<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 1391: Utterly Flavorless


me shadowy figures, who were probably special agents sent by Xu to prevent him from leaving Linhai for South Africa. 。These days, he keeps in touch with Andre who is in South Africa every day. 。This...When Silly Girl arrived at the sea, Ye Fan had already paid high attention to her. He even made a phone call to Ye Qingcheng and urged him to definitely dispatch people along the road to protect Silly Girl's safety.

Actually, Ye Fan's intention was to have that person bring the "Silly Girl" to Linhai. Ye Fan was very confident in the "Silly Girl"'s skills. Besides him and the Fatty, ordinary people would not be a match for her.

But unexpectedly, I met the most beautiful woman by the sea.

Even if Ye Qingcheng came in person, the result would probably be the same. This time, Ye Fan blamed no one, he only blamed himself, for being too careless.

Just as he was consumed by remorse, his phone rang.

"Xiao Fan, I've already checked for you. Today there are thirteen flights to Linhai, five of which have already departed. There are currently eight airports with available flights, and the nearest airport is Deyun Airport, which will depart in ten minutes."

It was Lu Chao's voice on the phone.

Thank you

Ye Fan was overjoyed, hoping it wasn't too late. He briefly said something and then hung up on Luo Chao's phone. He quickly dialed Fatty's number and told him to go to Deyun Airport immediately, not asking why.

Then he also turned his car around, dashing towards Deyun Airport like a bolt of lightning.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Chao couldn't help but smile wryly. It seemed that this time Ye Fan was really in big trouble. He actually hung up before Luo Chao could finish his words.

Just be a good person all the way.

Lu Chao thought for a moment, then dialed the director of the Civil Aviation Administration.

When Guo Zisheng arrived at Deyun Airport, it had already been eight minutes. As soon as he got off the car, he held Silly Girl and rushed to the airport security checkpoint without stopping.

"Excuse me, sir, you can't cut in line."

A staff member saw Guo Zisheng, his mouth full of blood, running over with a beautiful girl and immediately stopped him.

"Fuck you"

Guo Zisheng kicked the staff member away with one foot, then directly took Silly Girl onto the plane by force.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted inside the airport. Several security guards rushed over, hearing about Guo Zisheng's presence. Upon seeing him, they shouted angrily and attempted to take action against him.

At this time, Guo Zisheng's driver finally arrived.

Besides being Guo Zisheng's fellow apprentice, he also acted as Guo Zisheng's bodyguard. Now that Ah Biao and the others are gone, the task of protecting Young Master Guo has fallen to him.

"Everyone, stay put!" the man shouted, then pulled out a stack of documents and said, "We are from the Guo family group in Guangdong province. That is Young Master Guo, and this De Yun airport belongs to our Guo family. No one is allowed to leave."

Well-founded. After seeing these proofs, the security guards looked at each other in astonishment. This Deyun Airport is a semi-private company, and it's said that its shareholders are indeed from Hong Kong.

For a moment, none of them dared to make a move.

Guo Zisheng took this opportunity to stride forward. He didn't care about the details; he just needed to get through security first.

In fact, after the driver presented that proof, none of the staff here dared to stop Guo Zisheng anymore. They all cleared the way for him, letting him pass green lights. Come on, who would dare offend the son of the biggest shareholder

Guo Zisheng wasn't being polite either. After getting on the plane, he immediately asked the pilot to take off. This was his way of preventing any unforeseen circumstances from arising overnight.

But the pilot, with a grim expression on his face, told him that the control tower had just received an order from superiors, stating that all flights were grounded. This meant their flight was going to be delayed.

Guo Zisheng was furious upon hearing this. To him, staying in Linhai for even one more second was excruciating. If he stayed any longer, who knew what might happen next

So, Guo Zisheng, in a moment of panic, pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed it at the long head with a menacing look. He growled, "Think carefully! If you don't set sail now, I'll blow your brains out!"

The captain never expected that this scion of a wealthy family would be so crazy, carrying a gun with him and even pointing it at his own head. What did he want to do Was he trying to hijack the plane

After his last brush with death, Guo Zisheng always carried a gun with him as a precaution. He never expected it would actually come in handy.

However, this tactic undoubtedly worked. Although the captain had a thousand and one unwillingness, for his own life, he still had to choose to obey orders.

So that plane took off without any warning, all the passengers were stunned, staring blankly at the gradually disappearing aircraft. They hadn't even boarded yet, how could the plane take off

In fact, the whole plane only had Guo Zisheng as a passenger.

"I want to complain about this airline," a passenger exclaimed excitedly.

"That's right, the flight was delayed and now it's suddenly taking off, refusing to carry passengers, but still selling tickets. This is blatant consumer deception!"

"You guys don't understand what this is called money laundering, it’s a tactic used by their airline company. Luckily I discovered it, I will definitely sue them in court."

The enraged crowd, all at once, began voicing their grievances and demanded an explanation from the airline, threatening to sue if they didn't receive one.

Now, the flight attendants are scrambling and no one is coming out to explain because they don't know what happened either. They can't even get in touch with the plane that suddenly took off. How could they possibly face passengers who are becoming increasingly agitated

So they had no choice but to avoid it, one by one calling the tower to confirm, but unexpectedly, the tower was also unaware. They had no choice but to call the plane directly, only to find that the pilot's phone was unreachable.

What on earth is going on Has the pilot hijacked the plane They were all shocked and dismayed, quickly reporting this incident upwards. They couldn't possibly take responsibility for this.

The director of the Civil Aviation Administration is named Huang Shengtian. He's a slick operator who has worked in aircraft maintenance for over thirty years and finally climbed his way to the position of director. It's quite an achievement, really.

It was said that Huang Shengtian was leisurely drinking with his young wife. Just as he raised his glass, he received a call from a stranger.

He originally wanted to refuse because the caller ID was unavailable, indicating that the person calling wasn't someone close to him.

But he still answered, after all, he knew that not many people had his private phone number. He wanted to see who would call him at this number.

The phone call connected, and sure enough, it was a strange man's voice. Huang Shengtian immediately felt disappointed and lost interest in continuing the conversation. He directly asked the other party what was the matter, then wanted to politely hang up.

But when the other party explained that he was Luo Chao, Huang Shengtian was truly startled. Before yesterday, he wouldn't have paid any attention to Luo Chao at all; just a nobody, already stuck in a dead end of his career.shouted, "Help!"His shout was jarring, echoing through the vast boiler room. The boiler room wasn't far from the ward, and his yell reached many ears. However, when the patients saw that it was Yang Z...