<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 520: The Investigation Trip


nd, do you think I'd still be in Linhai Back then, when your Nanyong Gang tried to assassinate me in secret, I would have already had people take care of you. 。"But" Ye Fan's explanation made Liu Qin...Who should she ask to have a meeting with

Long Nu frowned, thinking about this question, but the next moment, a person immediately popped into her mind: Ye Fan

If anyone were suited, Ye Fan would be the most suitable candidate. 。can stand alone, psychologically strong and highly skilled. 。Even if Kunka goes back on his word and betrays Ye Fan, there's no need to worry about his safety. 。However, the dragon girl quickly denied this idea. 。Ye Fan is not currently a member of Longya, and she doesn't want Ye Fan to help her over and over again. 。After a moment's thought, the Dragon Girl nodded and said: "Alright, I will find a suitable candidate within these two days." 。" Then I won't disturb you. " 。Ren Zhihua finished speaking and stood up, bowing slightly, pushing out of the room. 。After Ren Zhihua left, Long Nu fell into deep thought again. 。Who should we send This time to South Africa, although I brought twelve Dragon Teeth members, half of them are women. 。While several men are present, they each have their own duties and are currently occupied with tasks. 。If we were to dispatch the members of Longya from within the country right now, then who would be able to fill this role Within the ranks of Longya agents, there are many capable individuals who can handle themselves independently. Many also have expertise in various cultures, customs, and languages around the world, but... basically, they all just have tasks on hand. 。Bringing in people from within the country also seems a bit unrealistic. 。Could it really be that Ye Fan would have to goHe was indeed the most suitable candidate, but what about Xu Chu's side Besides, this time involved many secrets. Letting someone from outside the organization know... was it appropriateThoughts flashed rapidly in the Dragon Woman's mind, but she still couldn't make up her mind. 。On the fifteenth floor, in Ye Fan's room, he had just hung up the phone with Andre. 。He already knew about Sami's compromise, ever since he finished the call with Andre last night, he knew this would be the outcome. 。For Andre, there was no one he couldn't handle. 。Money, beauty, and power are his usual tricks, and he has never failed. 。including Black people and Sami people, all of whom were victimized by him 。Just as he said on the phone: Andre the Great pissed me off, that old Sami bastard wouldn't pay up, he made me gather beauties from all over the world for him last night. 。This guy, he has a preference for heavy flavors. 。"Andre, I went from the Islands, to America, and finally to Hollywood. I connected him with five great women." 。The fellow was so shaken that he couldn't even stand on his legs. 。Hey, there's no one who dislikes women. 。This old Sami has always played the role of a good guy, and he wasn't even ruined by several women... Since Sami is causing trouble, Kinka will receive much less pressure and won't even dare to discuss cooperation. 。What he cares about most right now is Ethiopian Airlines, how much value it creates for him each year. 。Especially his newly discovered diamond mine, he needs someone to help him launder more money. 。Every day of delay is a loss for Kunka. 。But with the US backing Sami, Kunta can't do too much. 。Compared with a lot of money, power is more important. 。If Kunka loses his right, he has no right to plunder these resources. 。So, once he knows Sami has agreed, he'll take action immediately. 。Just as Ren Zhihua's phone call came in shortly after Andre hung up. 。On the phone, Ren Zhihua told Ye Fan everything he had talked about with the Dragon Girl, including all the details. 。After hanging up the phone, Ye Fan changed into a casual outfit and walked out of the hotel. 。The Dragon Girl was choosing a suitable candidate. He originally wanted to go find the Dragon Girl directly, but considering that if he went now, the probability of being rejected would be quite high, he dismissed this idea. 。It has been years since he last came to South Africa, and he wants to take another close look at this city. 。Perhaps, in order to investigate what happened back then, it could generate more inspiration. 。Walking on the street, you can feel the different exotic cultures. 。In this nation, barbarity and civilization coexist, violence and peace coexist. 。But many of them are caused by some superpower countries in the West. 。They chose agents locally, those who supported them. As a result, they brought too many things to this land that should not have been there, such as: killing. 。Several years ago, Ye Fan once brought such a person to take the head of the local tribal leader. 。It's not that there's a deep grudge, it's just an organizational task. 。And this tribal leader, is indeed deeply involved with another influential underground force shaking Africa. 。However, this task became a turning point in Ye Fan's life. 。The mission was going very smoothly at the beginning, but as it neared completion, things were suddenly exposed. Ren Zihua, the intelligence officer who helped him complete the mission, was captured by the tribe. 。After learning the news, Ye Fan disregarded everything and rushed to save him. 。Although Ren Zhihua was ultimately rescued, the mission failed immediately afterwards. 。As he walked down the street, he couldn't help but think: Was it really necessary to take that mission back then A nobody intelligence officer back in the day, he was now the biggest intel chief in South Africa for the Xia Empire. 。Who would have thought that he was putting in so much effort, all for the sake of waiting for Ye Fan to investigate what happened back then, offering his help to the best of his ability. 。As soon as he crossed the street, a car immediately stopped in front of Ye Fan. 。A black man stuck his head out the window and said to Ye Fan, “Mr. Ye, someone wants you to see something.” 。Ye Fan was stunned. He had never seen this black man before. 。But as soon as he thought of something, he rushed forward, pulled open the passenger seat, and jumped in. 。"Mr. Ye, I'm a bodyguard under Mr. Ren." 。As soon as the car started, the Black man flashed a row of pearly white teeth and said with a smile: 。"Well, you are an excellent bodyguard." 。Ye Fan swept him up and down with his eyes, and approvingly said 。Thank you for your praise 。"The black man grinned again and said, "Mr. Ren has been very kind to me. Today he arranged for me to take you to a few places." 。" Ye Fan nodded, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and asked the black man, "Do you smoke" "If you give me one, I would be very grateful." 。I have to say, this black person is particularly fond of laughing. 。And, it seems particularly friendly. 。Ye Fan then took out a cigarette and offered it to him, lighting one for himself as well. 。Today, I'm going to several places to check out some things from the past, so as to make the clues more complete. 。All of this was arranged with Ren Zhihua, but currently, Ren Zhihua is not suitable for meeting Ye Fan, and he even has to pretend that he doesn't know him legally. 。But it doesn't matter, over the years he has set up a terrifying network in South Africa. 。And many of the people on this network are not members of the organization, but rather local people he has chosen to work with, and some mercenaries. 。This network, to put it plainly, is a private army in Ren Zhihua's hands, yet it has already possessed terrifying power. 。Black people are very talkative, almost everything Ye Fan has a question about, he will answer in detail. 。And it seems that this fellow has quite an influence in this area. 。Wherever he drove, many cars would willingly give him way. 。The investigation journey is finally about to begin...anding before her. 。Luo Xueyan originally only thought that Ye Fan was just Si Kong Yanran's nephew, she didn't even think about his true identity behind him, but he was actually from the Ye family 。...