<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 537 Some Clues


e place, the white fluid secreted by it made her bite her lips tightly and reached into her own private place, using her index finger to probe the secret hole. 。But after all, she didn't dare to inse...Having received a lot of clues from Ren Zhihua, Ye Fan already had some ideas. 。And now, surprisingly, I received such important information from Cuenca here. 。Even, breakthroughs can be found. 。It seems like this trip to South Africa was really the right choice. 。Not only did I meet the Dragon Girl, but the investigation also finally made a breakthrough. 。Kunka seemed to be thinking, and after a few seconds she shook her head and said, "About three years. I haven't seen this person " 。"Having said that, he turned his head back to Ye Fan and asked in a low voice, "That's right, if you were a member of Longya, you should know him, right" 。I wonder if this person is still alive. 。Kunka could probably guess that Ye Fan was a member of the Dragon Teeth based on his various performances. 。But he didn't connect Ye Fan with the execution of Kakasa. 。In his view, how could someone who could behead Kakasa be so young After thinking for a moment, Ye Fan spoke: “General Kunka is right, I am indeed from Longya” 。However, the Dragon Teeth are divided into several different groups, each with their own specialized roles. 。I really don't know about that. 。Since Kunka could guess Ye Fan came from Longya, it must have been through investigation. 。If one were to intentionally conceal this information now, it might raise Kunta's suspicions. 。With such a strong sense of caution, how could he possibly tolerate even the slightest falsehood Especially since he was already convinced of something. 。Besides, even if Kunka knew that Ye Fan was from Longya, it wouldn't matter. 。On the contrary, it would increase the probability of cooperation and trust. 。As long as Kunka doesn't know that Ye Fan was the executor who killed Karkas back then. 。Upon hearing Ye Fan's words, Kunka was slightly disappointed. 。"Probably dead He was always in touch with me, then just disappeared out of the blue." 。I think he probably knows too much. 。Kunka enjoyed the refreshing spray from the Lionhead's mouth, faintly remarking, 。"What's his last name Maybe when I go back, I can ask." 。Ye Fan pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and asked. 。Now is not the time to show anything. 。

Even Kunka doesn't know his true identity, so asking him like this won't make him suspicious.

As expected, Kunka didn't suspect him. The key was that he didn't know Ye Fan was the one who carried out the beheading operation, and he didn't know what had really happened back then. 。At this moment, upon being asked by Ye Fan, he pondered for a long time before speaking: “I think his name was Xiao Jie.” 。 “ Oh 。Ye Fan nodded, firmly recording this name in his heart. 。He was also searching his mind for information about Xiao Jie, but he couldn't find any clues. 。This person is not from the Dragon's Fang at all. 。or, it's a person from the Dragon's Tooth gang using an alias. 。At this time, Kunka didn't seem to have any interest in the dragon tooth anymore. He had only mentioned it casually just now to confirm Ye Fan's true identity and see if he would lie. 。However, Ye Fan's performance still made him very satisfied. 。"By the way, I'm very interested in your casino." 。"At this point, Kunka suddenly changed the subject and said, “If I gave you all my money to manage every year, how much could I benefit I hear that casinos are very profitable now." 。" This creature… No matter what, it always puts its own private interests first. 。Ye Fan sighed inwardly, but a slight smile appeared on his face: "General Kunka, what do you think " 。"If you entrust me with managing your returns every year, what kind of return would you hope for" "We've already discussed this..." 。Kunkka mumbled, “You own forty percent of the diamond mine.” 。Then you'll give me half of the profits every year, which would be twenty million! But what I'm asking now is, if I gave you another twenty million to manage... 。

Then that money should still appreciate in value, right

Damn it!

This is blackmail!

You know, that forty percent of the diamond mine's profits, if it were in Kunka's hands, would only be worth six million dollars! And half his share would only be three million!! If he sold the diamonds to those smugglers, it would only be worth that much! But this time, the organization's terms are to give him twenty million dollars every year

Such a price has already increased sevenfold! It's appreciated a lot... He even wants more

But this guy is clearly asking for an unreasonable amount. In this situation, he obviously knows some things and is definitely looking to him for something.

Even if it was extortion, Ye Fan could only deal with it cautiously. 。Having obtained the information he wanted, Ye Fan was already very satisfied. 。But helping Lin Bing with her tasks, I can't mess it up. 。Besides, this incident likely has a great deal to do with what happened back then, so I must continue to maneuver around him and obtain more useful information. 。Moreover, Ye Fan also saw that the Kunka guy seemed to be unconcerned with his army or his country's gains. 。He only cares about his personal overseas assets—perhaps he realizes in his heart that his days are numbered, that he will eventually collapse and flee. 。"I have a good idea" 。Ye Fan was considering how to reply when suddenly his heart moved, and he had an idea. 。"En What idea, come and have a look" 。“Kunka looked at Ye Fan a little unexpectedly and asked,” 。"That's it..." Ye Fan organized his words slightly, then continued, "As you know, casinos nowadays all require strong backgrounds..." 。Otherwise, you will often be harassed. 。I think if the people who are causing trouble could just tone it down a bit, then both casinos would make more money. 。Kunka looked at Ye Fan several times, then suddenly laughed: “You’re looking for mercenaries No no no… I can see that you are a good warrior” 。And you, the organization known as Ryu-u, are the most terrifying in this world. 。Probably, no one would dare to bother you. 。" Ye Fan knew he would say that, and had been prepared for it. 。He immediately spoke, "You're here too. Dragon Fang belongs to an official organization. Unless there are special missions, Dragon Fang wouldn't usually be involved. Something like watching a casino is a bit out of place for them. It wouldn't be allowed above..." 。Moreover, the Dragon Fang is not publicly disclosed. 。and also open a casino, identity must also be kept confidential 。"So, I was hoping you could help me out with this problem" Kunka's face changed slightly, but he still asked, "How do you want me to solve it" "You have so many soldiers under your command, don't you" Ye Fan smiled. 。As soon as he heard the sensitive word "army," Kunka's eyes suddenly turned sharp when looking at Ye Fan: "Are you thinking of taking over my army" Damn, this guy is sensitive even under the barrel of a gun. 。 “No, you misunderstood” 。Ye Fan smiled faintly and waved his hand, saying: "How could I possibly target your army" 。Ideas, I could still find a way to provide some necessary weapons and equipment. 。Enhance your abilities. 。Make your opponents fear you, thereby solidifying your power. 。"Kuan stared intently at Ye Fan, his body sitting straight up, one hand still resting on the lion's head. " 。At the same time, his eyes flickered, constantly scanning Ye Fan. 。>e fixed only on the enemy, and all they could hear was the howling wind. Where could they possibly hear He Jianhou's shoutHe Jianhou called out twice, but the two people still didn't stop. They seemed...