<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 1319: It's Your Responsibility


kick, sending him flying out!Ye Fan's face was full of anger, his eyes blazing with fury as he watched everything unfold. He turned and scooped up Yu Fei, pulling out her clothes to cover her vital a...Looking at Lu Chao's seemingly nonchalant demeanor, Luo Mu couldn't help but feel indignant. She urged, "Lao Lu, don't you know This time Che Yu is coming for you! He even brought Yang Wan and Huang Wei along. Who knows, they might be here to arrest you! How can you still sit there calmly"

"Hmph, why are they arresting me I haven't stolen anything, nor have I gambled. I'm innocent! What are they going to do to me"

If you want to frame someone, there's no excuse for them to fall into their hands. Mother Luo knew very well what kind of person Yang Wan was—he could turn black into white. Falling into his hands, there would be absolutely no good ending.

Luo Chao, however, let out a sly smile and said: "Just relax, they definitely won't get in. Those people outside aren't just for show."

Even if it were a small Huang Wei, even if Tang Yiwu himself came, as long as those people outside were there, I'm afraid they would have to be turned away today.

"Are you out of your mind Huang Wei came with dozens of police cars, while there are only a dozen people outside. They stand no chance against Huang Wei!" Luo's mother stared at Luo Chao as if he were an idiot.

Sometimes, it's not the side with more people who can control the situation. Power, no matter what time it is, will always be held by a small number of people." Luo Chao said this nonsensical remark to his mother, which left Luo Mu completely baffled.

Seeing Huang Wei bring people over so quickly, Yang Wan jumped up at once and went forward to greet him. He shouted to Huang Wei: "Old Huang, you'd better bring people to arrest all these criminals immediately. They dare to obstruct our work!"

Huang Wei brought so many people, this made Yang Wan suddenly gain courage.

Huang Wei simply didn't buy Yang Wan's story. He merely turned his head and said coldly, "What's going on"

Yang Wan readily offered flattering embellishments, recounting the story anew. In his version, Fatty was depicted as a completely unrestrained and degenerate hooligan. The single charge of obstructing the division of labor was enough to warrant a conviction against him.

"You listen to me, you're dead. I'll have all of you arrested and put in jail," Yang Wan turned his head and glared at the fat man who was puffing away on a cigarette. The fat man just scratched his ear as if he hadn't heard him at all. Yang Wan saw this and felt his teeth grinding with anger. He thought to himself, "Even now, you dare act so smug Just wait and see how you die."

While Che Yuquan remained aloof throughout, observing Huang Wei with a cold eye. He wanted to see how Huang Wei would handle the case. After all, he was the public face of Liming's police force. His authority was being challenged here, and as the head of the precinct, if he couldn't even manage something like this, he wouldn't be worthy of his position anymore.

When Huang Wei heard Yang Wan's words, his brows furrowed involuntarily. He didn't like the way Yang Wan spoke at all. He knew Yang Wan must have exaggerated things and with that arrogant air of his, as if he was certain Huang Wei would do things his way. Huang Wei felt obligated to set him straight.

However, Huang Wei still routinely asked the chubby man in a deep voice, “Are all those things Yang Wan just said true”

He was looking at the fat man. The reason he didn't order the arrest of the fat man immediately was that if the fat man objected, he would have a reason to submit it to the court for judgment, and then he could avoid getting involved in this mess. He really wasn't very interested in getting too involved in Che Yuquan's affairs.

"He's right, I did stop them from entering the Luo family just now." The fat man completely failed to grasp Huang Wei's meaning and openly admitted it.

This was a bit unexpected for Yang Wan and Che Yuquan. They had already prepared to testify, but they didn't expect the fat man to be so quick to agree.

A flicker of disappointment crossed Huang Wei's eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared. Since things had come to this, he couldn't just let this task go undone today.

"This is my work ID, please come with us. I advise you not to make any sudden moves, or else the ones who will suffer are yourselves."

Huang Wei looked at the fat man expressionlessly, it was clear that this fat man and his men were all tough nuts to crack. Huang Wei didn't want to get his hands dirty with them.

The fat man, however, was smiling at Huang Wei. He said slowly, "The Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau is not bad. You seem to have some ability, unlike that Che Yuquan. He always looks down on everyone as if he wants everyone to know he's a leader."

Che Yuquan and Yang Wan heard the fat man's words, both of them showing displeasure on their faces. However, Huang Wei looked at the fat man in astonishment. Even at this point, why could this fat man remain so calm and speak such indifferent words

"This is my work ID, I'm here on official business today. Since you brought people here, please cooperate with my work."

After the fat man finished speaking, he took out an identification card from his pocket and handed it to Huang Wei.

Seeing that even this fat man had identification, Yang Wan couldn't help but burst into laughter. He said with disdain: "These days, how come even stray cats and dogs on the street are carrying IDs What were you doing before Only now did you remember to take out your ID"

Yang Wan sneered, in his view, the fat man was cornered and had no choice but to use this trick to clear himself. He thought the fat man would have some earth-shattering move, but unexpectedly it was just this thing, which left him greatly disappointed.

Although Chuyuan didn't speak, Fa could easily see from his disdainful gaze that he shared the same thoughts as Yang Wan.

When the fat man pulled out his ID, Huang Wei was also taken aback for a moment. However, he still professionally took it over. But at first glance, his expression changed drastically, and his body suddenly straightened up incredibly. In front of the fat man, he snapped to attention in the most standard military salute and shouted loudly: "Yes, please instruct, Commander! We will definitely cooperate with your work."

His voice trembled with excitement, his eyes locked on the fat man, unable to calm down for a long time. A fiery glint shone in his eyes, all because he saw two large characters written on the document: National Security.

Huang Wei's sudden and unusual action startled both Che Yuquan and Yang Wan. They both looked at Huang Wei in surprise, and Yang Wan was even more direct. He expressed dissatisfaction with Huang Wei's attitude and said reproachfully: "I say Lao Huang, did you get water in your head The real leader is right in front of you. What kind of leader is he Besides, for years, fake IDs have been flying everywhere, wouldn't it be your duty to crack down on these illegal counterfeiters"and. And since Xue'er can't cook, having him around would perfectly cover up her shortcomings. Thinking this way, Zhu Mei's eyes looking at Ye Fan changed, transforming into the gaze of a mother-in-la...