<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 1069: Tremendous Shock


between them. She must be a virgin. 。"Whoa, why is there shiny liquid on the noodles What is she doing" Five people stared at each other in disbelief. 。 Ye Fan was dumbfounded. He quickly glanced a...Ye Fan looked up and saw a middle-aged man. After drinking that cup of wine, he fell to the ground. His movements were very large, so the sound he made was very loud.

"Haha, Lao Ma, didn't you claim to be able to drink a thousand cups How come after just a little bit, you're already drunk like this"

The people nearby watched the old horse lying on the ground and laughed incessantly.

But the old horse on the ground kept shaking its body, as if in great pain.

"Hey, Old Horse, what's wrong" When the people down below realized something was amiss, they crouched down to check on Old Horse.

But when they flipped the old horse over, they suddenly realized that his entire face had turned pale and colorless. His eyes were wide open and he didn't move at all, which was quite terrifying.

"Old Horse, don't scare me!" the man kept calling out to Old Horse, but Old Horse remained motionless. The man then tried to beat Old Horse with his hand, but as his hand touched Old Horse's skin, he suddenly discovered that Old Horse's skin was icy cold. The man was startled and hurriedly reached for Old Horse's nose, only to find that there was no breath.

Old Horse actually died and died with a grudge.

The man was heartbroken, frantically yelling: "Everyone, don't drink this wine, it's poisonous!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd erupted in an uproar. Ye Fan's face turned pale. This wine was really poisoned! If it weren't for Miao Rou reminding him just now, he...

My heart skipped a beat. I hurried two steps forward to check on Old Horse's condition.

Suddenly, Ye Fan's whole body trembled again. He had figured out the cause of Lao Ma's death, and his face changed drastically once more. Because Lao Ma hadn't died from poisoning at all. No wonder he hadn't noticed anything unusual in the wine himself

Ye Fan suddenly shouted, "Don't panic everyone, there's no poison in your wine."

His voice was powerful and resonant, echoing through the room so that everyone could hear it clearly.

Everyone was watching him, but some people were still restless. A rather plump middle-aged man questioned Ye Fan, "You say there's no poison If you have the guts, drink it for us to see."

Ye Fan let out a cold snort and immediately picked up the wine cup that had been poured beside him. He drank three cups in a row. This wine, though potent after swallowing, truly lived up to its reputation for being intoxicating. However, with just these three cups, it was impossible for Ye Fan to be knocked down.

Everyone watched as Ye Fan actually drank the wine down, and he was completely fine. They couldn't help but whisper to each other in astonishment, wondering what had happened.

Ye Fan spoke before they could open their mouths: "Old Ma's wine isn't poisoned, but it contains blood snake lizard venom. That's why he turned like this after drinking it."

"What's a blood snake lizard" the crowd gasped in surprise once again.

Ye Fan took a breath and said, "It's a hybrid of a snake and a lizard. Legend has it that only the Snake King and Lizard King can combine to create this species. It is infertile, but its physical strength and attack power are several times, even dozens of times, stronger than those of the Snake King and Lizard King."

This blood snake lizard is incredibly fast and powerful. It feeds on human blood and survives within the five internal organs and six fu organs of a living person. Wherever there is human blood, the blood snake lizard can survive.

In other words, Old Horse drank the blood snake lizard, and his body was drained by the blood snake lizard, so he fell to the ground and died.

After Ye Fan uttered those words, everyone present was stunned. They looked bewildered, like they had heard a fantastical tale. However, more than that, they were filled with fear and confusion.

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Ye Fan saw their expressions and said, "Don't worry, there are no blood snakes in your wine. Only the wine that the little girl specially treated would have blood snakes."

Ye Fan coldly said, he recalled that little girl pressing her finger in his wine cup. He also thought it was strange at first, why go through so much trouble But when he picked up the cup to look, he found nothing.

That's why he didn't think elsewhere, now it seems, she is the real culprit.

But now, Ye Fan looked up, and in this room, there was no trace of the little girl.

"Do you have any proof, or are you just talking out of your hat" someone yelled.

"Well, then I'll prove it to you."

Ye Fan immediately brought out two cups of wine. One was poured by Miao Rou, and there was definitely no such blood snake lizard here. The other cup was the one given to him by the little girl.

In order to make it clear for everyone to see, he poured some more wine into both cups. When the two cups were almost full, he bit his fingertip and put a drop of blood into each cup respectively.

Legend has it that the blood snake lizard is an extremely rare species, known to few people, and even fewer are able to breed and raise it.

Because of this strange way of life, its temperament is quite peculiar. It lives on blood and thrives when it encounters blood. Its growth rate is visible to the naked eye. After it grows up, its temperament changes drastically, and it will extend its fangs towards all living creatures around it, even its owner who raised it.

But its offspring are extremely small, even almost invisible. If you don't pay close attention, it's impossible to find them.

Therefore, Ye Fan didn't notice anything amiss at first. If it weren't for Miao Rou's reminder, he would have fallen for it.

Everyone stared at him in amazement, unable to understand what he was doing.

After quickly stirring in both cups, Ye Fan raised the two cups and said, "You see, what's different between them"

As his words fell, everyone looked up in astonishment, carefully eyeing his glass. The two glasses of wine were exactly the same.

Still playing coy, but as that drop of blood melted into the wineglass, a vision arose.

One could see Ye Fan raise this cup of wine. It was plain and unremarkable, with no sign of movement whatsoever.

But the cup of wine in his right hand, as it mingled with his blood, they saw the wine moving.

Yes, the wine was indeed moving, more precisely, they saw something as thin as a strand of hair swirling around in the wine. After a while, they saw that same strand-like thing suddenly increase in size several times.

And the drop of blood in the wine cup, had long since disappeared.

Could it be that its erratic movements in the wine just now were caused by sucking blood The crowd was astonished.

"Don't panic, there's a more terrifying scene coming." Ye Fan added a few drops of his own blood to the wine in order to make it clear for everyone to see.

This time, he bled a lot, and the strand of hair inside surged even more wildly. Almost everyone could see that something inside was stretching out a snake-like little tongue, constantly lapping up the remaining blood in the wine. In just a moment, the blood in the wine had disappeared.valing that of facing a tiger. Long Nu wasn't sure what would happen if they kept fighting like this. The battle was too intense, evenly matched, and it was impossible to tell who was winning until th...