The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 945: You Are a Dish? (Ten More)


oser, the collar of her shirt drooping slightly, allowing him an easy glimpse of the two smooth, white mounds beneath. At this moment, Ye Fan's blood was surging uncontrollably.Go or not A word of wa...Another piece of stone exploded on Tie Guangtou's head, forcing him to stop again. But he burst into laughter and said: "Boy, you lost! You said that if you attacked three times, you would blast my head open. How about it, now three attacks have passed, and I'm still safe and sound here!"

Tie Guangtou was extremely pleased, even though his head was throbbing from Ye Fan's beatings. Right now, he felt a perverse sense of pleasure in his heart. He couldn't wait to see the expression of remorse, fear, and despair on Ye Fan's face.

However, what he never expected was that Ye Fan actually smirked wickedly, his eyes full of playful expressions.

Why is he still smiling

"What are you laughing at" Tie Guangtou was furious.

"It's nothing, I just laughed at how silly you are. You actually hit me three times when I said to hit you three times! If I had known you were so obedient, I should have said ten times instead."

Ye Fan looked at Tie Guangtou with the eyes of an idiot.

Tei's head was furious, his face already flushed red with anger. He roared, “Are you mocking me”

Ye Fan casually said, "Oh, no, my time is very precious. How would I have time to play with you You touch your shiny head."

"What do you think, with your little tricks, you can break through my iron head"

Just as Ironhead was saying this, he stopped. He stared at his hands in disbelief, covered now with blood that came from his own head.

This man, whose iron head was said to be even harder than a turtle shell, actually got it bleeding! How is this possible

Tie Guangtou stared blankly at everything, his mind momentarily short-circuited, forgetting what he should do next.

"Hey, bald head, are you kidding me" Ye Fan saw his dumbfounded expression and knew that his spirit had collapsed. His signature move had been shattered before his eyes, and no one would feel good about that.

This can be considered a lesson for him. Ye Fan didn't have time to play with him, so he turned around and was about to leave.

"I'm going to kill you!" Seeing Ye Fan's disdainful expression and his turning away, Tie Guangtou's strong sense of self-esteem was deeply humiliated. He charged towards Ye Fan regardless of everything.

"Grass, you really think you're a piece of cabbage"

Ye Fan turned around and kicked Tie Guangtou. Tie Guangtou's spirit had already collapsed, his whole body was wide open, and Ye Fan's kick easily hit his lower abdomen. Tie Guangtou was lifted into the air by Ye Fan and crashed to the ground several meters away.

Tie Guangtou spat out a mouthful of blood. His iron head was broken, like an inflated balloon that had been punctured, and he only had less than one tenth of his power left. Now, he was even less of a match for Ye Fan.

He only managed to stay standing because his will was strong enough. He gritted his teeth and held on, refusing to faint right then and there.

Tie Guangtou's eyes were venomous as he stared at Ye Fan, hatred blazing in their depths.

"If you want to die, come and try again."

After Ye Fan said this, he turned and left.

Although this bald head blocked him, Ye Fan didn't really have a life-or-death grudge against him. Therefore, Ye Fan didn't want his life.

"Boy, are you going to abandon your woman"

A shout rang out, Ye Fan turned his head and saw a group of people emerge from the darkness. Leading them was a man with triangular eyes and an eagle-like nose, it was He Er who had just been kicked away by Ye Fan.

And at this moment, his hand was holding a bone-white dagger, the blade pressed against a delicate and smooth face.

This face, with its perfectly proportioned features, was a masterpiece. It was flawless and would have elicited adoration from anyone, but now it was pale and drawn, clearly the result of extreme terror.

Ye Fan's heart sank when he saw this face, because this person was Lin Bingyue, who had just broken up with him not long ago.

"Ye Fan, save me," Lin Bingyue trembled, her eyes filled with helplessness as she looked at Ye Fan. Her whole body was trembling slightly.

She was an extremely strong woman, and with her two days of martial arts training, she didn't take those so-called wolves in sheep's clothing seriously. There were even a few times when she had experience driving them away.

But she never expected that as she was about to enter the beauty's apartment tonight, several men in ancient martial arts attire suddenly sprang out from the side. They were all skilled fighters, and with their large numbers, Lin Bingyue, who wasn't a professional martial artist, was caught off guard and overpowered by them in an instant.

Lin Bingyue was still struggling when He Er, the sleazy man, appeared. He threatened her, saying that if she made any more noise, he would assault her right there and then. He even reached out to her with his hand menacingly.

Lin Bingyue's heart immediately filled with fear. Although she could be a bit willful sometimes, after all, she was a girl. Deep down, she was terrified of that kind of thing. If it really happened, she'd rather die.

So, she readily followed He Er and the others.

Because Lin Bingyue could see the greedy look in He Er and those people's eyes, their undisguised lust, Lin Bingyue knew that if she continued to resist, they might really do something that would betray humanity.

Now that Ye Fan was in sight, Lin Bingyue's most vulnerable side was completely exposed. She suddenly longed for an arm to protect her, someone she could rely on. She had never felt this strongly before.

Hearing Lin Bingyue's mournful and helpless voice, Ye Fan's heart sank to the bottom instantly. His face turned frighteningly cold, and a bone-chilling aura emanated from him. He Er could strongly feel the aura emanating from Ye Fan, and he involuntarily took a step back.

"You...what are you going to do"

"Let her go." Ye Fan said coldly, his voice wasn't loud, but He Er couldn't help but feel a pang of fear when he heard it. He sensed the taste of death in this voice.

If he didn't follow Ye Fan's instructions, it was hard to imagine what would happen next. He had personally experienced Ye Fan's prowess and didn't want to try being disciplined by him again.

He couldn't help but loosen his grip.

Lin Bingyue felt her whole body suddenly relax, and she hurriedly gasped for breath.

Her throat had been clamped by He Er this whole time, while a dagger was pressed against her. Lin Bingyue could barely even breathe.

"Trash" He Er felt a flash of movement in front of him, and then he was roughly pushed out by someone. The dagger in his hand was also taken away.

While Lin Bingyue had already been grasped in that person's hand, He Er looked closely and saw clearly who was holding Lin Bingyue hostage. It was his senior brother, Tie Guangtou. However, on his senior brother's head, which was usually bald, there was now a horrifying amount of blood. He was stunned, his mouth agape."Slap..."The drumstick in his hand fell to the ground. The fat man swallowed hard, his eyes following the direction the girl had gone, flashing with a burning flame. H...