<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 1116: A Heart of Resistance


s in different attire standing at the entrance of the alley, blocking it off. One was to prevent Ye Fan from escaping, while the other prevented others from coming in. The front row even held regulate..."Alright, everyone, let's eat." Lin Bingyue saw that everyone was almost ready and spoke up.

Ye Fan wasn't polite either. He cleaned up the entire table of dishes in a whirlwind, leaving nothing behind. The food was indeed well-made, but compared to him, it was far inferior. However, for now, he would just settle for it.

Every time Ye Fan finished a bowl of rice, Shan Shan would proactively serve him more. Ye Fan tried to refuse, but couldn't, so he just let her do it. One by one, the other women looked at him with strange expressions.

"We are full." Mo Ziyan and Dong XiaoXiao said at the same time, putting down their chopsticks and bowls.

"Oh, we're finished already Shouldn't we eat a little more" Ye Fan looked at them and chuckled.

He was met with two cold, indifferent stares. Ye Fan didn't care, he was used to it anyway.

However, strangely enough, the two of them stayed seated there even after they had finished eating, refusing to leave.

Ye Fan was feeling strange when he heard Lin Bingyue say, "We're all full now, Ye Fan, are you full"

Ye Fan could only put down his bowl and chopsticks and say, "I'm full."

Lin Bingyue said: "Okay, now, the family meeting of our apartment is beginning."

Ye Fan was taken aback. He suddenly remembered the note Jiang Xue had given him just now. Could she be referring to this

Could this family meeting be aimed at me I really need to be careful.

After getting to the point, Lin Bingyue's expression turned cold instantly. Her tone became as strong and forceful as when she was lecturing in class, leaving no room for resistance.

"First, I want to announce something to everyone. Our apartment is going to welcome a new guest, that is Shanshan." Lin Bingyue turned her head towards Shanshan.

Beneath “Welcome, welcome,” the people seemed to have known it all along, and they all clapped their hands at once. Even the icy Mo Ziyan and Dong XiaoXiao smiled and clapped their hands.

It's clear they were also very welcoming of Shan Shan moving in.

Ye Fan was also happily clapping along, when ShanShan walked in. He was overjoyed, for this meant he'd gained a most loyal follower!

Ye Fan believed that as long as he spoke, Shan Shan would absolutely obey unconditionally. At that time, with Shan Shan and Yanran Jie on their side, and Jiang Xue and Bai Feng Lin Bing Yue in the middle, they could stand shoulder to shoulder with Mo Ziyan and Dong Xiao Xiao.

Your own days will also become more and more nourishing, and life will have hope.

"This is the first thing, the second thing is that we all come to discuss Ye Fan's staying or leaving."

At this point, Lin Bingyue's voice clearly paused, gazing at Ye Fan, as if observing his expression changes.

Ye Fan's eyelids jumped. The real topic was here, no wonder Jiang Xue told him to be careful. There were indeed ulterior motives. However, they made such a table of dishes, could it be for his last supper

Lin Bingyue glanced at Ye Fan, seeing that he didn't seem to have any particular expression. She couldn't help but feel puzzled, but she still continued, "Two members in our apartment reported that Ye Fan has seriously affected their rights within the apartment, so they reported it to me. And today, I'm taking this opportunity to discuss it with everyone. If you have any suggestions, please share them."

"Ah, Brother Ye, why are you leaving If Brother Ye leaves, I'll have to move out too," Shan Shan said resolutely.

Ye Fan was a little touched, while the group of beauties were speechless. What kind of poison did Ye Fan give Shan Shan She was so devoted to him.

Among them, the one who was most embarrassed was Lin Bingyue. She had just announced that Shan Shan would be moving in, but now, after just a short while, Shan Shan was about to move out again. Wasn't this slapping her face

Lin Bingyue said, “We haven't reached a consensus yet. This is a discussion, everyone should express their opinions freely.”

Lin Bingyue looked at everyone, but all the beautiful women just looked at each other, no one spoke. Lin Bingyue looked at Mo Ziyan and Dong Xiaoxiao, these two even less willing to give any speeches. Their attitude was very clear, that is, they wanted Ye Fan to leave.

And Jiang Xue and Bai Feng were constantly looking at the night pearls in their hands, whispering to each other from time to time, as if they were sharing their insights about the night pearls. Lin Bingyue couldn't help but shake her head. It seemed that Ye Fan's method of winning people over was still quite effective. He had bought off these two mouths all at once.

“Someone reported on Ye Fan's actions, and the reason doesn't need to be explained. I believe you all understand. However, please don't try to figure out who reported him or seek revenge. Otherwise, I'll be the first to object. Well, since no one has anything to say, let's have a vote to decide Ye Fan's fate. Does anyone have any objections"

Lin Bingyue looked at everyone. Seeing that no one reacted, she said: "Well then, now let's start. Those who agree to Ye Fan moving out, please raise your hand."

Lin Bingyue finished speaking and waited for everyone to raise their hands, but what she didn't expect was that someone actually raised their hand.

Ye Fan stood up gracefully, waving to the crowd as if he were a national leader. A kind smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Thank you all for your support."

Lin Bing's brow furrowed, what was going on

But a cold voice interrupted: "Sister Yue, this is unfair. If someone raises their hand, wouldn't they know who the accuser is What if they retaliate Who would dare to raise their hand then"

Ye Fan immediately felt his spirits sink when he saw that the speaker was Mo Ziyan.

This person still wants to make a fuss Ye Fan could figure it out with his toes who it was. If he really wanted to retaliate, he wouldn't wait until now.

Lin Bingyue thought about it for a moment and agreed. "Then we write it down, agree or disagree, democratic vote, and don't need to sign our names, how about that"

After seeing Dong Xiaoxiao and the others nod, Lin Bingyue turned her head back to look at Ye Fan. Ye Fan shrugged, indicating that it didn't matter to him.

Lin Bingyue then told Shanshan to prepare paper and pens. After a while, Shanshan brought them out, and Lin Bingyue distributed them among the people. She began to write.

Ye Fan chuckled in his heart, "Little one, you dare to compete with me There are seven people here in total. Including myself and Shan Shan, we'll definitely vote for me. And Lin Bingyue will probably vote too. Jiang Xue and Bai Feng, those two little girls, after receiving my night pearl, would they dare not vote for me"

So, this time, he won decisively. With a flourish of his brush, Ye Fan signed his name on the note.

After everyone had finished writing, Ye Fan waited for Lin Bingyue to collect his note. But he waited for a long time, Lin Bingyue had already gone around once, collecting all the notes, except for his.Director Chiang, there is something I must report to you.Please visit this site