<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 0341: Tea House Negotiations


him displeasedly. Shan Shan, on the other hand, couldn't help but chuckle softly. Brother Ye's anxious demeanor just now was truly comical.Ye Fan smiled and said to Shan Shan, "Shan Shan, you dare t..."Where to" Ye Fan took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and lit it with a leisurely puff. 。Please go eat. 。"Liu Qin turned her head and glanced at Ye Fan, as if she had discovered something. She suddenly burst into laughter." 。"Why are you laughing" Ye Fan frowned. Liu Qin rarely smiled, especially not like this, looking at him and laughing. It was really rare before. 。But when she smiles, she's really beautiful. Especially those little dimples, they're so charming. 。"After stealing a kiss, you don't even bother to deal with it. Are you trying to tell me you have a lover" Liu Qin gave Ye Fan a meaningful look, her face turning red involuntarily. 。Ye Fan frowned, but immediately realized what. 。He reached out and touched his left cheek, then when he looked at his hand, there was a distinct red lipstick mark on it. 。The lipstick mark must have been left by Wang Yan. She fled her office in a hurry just now and didn't have time to check for any traces she left behind. 。Who would have thought that Liu Qin saw him first and even laughed at him. However, Ye Fan just shrugged his shoulders, naturally pulled out a tissue, and wiped the lipstick mark on his face in front of the car mirror. He then explained casually: "A girl from our class kissed me secretly today and forgot to wipe off the lipstick." 。“ Actually, you don't need to explain,” 。"Well, I just wanted to say that I'm a very good student," Ye Fan thought for a moment and felt that he really was a good student. 。"Ha ha ha" Liu Qin couldn't help but laugh a few times and said, "I've never seen someone with such thick skin, saying they are a good student themselves " 。"Hey, you should erase the evidence before lying, okay" "Telling them that you were stolen a kiss That's cheating!" 。Ye Fan wore an innocent expression, but his heart was a little uneasy. It's said that a woman's mind is the most perceptive. 。Can you tell if she's having an affair She can see it at a glance,

"There's a strand of a woman's hair on your collar, remember to take it off."

"Liu Qin continued driving, her expression gradually calming down. She said softly, "Also, when you hugged me just now, there was a faint scent of perfume on your body." 。"If you're not always with a woman, how do you explain this scent"

Ye Fan opened his mouth but could only say very stubbornly: "Hey, are you interrogating your boyfriend like this" 。We're not even close. 。" I didn't say we had anything going on. " 。"Liu Qin gave Ye Fan a withering look." 。But she didn't seem to give up the opportunity to tease Ye Fan, continuing, "Come on, is it with a female teacher that you're having an affair Or did you go to the girls' dormitory and mess around with some girl" Ye Fan looked at Liu Qin with a strange expression, smoking with a bit of bitterness. 。I wonder what's up with women today, acting like judges. 。"I never would have thought that the young master of the Ye family came to Linhai University just for picking up girls" 。"Liu Qin was driving attentively, but faintly uttered that sentence." 。Ye Fan's eyebrows furrowed slightly, he immediately sat up straight, the playful expression on his face was long gone, replaced by a serious look. 。"Young Master Ye" Ye Fan opened the car window and threw out his cigarette butt, then looked at Liu Qin with a puzzled expression. "What are you talking about I don't understand." "Do you still have something to hide from me" Liu Qin stopped the car in front of a Chinese restaurant and turned her head to stare at Ye Fan. 。In her clear eyes, there was a look that wanted to see through Ye Fan. 。However, she was disappointed. 。Ye Fan also looked at her calmly, without any panic or hesitation. He was just so calm and composed. 。After undergoing so much brutal training, if someone like Liu Qin could see through his problems with just a glance, then wouldn't all those years of Ye Fan's previous efforts be for nothing 。

A sigh escaped her lips, but Liu Qin still wasn't sure.

Because, he saw Ye Fan's face full of confusion and silent eyes. 。"Why are you lying to me" Liu Qin asked with a face full of resentment, biting her lip. 。"What did I lie to you about" Ye Fan's face was a little complicated, he said helplessly: "Beauty, talking nonsense is against the law." 。"I never lied to you about going to bed, and I didn't get you pregnant. How could you say I lied to you" Hearing Ye Fan's words, Liu Qin couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, looking at this scoundrel with a complex expression. The mischievous smile on his face made her feel a little uncomfortable. 。She bit her lip, a hint of anger in her voice: "If you lied to me just to get into bed with me, I'll accept it." 。But, you...

She stopped there, unable to say any more. 。"Oh, I know what you're going to say" 。Ye Fan had long understood that Liu Qin was probably aware of everything. 。However, she only saw some indications and didn't know her true situation. 。He reached out and gently rubbed her delicate nose, smiling. "What's up" 。That military district's commander, is the grandfather of a very good friend of mine. 。En is a girl. 。"Your words are the only ones I find believable." Liu Qin reached out and opened Ye Fan's hand, which was still reaching towards her cheek. She said with a complex expression. 。"Every word I said is the truth." 。Ye Fan said seriously, “I have no need to lie to you.” 。If I had that kind of background, do you think I'd still be in Linhai City Back then, when your Nánlóng Gang tried to assassinate me in secret, I would have already had people take care of you. 。"But" Ye Fan's explanation made Liu Qin a little unsure what to think. 。Perhaps, Ye Fan was right after all "Don't overthink it" 。I know you still want to ask about that mysterious expert, right That's the girl's brother. He just happened to be by the sea and did me a favor. 。Ye Fan seized the opportunity when Liu Qin was lost in thought, gently pinching her cheek and smiling, "Come on, little girl, give me a smile." 。"You look so beautiful when you smile, why do you make yourself seem so complicated"

Liu Qin allowed Ye Fan to pinch her face, but her heart was a little chaotic.

When talking to Ye Fan, she kept observing his facial expressions and changes in his eyes. 。Unfortunately, she didn't find any of the expressions she wanted to see. 。Could it be, just as Ye Fan said, that he's just a friend's grandfather "Come on, stop overthinking, let's go eat." 。Ye Fan reached out and touched her hair, then opened the car door and got out. 。Inside the car, Liu Qin took a deep breath before getting out. 。When they got to the door, the doorman held it open for them. 。When the waiter saw Liu Qin, he was clearly taken aback, then said respectfully: "Miss Liu, you're here." 。This restaurant is within the territory controlled by the Nang Long Gang and has always been under their protection. Naturally, the doorman knows this famous eldest daughter of the Nang Long Gang. 。Although she withdrew from the Nanlong Gang three years ago, no one has ever dared to underestimate her. 。Liu Qin only nodded. 。At that moment, she was once again an imposing big sister. 。Just then, Ye Fan distinctly felt two pairs of eyes staring at him and his companion from within the restaurant.

Lone Wolf's Works Column:ng his appearance, the Dragon Girl beside him knew that the main event was about to begin, so she couldn't help but perk up her ears."Let me give you some insider information. I heard that inside the...