<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 1393: A Stroke of Luck >


est son continue to dominate the position of head of the family, even though there was a rule in the family regulations stating this. 。But times are changing, and some rules should also change, right..."What's your move" Ye Fan asked instinctively, his hair standing on end.

"It's simple," Lan Hai Kun extended a finger, saying, "Strong."

"What's strong about it" Ye Fan was stunned.

Lan Hai Kun patted Ye Fan's shoulder and chuckled, "Boy, some things are only understood, not spoken. This is the battle-hardened experience I gained after living most of my life and dating countless women. It's not something I easily tell others. Figure it out yourself. But I'll give you a piece of advice: once she's committed to you, she will be hopelessly devoted."

Ye Fan stared in astonishment at Lan Hai Kun, who burst into laughter and walked out.

Looking at the old man's dashing back, Ye Fan's face flickered with uncertainty. Suddenly, he felt that although the old man spoke bluntly, there seemed to be a sliver of truth in his words.

Ye Fan believed that Long Nu still had deep feelings for him, otherwise she wouldn't have risked her life to find Miao Bingxin with him.

She would never dare to show her vulnerability on her widely circulated platform.

Should we really follow what Lan Hai Kun said and make it a fait accompli, leaving her hopelessly devoted

Ye Fan's face was a mixture of gloom and delight. He admitted that he actually liked the Dragon Girl quite a lot.

"Take this."

Just as Ye Fan was having a fierce internal struggle, the Dragon Girl passed him a sharp, salty fish.

Long Nu's face was as cold as ice, and a unique noble fragrance naturally emanated from her body. Facing such a pure goddess, the trace of lust in Ye Fan's heart instantly vanished like water poured on fire.

Ye Fan skillfully took the salted fish from the Dragon Girl's hand and carefully placed it in a special container he had meticulously prepared beforehand.

This saltwater fish is a common species in the waters around here, seen everywhere on the sea. It's just a normal kind of fish.

But on this island where fish are scarce, it is difficult to see due to the giant waves. In order for Ye Fan to catch Miao Bingxin, he relies on it.

Of course, this fish wasn't caught by Ye Fan. He followed the dragon girl's suggestion and just drove to the market to buy it. To be prepared, Ye Fan bought dozens of them and raised them in a net cage nearby. When necessary, Ye Fan would casually reel one up, completing a feat like that of Old Man Jiang Taigong.

It can be said that Ye Fan and his team are well-prepared this time, determined to take down Miao Bingxin.

As night fell, Ye Fan and the Dragon Girl naturally had no mood to visit Hong Province's night market. They found a random place to eat something before returning to their base camp in Gang Province.

Ye Fan needed to report the battlefield situation from his side today to the old man so that everyone could analyze it.

Their headquarters was still in the location Fatty had chosen, located inside a deserted warehouse. This place was remote and secluded; if you didn't specifically look for it, nobody would ever find it.

And both Lang Si and National Security personnel will dispatch people to monitor 24/7 in the shadows, so it's still very safe here.

When Ye Fan and Longnv returned to the base camp, they found that Ye Wudao, Ye Benkong, Fatty, and others had already gathered together. Looking at their faces, they were frowning with a helpless expression. Ye Fan didn't even need to ask to know that they must have returned empty-handed today.

The appearance of Ye Fan and the Dragon Girl immediately attracted everyone's attention. All eyes were on them in an instant, each pair fixed on Ye Fan with longing gazes. Admirers, both male and female, looked at him with mournful expressions.

Ye Fan's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

"How is Ye Fan doing today" The old man got straight to the point after seeing Ye Fan enter.

Everyone leaned in, their ears perked up, attentively listening.

All the manpower they deployed returned empty-handed, so they pinned their hopes on Ye Fan, hoping he could create a miracle.

"Today, we couldn't even find the entrance to Longgu."

Ye Fan said awkwardly, " Ye Fan clearly saw that after he said this, everyone's eyes dimmed.


"But we're not completely empty-handed, at the very least we now know the identity of the person in charge of the Longgu base."

Ye Fan then recounted to them everything that had happened since they found Lan Haikun today.

Everyone was captivated by Ye Fan's words, but no matter what, if Ye Fan could get things done without entering the Dragon Valley, that would be the best outcome.

After hearing Ye Fan's words, the old man pondered for a moment and said: "According to what you say, if you can defeat Wuyang Zhenren within three moves, what do you think"

The old man suddenly looked at Ye Benkong beside him.

Ye Fan noticed that the old man's expression suddenly became extremely heavy. As someone who knew the old man well, Ye Fan knew that this kind of expression usually only appeared when something major had happened and the old man was unsure how to handle it.

Having always been a man of few words, Ye Benkong became very serious after hearing Ye Wudao's words, and said: "Martial Yang Zhenren is not weak in his skills. Even I, if I don't go all out, it would be difficult to defeat him within three moves. Therefore, this person is definitely an extraordinary master."

Ye Benkong stated his judgment, which he rarely did. However, since he spoke his mind, it showed that he was very confident in his assessment.

Ye Wudao's brows furrowed even tighter, muttering to himself: "When did Hua Xia Nation produce such a master who still enjoys fishing with a straight hook"

Ye Wudao couldn't figure it out for a while, but he instructed Ye Fan that if they truly encountered Miao Bingxin, they shouldn't fight him unless absolutely necessary.

Ye Fan nodded seriously, he knew that even the old man was worried about him. In fact, even the old man himself didn't have complete confidence in being able to deal with such a high-level peerless expert.

And Ye Fan also learned from everyone that they had indeed made no progress today.

The fat man had deployed a large contingent of men to key locations throughout the Long Valley. They endured the scorching sun for an entire afternoon, but they didn't even catch a glimpse of anyone.

Although they had known beforehand that Longgu was completely isolated from the outside world, even for supplies which were directly transported by sea, they still didn't know where those supplies came from.

But the fatties didn't have any good solutions at the moment, so they had to make do with what they had and try their luck.

And Lao Touzi and Ye Benkong, they also got a nose full of ashes. Mr. Wu actually refused to meet with Ye Wudao and Ye Benkong. He said he was busy with official duties and didn't have time to spare for the two of them.

Ye WuDao was so angry he nearly died, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't possibly storm into Wu TianYing's office in the middle of everyone.

That would be like courting death, even though Ye Wudao's skill had already reached the realm of transformation.

Having no other choice, they had to keep trying. They still had two days left.

After much deliberation, no one came up with any better suggestions, so everyone dispersed.

A sleepless night, and in the blink of an eye, it was already the second day.ike this! Xiao Li felt like he was lowering himself, so he didn't bother explaining to the fat man anymore. He said bluntly, "If you really want to stop here, fine, but the penalty will be doubled!""H...