<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 636 Change


Ye Fan also had a strange smile.He Liang dazedly caught the flying knife that flew back. He had already mastered these two flying knives to perfection, but he was helpless against things beyond his comprehension.

"Oh, there he is! There he actually is!" someone exclaimed loudly.

At this moment, He Liang suddenly felt a flower in front of his eyes, and then he saw a shadow, the shadow slowly overlapping, it was Ye Fan!

Ye Fan just stood smiling before him, that smile was so terrifying, like a scythe wielded by the Grim Reaper!

"Residual, Residual Image Fist"! He Liang was terrified and unconsciously took a step back.

At this moment, his heart was churning like a stormy sea. The Phantom Fist was indeed the legendary divine skill, for its speed was so astonishing that it created an illusion of afterimages. And those who could wield the Phantom Fist, let alone their throwing knives, would likely make even bullets miss their target!

And he, He Liang, actually wanted to duel with such a person... He Liang's face was ashen, but he quickly made a decision. He silently retracted his throwing knives, carefully probing them, and gently put them back into his military boots. Then he said, "I lose." His tone had become calm.

Oh To be able to elevate one's state of mind during a fight It seems that this battle wasn't entirely without benefit for He Liang. And the fact that he can now face victory and defeat with such calmness indicates that he has completely transcended his previous realm.

“You’re very strong,” Ye Fan said sincerely. “You’re the first person to force me to use Shadow Fist.” After Ye Fan finished speaking, he strode away.

He Liang watched Ye Fan turn and walk away from him, his heart was filled with mixed emotions. As a warrior, he admired those stronger than himself, but as a man, he couldn't allow the woman he loved to be taken by another, even if you had once defeated me!

From this point on, He Liang's heart was filled with a firm belief: to defeat Ye Fan! He wanted to climb toward even greater heights!

"Enough" Dragon Girl's face remained impassive, as if she didn't care who won. From the beginning, the outcome had been predetermined; she didn't need to consider it, simply waiting patiently. It was just that a ripple stirred within her. If she were in that situation just now, could she have blocked He Liang's killing move

"The dragon girl really values that person, doesn't she" The fat man watched the dragon girl's departing figure, thoughtfully.

"He was indeed a great player. Back then, if I had met him, I'm not sure I could have beaten him."

"When did you become so humble" Fatty looked at Ye Fan as if he were a monster.

"How about I bet you, with your current skills, you won't be able to take him down in a very short time"

"Forget it, I still prefer my chicken leg." The fat man said as he pulled out another chicken leg and put it in his mouth, quickly catching up with the Dragon Girl.

Longya Base, inside a detached small courtyard.

The room was very large, about 200 square meters. Under a huge floor-to-ceiling window, it was filled with various flowers. At this moment, a pure white peonies bloomed quietly, just like its owner, living a vibrant life but not allowing anyone to intrude into her own territory.

The lake water outside the window shimmered with ripples, giving a refreshing feeling. In this bustling city, working in such a tranquil place is like her owner's usual style.

At this moment, the three people stood silently by the floor-to-ceiling window, gazing at the spring water. None of them spoke.

One of them, although silent, never stopped moving his mouth. He ate chicken legs one by one with gusto, clearly oblivious to his lack of decorum. The other two seemed accustomed to it, enduring the sounds he made while eating despite how unbearable they were.

After a long silence, Ye Fan finally spoke, "It's been three years. Are you still angry with me"

Upon hearing this, the Dragon Girl bit her lip and gazed dreamily into the distance. Far away lay a winding road, but where would her own path lead

The fat man stopped gnawing on his chicken leg after hearing Ye Fan's words.

"I have no right to blame you because what you did was right." The incident three years ago, like a dream, often replayed in the dragon girl's dreams. If it weren't for the dragon head's unexpected death, the dragon girl who deeply loved Ye Fan would have stood by Ye Fan's side without hesitation. But...

The Dragon Girl closed her eyes, her heart was in turmoil. After so many years, she opened her heart for the first time, but it was filled with bitterness. On one side was the person who raised her and taught her, on the other was the person she loved. She felt that these years had been really difficult. Tears finally welled up and spilled out, but the Dragon Girl didn't wipe them away, letting the tears run down her face.

Ye Fan looked at his female companion with compassion, reaching out to wipe away her tears. But Long Nü stopped him, so Ye Fan had to retract his hand and awkwardly smiled. The Fatty passed over a tissue, "Here you go, there's still the taste of chicken legs on it, it smells delicious!"

Long Nu gave him a withering glance, then took out a tissue from her bag and quickly tidied her appearance. She said calmly, "I'm fine, you can go ahead."

"Actually, the Dragon Head's death wasn't an accident..." Ye Fan looked at the Dragon Girl, hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

The kerchief in the Dragon Woman's hand suddenly fell to the ground. She was incredibly shocked, "How is this possible The organization didn't say that the Dragon Head mission failed and died accidentally..."

“An organization” Ye Fan sneered. “When we joined Longya, we swore allegiance to the country's flag, pledging obedience to organizational arrangements and prioritizing the organization’s interests. But when we hindered the organization’s interests, it would ruthlessly abandon us!”

Ye Fan thought again of the events in South Africa years ago, his mood suddenly surged with excitement, and his voice unconsciously grew louder. Fatty frowned, wanting to say something, but his lips moved and finally said nothing. He lit a cigar and took large puffs.

The dragon girl trembled slightly, she looked at Ye Fan as if he were a stranger. The Ye Fan she knew had changed, the Dragontooth Warrior who was once praised by the organization three years ago had changed. What had made him like this

"Ye Fan, no matter what, the organization will not abandon us." Touched by Ye Fan's emotions, Long Nu calmed down instead.

"Is that so" Ye Fan was filled with self-deprecating laughter, "Three years ago, I was just like you, I wouldn't believe even in my dreams that our organization, which we were born and died for, would actually abandon us. Do you still remember the mission in South Africa before the Third Disclosure"

“That mission could have been completed smoothly, but the organization sent another Dragon Tooth member to deliver a message to the tribal leader at the time, exposing our plan prematurely. As a result, our CIA agent in South Africa, Ren Zhihua, was captured. However, the organization arranged for Ren Zhihua to die with his comrades. He gave everything to the organization, but at the most critical moment, the organization asked him to sacrifice himself. Do you think an organization like this is worth supporting”

"So I fought back with all my might, killed the tribal leader, and rescued Ren Zhihua. This went against the organization's intentions, so they abandoned me. But Dragon Girl, do you know Actually, this whole thing was a setup by the organization!" such an intimate gesture with a stranger. Could it be that what Ye Fan just said was true"You," Dong XiaoXiao, were flushed with anger by Ye Fan's words, but she couldn't find a single word to refute...