<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 1132: Out of the Blue


Gang, even the entire Linhai City underworld could be walked freely. But to gather such a person under their command, it was probably extremely difficult."Hmph, isn't the path of life just a thorny o...Wang Qin heard Su Qin's inexplicable words and couldn't help but feel a jolt in her heart. How could she suddenly ask this out of the blue Did she know that her position as principal was actually obtained through Ye Fan

Could it be that she wants to make a big deal out of something But there's no reason for that, right She and Su Qin usually don't have any problems with each other. Could she really be bored enough to do this

Wang Qin suddenly remembered that she had been criticizing Su Qin in the auditorium earlier today. But that was about teaching methods, and she hadn't attacked her personally. Su Qin shouldn't be so petty, right

However, it's hard to say. You can know a person's face but not their heart. It's hard to guarantee she won't hold a grudge. The reason she asked those questions must be because she has some evidence in her hand. I really need to be careful in dealing with this.

Thinking of this, Wang Qin carefully said, "I know him, but not very well. What's wrong"

Ye Fan used to be a problem student. Back then, as the head of the school's teaching department, it was impossible for me to say I didn't know Ye Fan.

And at that time, for the sake of a job change, she had sought Ye Fan's help many times. At Si Dayanran's birthday banquet, she got to know officials like Bureau Wu through Ye Fan's arrangement. Although all of this was done very discreetly, it couldn't be guaranteed that it wouldn't be exposed by someone with ill intentions. If she said she didn't know Ye Fan, it would be too fake. Therefore, Wang Qin had some hesitation in her words.

"Oh, I see. It's nothing really." Hearing the principal say that she wasn't very close to Ye Fan, Su Qin finally let out a breath and quickly changed her words.

But her attitude made Wang Qin even more suspicious, who pressed, "Teacher Su, just say everything at once" so that she could feel at ease.

"Oh, there's actually something else, about the Excellent Class as a whole, Principal. If anyone wants to try and use you to get in touch..."

Before Su Qin could finish her words, Wang Qin interrupted her: "Teacher Su, I think you have misunderstood something. The Excellent Class is jointly assessed by all teachers and students in the school, not decided by me alone. Moreover, I have already entrusted this matter to the school's impartial office for a fair judgment. They will only evaluate classes that have made significant contributions based on facts, and I cannot influence their decision at all."

Wang Qin spoke resolutely, her tone suddenly becoming somewhat cold. She thought that Su Qin's reason for telling her these things was because she had already obtained some evidence about her, but the evidence might not be very complete, and she was not good at making it clear.

That's why she kept giving herself such hints. Wang Qin sneered inwardly, thinking to herself, "What kind of storms and waves haven't I experienced How could I possibly not be able to see through such a little trick"

Su Qin thought of that excellent class collective, wanting to follow her path, but she didn't even have a chance. Therefore, Wang Qin immediately rejected them.

Su Qin was also taken aback. She really didn't understand why Principal Wang's tone had suddenly turned so cold.

"Teacher Su, if there's nothing else, I'll hang up first," Wang Qin said after finishing her sentence, and then hung up the phone directly.

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Su Qin was even more baffled. Why did Principal Wang sound so angry all of a sudden Had she done something to upset her She didn't think so.

However, Wang Qin's words did ease Su Qin's worries a little. It at least showed that Wang Qin herself also disliked using connections like this. But she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. In that case, Ye Fan would have no chance, and the excellent class collective would be out of reach for her.

Sigh, so many dilemmas.

On the highway in Linhai City, a common pickup truck was speeding.

Ye Fan directly increased the car speed to the maximum. He had just called Jiang Xue and said he would arrive at Linhai Hospital in five minutes.

Ye Fan made this call with the purpose of having Jiang Xue come over. She personally handled Miao Rou's hospitalization, and she understands Miao Rou's condition best.

But Ye Fan didn't expect that Jiang Xue was already at Linhai Hospital.

This really surprised Ye Fan, when did Jiang Xue become so dedicated

Though doubts clouded his mind, his hands worked tirelessly, the car shooting out like an arrow.

After parking his car, Ye Fan rushed straight to the intensive care unit.

When he saw the stunningly beautiful woman lying by Bed No. 1, Ye Fan's entire heart couldn't help but tremble. She was sleeping as peacefully as Li Na.

Even with Ye Fan's acute hearing, he could only faintly hear her heartbeat and breathing. Her vital signs were rapidly fading away.

Ye Fan grabbed Jiang Xue, who was anxiously beside him, and asked urgently, "What's going on You said she was just in a coma, why is she so weak now"

What is the difference between Miao Rou now and a plant person

Jiang Xue, however, looked at Ye Fan with a strange expression and said awkwardly, "No wonder Sister Feng said it so surely. Seeing you, Master Xiaoguo, in such a nervous state now, it seems that Miao Rou must be your little lover."

However, Jiang Xue didn't answer but instead talked about a lot of things, leaving Ye Fan feeling very anxious.

Jiang Xue looked at his almost frantic appearance and chuckled, "Look at you, so anxious. Don't worry, Master, Miao Rou won't die. She's just in a temporary coma right now. She's far from being a vegetable. If it were a deep coma, then it would be dangerous."

Ye Fan was taken aback and said, "Could you please explain it in simpler terms I don't understand what this means."

Jiang Xue patiently said, "What people usually call a 'plant person' is someone in a deep sleep coma. No matter what kind of impact happens outside, they won't wake up. But Miao Rou's situation is different. She seems to be between a light coma and a deep coma. Judging from the results of the instrument detection, she should be in a temporary coma, but as for how long it will take her to wake up, that's uncertain. However, while she's in a coma, her body will consume energy, and what we're doing now is putting her body into a state where energy consumption is minimal and it's easiest to replenish energy."

Ye Fan finally let out a breath of relief, but he immediately questioned, “If it's not very serious, then is there no way to wake her up right away” After all, dragging it on like this wasn't an option.

"There is one, but no one wants to use it."

Jiang Xue said hesitantly.

Ye Fan was astonished and said, "Is there any way Since there's a method that can wake her up, what are we waiting for Just leave her here lying down; it's not like anything will happen." Besides, lying down for too long will harm the body's functions and organs.

"It's not that we are unwilling to use it, but no one dares to use it. Unless her family signs on top, we absolutely will not agree to do this," Jiang Xue said.vements, feigning attentiveness and saying, “Please speak, I will surely keep it in mind.”"It's nothing, but I feel you're not suitable to be the Chief. What if..." Ye Fan pointed at Bai Feng, "We let...