unimportant position of the Party Committee, and there is also that fat man, Chen Yu, who repeatedly clashes with me. The Sun and Xia families were directly eliminated by him and Ye Fan, which has always been a pain for Yan Wuque.

The Chen family, must be struck!

Yan Wuque clenched his fists, but how could he strike He needed an opportunity...

"Grandfather Kong, you're very strong. I yield." Ye Fan said with a smile.

He was indeed defeated. Throughout his career, besides the old master, Ye Benkong was the first person to make him suffer a heavy loss in a direct confrontation. He lost with admiration.

Ye Fan didn't expect that the move the old man taught Ye Benkong was actually the Shadow Fist. When Ye Benkong used it, he was completely dumbfounded because his Shadow Fist, even he couldn't catch his own shadow. That meant he had reached the level of Double Shadow Fist, or even higher!

But this was not the reason Ye Fan failed. Ye Fan could also use the Double Shadow Head, it can only be said that in this extremely fast collision, neither of them had any advantage.

But Ye Benkong's sword was simply too fast. Ye Fan used his Ten-Fold Cloud Fist, bringing up a flurry of punches, but they were shattered by Ye Benkong's sword qi which went straight through and attacked Ye Fan's face directly!

Ye Fan was greatly surprised. You see, the fist strength his Paoyun Fist carried could kill an elephant, and ordinary blades absolutely couldn't pierce through his fist wind, but Ye Benkong had done it. The sword broke through layer after layer of fist wind, its speed unabated, heading straight for Ye Fan's throat!

At this critical juncture, Ye Fan's two fingers moved in unison, unleashing the power of his Zidian Shenghong technique. He grasped a single point within the layers of phantom images, which was precisely the sword's blade!

Ye Benkong's sword stopped half an inch from Ye Fan's throat, while Ye Fan's hands, like iron hooks, firmly gripped the blade, preventing it from advancing another fraction.

This competition was very short, only a tea's worth of time, but the outcome was decided. However, the danger level was unprecedented in Ye Fan's career, not inferior to his life-and-death battle with Yan Wuque that day!

Ye Ben shook his head and said, “You haven’t lost. I’ve already used the重重幻影斬 (heavy phantom slash), and you were still able to hold my sword, making it difficult for me to advance even a fraction. I couldn’t hurt you.”

But I've already used ten percent of my strength with both fingers, yet you haven't exerted your full power." Ye Fan still smiled at Ye Benkong, knowing that if Ye Benkong had unleashed his full strength, the tip of his sword would have gone in another half inch. At that point, Ye Fan would have no choice but to retreat. Once he was backed into a corner, the tip of the sword could easily pierce his throat!

Ye Benkong suddenly retracted his sword, but his face was filled with infinite regret. He turned his head, as if addressing the air, and slowly said: "But I have already used my Lei Gou, your Qiu Feng Luo Ye sweep has never been unsheathed."

Within the words, there was an incomparable chill and desolation.

Ye Fan's lips moved, but he didn't know what to say. Ye Benkong was right, his Lei Gou Jian was indeed as fast as lightning and powerful like thunder. But if Ye Fan used his soft sword Qiu Ji Luoye to sweep the leaves, it would be difficult to say who would win or lose between the two.

But if both divine weapons are unsheathed, it will inevitably be a life-or-death situation. The old man said that the autumn wind sweeping leaves must never be unsheathed lightly. Whenever it is unsheathed, blood will surely be spilled!

Because, it's just too sharp! Back when the Bloodthirsty Lion King wielded that pair of gauntlets forged from the legendary Eternal Dark Iron, they were still easily shattered in two by Autumn Wind Falling Leaves Auntie. She literally tore through both the gauntlets and the man wearing them.

Ye Fan couldn't fully control the power of Qiu Feng Luo Ye Sao yet. Once he used it, he would give it his all, otherwise, he wouldn't achieve the desired effect. Therefore, Ye Fan was reluctant to use Qiu Feng Luo Ye Sao against Ye Ben Kong.

Actually, Ye Fan didn't know that back then, Ye Benkong had lost to Ye Wudao by just one move. And the last move was when Ye Wudao drew out Dongfeng Falling Leaves Sweep, breaking the sword Ye Benkong was using at the time, which is why he won.

And that sword strike also left a long gash on Ye Benkong's chest from his left shoulder to his chest. It was because Ye Wudao withdrew his hand in time, otherwise, after breaking through Ye Benkong's sword, the Dongfeng Luoye sweeping would have definitely split Ye Benkong in half!

From then on, Ye Benkong began searching for high-quality steel materials everywhere, putting in a lot of effort to forge a new sword called Lei Gou. He hoped it could block Ye Wudao's sword!

He simply doesn't have the chance now. Ye Wudao can't return to Ye Kong, and he wouldn't go fight Ye Wudao either.

Ye Fan was unaware of all this. Watching the old man's receding figure, he didn't know what to say for a moment. a deep look at Zhao Heping, then said in a low voice: "What's the matter that requires such a big show of force" Although He Jianhou's tone wasn't harsh, Zhao Heping could hear that he was angry, and...