<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 1135 Accelerating Heartbeat


yguard leader roared. He had been enduring Ye Fan for far too long.Pig哥 Kong Hua, however, glared and shouted: "If you're so capable, why didn't you stop them at the door just now Now get out of here!..."Little Master, where are you going" Jiang Xue shouted loudly from behind.

"Date, are you going or not" Ye Fan said casually.

"Go to my most beloved lightbulb, you can rest assured, I will shine brightly for you." Jiang Xue suddenly jumped up excitedly and took a step forward, about to rush towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was startled. He had only said it casually, but this little girl actually took it seriously. He couldn't possibly bring this burden along; what if he got into trouble again How would he handle that

Ye Fan didn't hesitate any longer, immediately using the Shadow Fist. With a flash, he vanished without a trace.

Jiang Xue rubbed her eyes, thinking she must have seen things wrong. A living person just vanished out of thin air! But when she looked again carefully, there was not even a trace of Ye Fan left.

She stamped her feet angrily and shouted, "Scoundrel!" In her heart, she thought that Ye Fan must have gone to harm another woman again, taking advantage of someone's feelings. She had to stop him, so she ran out too.

As for Miao Rou, she is currently under the care of hospital doctors and nurses, and there won't be any major issues for now.

Ye Fan drove the car slowly, feeling a surge of joy as he thought about the Excellent Class being within his grasp. He had interacted with Wang Qin many times, and based on their familiarity, he believed she would readily agree to give him what he wanted.

And this is just a facade, for her, there's nothing she's willing to give up or hold onto. For herself, it's just a favor, nothing more.

After all, I've helped her out a lot in the past. For such a small favor, I believe she would still give me some face.

But to Wang Qin, this excellent team wasn't anything special. But for himself, it meant a lot. It directly related to his prestige and the bet he had made with Su Qin. So Ye Fan must get it no matter what.

The car slowly drove into the parking lot of the Natural Fragrance Grand Hotel. Ye Fan was at this internationally renowned hotel, known for its top-notch service, and couldn't help but smile.

Why does every time I meet a beautiful woman, the place they choose to meet is this hotel Could it be because the beds in this hotel are super comfortable

Thinking back to the passion he shared with Ding Ran last time, Ye Fan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth again. However, Wang Qin was obviously different from Ding Ran. How should he put it Ding Ran was the kind of woman who was wild and had a hint of madness in her. As long as he was more insane than her, she would take the initiative to throw herself into his arms.

While Wang Qin is different. She's the kind of woman who yearns deep down but behaves conservatively on the surface. Generally speaking, she has her own boundaries when dealing with people. If you don't cross them, she'll let you do whatever you want. But once you touch her bottom line, she won't have any of it. Sorry, goodbye.

Fortunately, Ye Fan didn't want to touch her bottom line either. He just wanted to get the excellent class collective from her hand. This shouldn't be her bottom line, right

Ye Fan didn't overthink it, after parking his car, he went straight to a luxurious private room on the 18th floor.

As Ye Fan pushed open the door to the room, he heard a soft, mellow Zhalqi native folk melody playing. Wang Qin held up a tall, luminescent goblet in one hand and saw Ye Fan enter. She didn't greet him proactively, but simply gave him a slight nod with her head. Then, holding the cup toward him, she made a gesture of drinking, tilting her head back, and drained the glass in one gulp.

Ye Fan couldn't help but be stunned. Why did Wang Qin seem different today compared to usual

Now, Wang Qin is wearing a sexy pink sleeveless bodysuit. The dress has a V-neckline, and faintly visible through it are two deep and alluring cleavages. Whether intentional or not, the scenery inside seems to appear and disappear, making people want to look again and again just at a glance.

And her skirt was extremely short, the kind of dress a bar girl would wear.

This surprised Ye Fan greatly. You see, Wang Qin was now the principal of the school. Her identity change naturally reflected in her attire. She usually wore business suits and dresses, seldom wearing skirts, let alone such a revealing mini-skirt as this one.

And beneath her, she was actually wearing flesh-colored stockings. Ye Fan looked at the large expanse of beautiful legs on top of the translucent stockings, and even he, a man who had seen quite a bit, couldn't help but swallow his saliva repeatedly. Just imagine how shockingly tempting those stockings were.

Wang Qin's sudden transformation really made Ye Fan a little out of control. He tried his best to calm down so as not to behave like a rookie who, after just a few words, fell head over heels for someone and embarrassed himself.

Ye Fan steadied his mind, and politely stepped forward. He pulled up a chair and sat beside Wang Qin, looking at her with a smile and saying, "Principal Wang, you look beautiful tonight." His actions were graceful yet elegant, very courteous and gentlemanly.

When Wang Qin saw Ye Fan's bright eyes, she was surprised. She had spent countless efforts to dress up tonight. She was very satisfied with her own outfit and thought that no one could resist her charm, but unexpectedly, when Ye Fan came over, he just glanced at her and then looked away. This made Wang Qin feel a little angry and a little disappointed. Could it be that she couldn't catch his eye Could it be that she was really that mediocre

Wang Qin knew that trying to stun Ye Fan with her beauty right from the start was unlikely to work. So, she changed her strategy. Today, she would play a long game. Thankfully, she had been preparing for this night for a long time and didn't think she would be too passive.

She then gave him a flirtatious smile and said, "Thank you. You're the first little man to compliment me on my beauty in front of everyone."

She wasn't wrong about this. After she became principal, all those single male teachers who used to pester her disappeared without a trace. Even when she saw them again, their eyes looked different than before. Wang Qin knew it was the result of power making changes. She didn't deliberately try to change this situation; she wasn't really that interested in these male teachers anyway. Although her husband had been away from the city for many years and she was very lonely, she wasn't a woman who would be unfaithful.

Since she became the principal, not only has no one dared to compliment her beauty to her face, but even men looking at her directly have become almost nonexistent.

But Ye Fan was still the same. After speaking, his squinting eyes continued to sweep back and forth between the upper and lower parts of his body as if he were appraising them.

This made Wang Qin rediscover the feeling of shyness. It was the kind of innocent and bashful feeling she had when she was a girl. She really missed it, she hadn't felt her heart racing like this in ages.ught a man who is insightful, capable, and courageous, and Ye Fan embodies all these qualities.But now Ye Fan didn't notice Ding Ran's strangeness at all, because Yu Fei and Yanran were also serving t...