<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 1080: Eating the Fruit of One's Own Doing


him. 。Even if four people were aware of it, there was nothing they could do about it. 。Especially, Ye Fan had praised them so highly before, always speaking highly of them. Did they have any dissentin..."Wow, that's scary," Ye Fan said as he dodged the Blood Snake King's venom constantly. That accumulated attack was fierce and relentless, with each angle more tricky than the last. One wave after another came crashing down, but Ye Fan always managed to dodge at the very last moment, as if he knew exactly where that accumulation would be sprayed.

However, the more he acted that way, the more the venomous creature became convinced that Ye Fan was afraid of its attack, and it thus attacked even more fiercely.

It's not over yet, you're addicted to spraying and it's bad. I'll let you reap what you sow.

Another round of venom shot out, and Ye Fan effortlessly dodged to a new position. Of course, the Blood Snake King's venom was like a shadow, always following him. However, Ye Fan made an incredibly swift move

He quickly darted to Shewa's side, who was heavily injured. Before the venom could reach him, he grabbed Shewa's limp arms and shielded himself with her body.

The Blood Serpent King watched in astonishment as his potent venom, which never failed to subdue its prey, was absorbed entirely by the snake child. The snake child's body shuddered with a faint crack, and then he saw blood splattering across her chest, her flesh torn and mangled.

The “gu” snake child let out another beastly howl.

The Blood Serpent King's eyelids were drooping, giving him a sullen look as he stared at Ye Fan.

While Ye Fan kept the Snake Cub in his hand and hid behind it, as if he were very afraid.

However, when Ye Fan felt the blood snake's venom attack cease, he looked up. He saw that the snake child's chest had been completely shattered, revealing its bloody flesh. The child was in agony, gritting its teeth, it was truly a pitiful sight.

However, Ye Fan's brows furrowed. He muttered, "Is this still a human body The wall could be blown open into a pit, but it can't break through your body. Let me see what's inside." Saying that, Ye Fan reached out his hand to check the She Wa's wound.

Because Ye Fan had the snake cub in his hand, the venomous serpent no longer dared to shoot venom balls at him. It only glared at Ye Fan with a pair of resentful eyes.

Just as Ye Fan was about to tear at the mouth of the Serpent Demon King again, a sharp and piercing cry suddenly echoed through the air.

The sound was very faint. If it weren't for Ye Fan's astonishing hearing, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Ye Fan didn't have time to think, he ducked down, and saw a blood-red giant blade brush past his hair.

Ye Fan clearly saw several strands of hair falling from the sky, they were his own.

While Ye Fan was dodging that massive blade, he suddenly felt a tremendous force coming from his hand, which forcefully sucked the Snake Demon in his grasp.

Ye Fan was caught off guard and failed to grasp

And he steadied himself, and when he looked again, he found that there was a hunched old man standing five meters in front of him.

The old man was so thin his bones were showing, looking frail and sickly. However, his eyes were exceptionally bright, gleaming with intensity when they looked at Ye Fan. Ye Fan saw a glint of killing intent in his gaze, as well as a hint of disdain.

This old geezer actually looks down on himself Ye Fan was taken aback. Who is this old man to be so arrogant

However, Ye Fan's eyes suddenly narrowed, because he saw the blood-colored sickle in the old man's hand, it was the same one He Tiesheng had used against him.

Ye Fan suddenly knew who this old man was. He could resolve his moves with one move, and he could calmly rescue She Wa from his hands. This person's skills were not weak.

It seems that contrary to rumors, he's not just a cheat after all. He's definitely a top expert!

Ye Fan looked at the old man with a proud face and smiled, "If I'm not mistaken, you are the Asura Demon God, aren't you"

Able to wield He Tie Sheng's Asura Scythe and make it so divine, Ye Fan couldn't think of anyone else besides the legendary top expert, Asura Demon God.

Legend has it that the Asura Demon God was not very skilled in martial arts. What he excelled at was his endless array of tricks and schemes. By employing these tactics, he often managed to defeat opponents far more powerful than himself, thus earning him the formidable reputation of the Asura Demon God.

"Hehehehehehe," the Shura Demon God let out a laugh that wasn't human, a sound that made people uncomfortable. Ye Fan couldn't help but frown.

"To be able to defeat both She-Snake and Blood Snake King together like this, you are the first person I've ever seen." After laughing, Shura Evil God first praised Ye Fan.

But Ye Fan didn't seem to care about his praise, and indifferently said: "There is no need for you to be humble, if you are willing, I am afraid that with a wave of your hand, you could make these two living beings vanish into ashes."

Ye Fan was extremely depressed. How could this Asura Demon God be so different from the legend From the move he just showed, his skill was even comparable to that of Fatty. Could it be that he had made progress over the years

"Not bad, you have guts. You're much stronger than that stagnant little punk He Tie Sheng. I, the Asura Demon God, like you very much. If you're willing to be my disciple, I won't kill you today. What do you say" The Asura Demon God looked at Ye Fan, his eyes gleaming with strange light.

He looked like a wolf that had seen a naked beauty for the first time.

Ye Fan shivered and shook his head. "I have no interest in taking a monster as my master. Besides, you're an old bone now. I think you only have a few years left to live. Why not enjoy your retirement instead of going around fighting all the time"

The Asura Demon God stared deeply at Ye Fan, and suddenly burst into a loud laugh: "Interesting, interesting. But you will regret your arrogance today."

After finishing his words, he took out a small bottle from his pocket and poured out a few pills, forcefully shoving them into the already dying Snake Child's mouth. Ye Fan watched him in astonishment, wondering what he was trying to do.

Soon, Ye Fan got the answer. Just as he saw the snake girl who had just been lifeless, after swallowing those pills, a strange gleam suddenly burst out of her eyes. Ye Fan could feel her vitality quickly recovering, and her breath becoming stronger and stronger, even far exceeding her state before she was injured.

Ye Fan was shocked and exclaimed, "What did you give her Why does she seem to have increased her skill so much"

Seeing Ye Fan's surprised expression, the Asura Demon God was very pleased. He sneered and said, "It's nothing, I just gave her a few fast-acting heart pills."

"What is Suixinwan" Ye Fan was truly astonished this time. Legend has it that the Asura Demon God back then was able to defeat those experts who were stronger than him, all thanks to his unique self-developed Suixinwan.deal with He Tiesheng, and Fang Biao and his men, you'll have to handle them yourselves."This was also the reason why he came to find her tonight. He had killed He Tiesheng's nephew, and He Tiesheng w...