<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 707: Go Talk to Her


e underground factory in a hurry. 。In the dragon's hand, he was carrying Aoki Onodera. However, Aoki Onodera seemed to have suffered severe torture; the muscles on his right hand were gone, leaving on...Murong Lin suddenly remembered something, took a file on the table, and handed it to Ye Fan, saying: "The pathological data about Silly Girl is out. Since she was admitted to the hospital, we have done various examinations and analyses, but the results are very strange. The examination results prove that all her data is normal!"

"What does that mean" Ye Fan asked puzzled.

"Pathologically speaking, she's not sick at all!" Murong Lin stated seriously.

"No illness How is that possible! We went to every major hospital, and they all said her intelligence is only at the level of a four-year-old, that she's an intellectually disabled child, and you're telling me she's fine" Ye Fan was about to swear. If he hadn't known Murong Lin for so long, he would have called him a quack doctor right then and there.

"Young man, don't get excited. Just hear me out. I called you because I considered her special circumstances." Murong Lin took out another document and handed it to Ye Fan.

"What is this" Ye Fan asked in confusion. Why couldn't this old guy just say it directly What was with all the mystery

"This is this year's research paper on annual meningomyelography. Take a look first, hehe." Murong Lin smiled seductively.

"Meningioplasty Isn't that your daughter's latest research findings What are you showing me this for"

"This… hehe…"

"Dean, just get to the point."

"Murong Lin said somewhat awkwardly, "We've done all kinds of food analyses, but unfortunately, we haven't found the real cause of Silly Girl's illness. We initially suspect that she had a high fever when she was four years old, which might have damaged her brain. However, there is no evidence. You see, finding the true cause of this kind of disease is very important, otherwise, treating it randomly could lead to serious problems in her future life. I hope you understand what I mean"

Ye Fan shook his head. This old man spoke in circles, who could understand what he was trying to say.

“So, I’ll be blunt with you. Up until now, we all agreed that only this brain-implant grafting method would be suitable for [Dumb Girl's Name]'s situation. We could try treating her using the methods mentioned in my daughter’s research paper, so we need your consent.”

That's right. Ye Fan suddenly realized that Silly Girl's illness was notoriously difficult to treat. The old man had taken her all over the country to see doctors, but they all returned empty-handed. He didn't have much hope this time either; he just wanted to see if there were any significant developments in the field of medicine these days.

"What kind of effects will this dural grafting have on Silly Girl's body" Ye Fan asked.

"Rest assured about this. I guarantee you, even if the dural graft isn't successful, there will be absolutely no side effects!" Murong Lin patted his chest confidently.

"Oh, alright then. Since there's no risk, you guys just handle the leak, I definitely support that." Ye Fan said, he didn't expect this old dean to be so responsible, to find him to personally report on the patient's condition and treatment plan.

After a long hesitation, Murong Lin twisted and turned for quite a while before finally saying with utmost embarrassment: "This... I'm afraid... you have to talk to Xue yourself..."

Ye Fan didn't react for a moment, puzzled and asked, "Why should I go talk to her"

Because only she knows this dural graft technique...

"Then why don't your hospital doctors have a consultation and solve it together"

Murong Lin's old face flushed red, and he said embarrassedly: "At first, A Xue proposed that she would treat Silly Girl. I didn't agree. At the time, I spoke too harshly. Now, if there is anything Sun needs, she wants to handle it... "

Finally, Murong Lin said the most embarrassing thing. His daughter's temper was simply as turbulent as his own, stubborn like an ox, impossible to pull back. Back then, he had thumped his chest and promised never to let her interfere with his bath. Now that a difficulty arose, Murong Lin couldn't handle it at all. He wouldn't be able to show any face to his daughter either. And Murong Xue wouldn't lend a hand, so, he had no choice but to call Ye Fan.

Ye Fan listened for a long time before he finally understood. He was furious inside. This old geezer was incompetent and only good at causing trouble. He had caused such a huge mess, but couldn't clean it up himself, so he came to me, the patient's family member. This black-hearted hospital is too irresponsible!

If Ye Fan were to ask, he would be too lazy. He was already speechless towards Murong Lin. Even if he blamed him again and again, it wouldn't help. The most important thing now was to find Murong Xue and quickly resolve the matter.

After finding out where Murong Xue's office was, Ye Fan went to find her with the documents in hand.

Looking at the long queue in front of him, Ye Fan felt a sense of helplessness. China had a large population, and Beijing, as the capital city, had the best medical facilities. As a result, it attracted the most patients, leading to queues stretching out every day before dawn. Sometimes, the lines were so long that one couldn't see the end, which could frighten people from other regions half to death.

In contrast, other second- and third-tier city hospitals are much quieter. Sometimes, you can't even see a person in the waiting area, with empty wards and doctors who seem to have vanished. This leads to a situation where large hospitals in major cities like Huaxia Nation are overcrowded every day with patients, constantly seeing an influx of people from other regions who cannot get appointments or see doctors. Meanwhile, smaller hospitals remain deserted, resulting in an extreme overload of medical resources in big hospitals and a complete waste of resources in small ones.

This is the national situation, a result of historical reasons. Ye Fan knew this and that it couldn't be changed by him alone, so he had no choice but to hang up his sign and line up obediently.

For the sake of his sweetheart, he had no regrets.

However, after painfully queuing for an hour, Ye Fan sadly discovered that all appointments for the day had been filled. He was terrified looking at the long queue behind him. There were no tickets left today, so what were these people queuing for

Then he turned his head and asked an old man beside him, "Grandpa, all the numbers for today have been hung up. How come there are still so many people lining up"

That old man looked at the white paper and Ye Fan, “Young man, are you from out of town Dr. Murong Xue is a great doctor! She’s young and accomplished, even winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine. We’re all here because of her brain grafting technique! Don’t bother visiting other hospitals like Vladivostok. Even if those appointments are gone tomorrow or the day after, we’d still queue up, and we’d wait for her to treat our children!”

The old man spoke with great passion. The people around him nodded, their eyes resolute and their spirits determined.

Ye Fan was taken aback. In that case, not only would today's number be gone, but tomorrow's and the day after tomorrow's numbers might also be gone At this rate, who knows when he'd even be able to get his turn!

He slapped his forehead, wondering how he could be so foolish Didn't he have Murong Xue's phone number Why didn't he just go find her directly

Then he quickly found a secluded place, dialed Murong Xue's number, and briefly explained the situation. Murong Xue said that she was in surgery right now and asked him to go to her house after work.

This is the key to getting things done! Ye Fan mused. Tie Xiong in battle and defeat him head-on is their captain.Just for that, it's worth Iron Bear's admiration.The moment Tie Xiong stepped out of the military vehicle, his face instantly fell. He had...