The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1576: My Disagreement with the Seoul Marriage


time was right here in this kitchen, Wu Min'er had already been intimate with him, just not taking the final step.It's such a mess, Ye Fan instinctively felt. Could he have taken both Wu Xia and Wu M...Li Nanshan's wedding kept countless people on edge.

Among them, of course, was also Jing Hong, the head of the department, who had received notification from Lord Yue yesterday.

Jīnghóng mìng said he would pay attention to this matter, and he really did.

Director Jing Hong just had a different perspective on the issue. He was almost completely absorbed in observing every detail of Li Nanfang's wedding, hoping to find something illogical about it.

Or, from the message of this wedding, find out what Li Nanan was trying to do.

Even if Li Nanfang truly had amnesia, it's unlikely he would abandon Duan Xiangning's recently deceased body and immediately marry another woman without any ulterior motives.

But, knowing that the live television broadcast showed Father with the big beard taking over the wedding scene, Bureau Chief Jinghong still couldn't see any clues.

Jīnghóng mìng was a little lost.

Finally, I couldn't help myself and took out my phone to call Baibai.

He couldn't see through Li Nanshan's purpose, so he had to find the person who knew this kid best.

As the saying goes, "Nothing is better than knowing one's own child."

Even though the people on Baibai's side weren't her biological parents, Li Nanshan, who she respected most in her life, could always see through them.

As a result, when Director Jing Hong made the phone call, only one sentence came back: "Just watch how things develop."

After much deliberation, Director Jing Hong gave up.

If it's just a fox, there will be a day when its tail will eventually show. Just wait and see then.

Jīng Hóng was waiting for Lǐ Nánfāng's fox tail to appear, while Lǐ Nánfāng was surprised to see another fox's tail emerge.

He hadn't ruled out the possibility that the woman who had appeared by chance yesterday was coming for him.

Later, a series of events transpired, causing him to abandon such thoughts.

After all, besides her agile movements, that curvy backside and long legs only knew how to drink, she hadn't even looked him in the eye once.

More importantly, after last night, that woman completely disappeared as well.

Knowing today, at the most subtle moment, she appeared again.

Even if she didn't see the woman's face clearly, the killing intent in her eyes wouldn't change.


Shen Yun beside him answered with a sound, pulling Li Nanfang back from his surprise.

He instinctively turned his head to look over, only then realizing that Shen Yun was answering the priest's question.

She will "love Ye Shen with unwavering devotion, through sickness and poverty, until death" in the days to come.

"Good child."

The priest beamed a kind smile and gently nodded at Shen Yun. Then he asked, “Are you willing to marry Ye Shen and be his wife”

The priest places his hand on the Bible, representing the Western God, and addresses the newlyweds.

This is a very solemn occasion.

Logically speaking, even if one couldn't fully transform their role, they should be earnestly looking at the priest's face at this moment, or gazing deeply into the bride's eyes, awaiting her answer.

Now, Mr. Li was still not recovered from the murderous intent he just displayed. As the priest spoke, he couldn't help but turn his head towards where those luscious hips and long legs were.

However, there wasn't anyone he wanted to see there.

Just as mysteriously as she had appeared, the woman vanished without a trace.

It felt like something out of the future, a mere figment of Li Nanshan's imagination.

For a moment, Li Boss was lost in thought, feeling a little uneasy until he felt a gentle tug on his arm. That's when he refocused his attention back to his surroundings.

Shen Yun looked at him with deep affection, her voice softer but her tone more resolute: "I'm willing!"

With that echo, the wedding venue was immediately engulfed by a thunderous applause.

Everyone is using this way to express their most sincere blessings, and they envy and hate the one who can make Shen Yun say "I do."

After a long while, the applause subsided.

The priest slowly turned his head and looked at Li Nánfāng.

At the same time, who knows how many people's emotions became abnormally tense. Before the priest even asked a question, they were already eager to provide answers for Li Nanshan.

Zhan Xing Shen and Li Mu Chen's hands were tightly clasped together. From the beginning of the wedding ceremony, their eyes had been fixed on each other, a mixture of excitement and schadenfreude bubbling within them.

As the king's gifts to Li Nanfang's women, they had long accepted their fate, but their hatred for the king only grew stronger.

But hate, I dare not speak it out, for fear that what follows will be even more intense than hate.

So, even when cursing him in their hearts, they were still accustomed to calling him "King" instead of his given name, "Yang Xiao".

Though this did not prevent them from feeling happy when they saw the king dejected.

This is the man the king loved deeply, who now married another woman. No matter how invincible you are, you can't control a man's feelings, can you

"Just say yes, please! What are you waiting for Just say it!"

Zhan Xing Shen and Li Mu Chen didn't speak, but the calls in their hearts were identical.

They were watching with great enjoyment, like they were at a play.

Meanwhile, in another place, some people saw the wedding as a grand show and laughed heartily.

Beneath ragged clothing lay a beautiful face and an alluring figure. Shen Qingwu watched the television, focusing on Li Nanfang's enlarged face in the close-up shot. Images of Yue Zitian, Hua Yeshen, and the rest popped into her mind inexplicably.

"A bunch of silly women, constantly competing with each other, only to end up being someone else's bride. I wonder what they're thinking. But come to think of it, Yue Ziting's expression on her face must be quite rich right now."

Shen Qingwu suddenly felt an intense curiosity about Yue Zitian's current state.

That kind of anticipation was even more urgent than hearing Li Nanzhang's answer on the television.

She called her beloved nephew without a moment's hesitation.

It's not necessary to go overboard. As long as you can capture a photo of Yue Zitian's expression at Yu Xu, preferably in a video, that would be enough.

I believe this matter would not be difficult for the Jinghua Shen family to handle.

But when the phone call went through, the answer left Shen Qingwu utterly disappointed.

Because Yue Zitong wasn't in Jinghua at all, she had taken Huaye Shen to Qingshan last night.

A group of women gathered in the green mountains What are they up to

Shen Qingwu mumbled to herself, bewildered.

Of course, she wouldn't guess that the head of the Yue family had been swayed by He Lan Xiao Xin and was planning to establish a harem alliance for Li Nanfang.

However, such an alliance is not yet fully formed at this moment.

Because when all the members truly gathered at Qingshan Garden Villa District, Mr. Ye Shen and Shen Yun started the livestream of Miss's wedding ceremony as the league's first member meeting began, which forced the meeting to be postponed until the wedding ended.

YUE Zitong, Hua Yeshen, He Lan XiaoXin, Min Rou, Jiang MoRan, Bai Ling'er, Sui YueYue, Shang Dao Sakura, eight women gathered together, staring intently at the television.

If these people's hearts could speak their minds in genuine language right now, it would surely be a symphony of pure emotion—a cacophony.

Unfortunately, no one spoke.

Even when the priest focused his gaze on Li Nanshan, they held their breath and forgot to think.

A few seconds of silence passed, the priest and Li Nanfang's eyes met for a few seconds.

In Western weddings, this question-and-answer format, a fixed process, has also become a common melodramatic plot point in many TV dramas.

Before the wedding, a new bride or groom should practice saying “I do” thousands of times to ensure they don’t accidentally say it incorrectly on their big day.

At the same time, this was also their last chance to run away from marriage.

If the runaway bride or groom utters these three words and still elopes, then that person will surely be subjected to the scorn of Jesus, cursed, and prohibited from entering heaven forever. They will be denied the pleasure of experiencing the crucifixion, and so on and so forth.

To avoid such a curse, those who wanted to run away from marriage would definitely run away before answering.

Therefore, television dramas also like to set the climax points of consecutive episodes at such moments.

Intentionally, letting the audience, the old gentlemen, only hear the priest's questions and not the protagonist's answers.

Will you or won't you

Want to know the answer

Okay, then we just endure ten or fifteen minutes of commercials and cheesy opening themes, waiting for the next episode to begin.

Then the next episode begins, with the male and female leads' psychological activities and flashback scenes from one episode. It's just like this, keeping viewers hanging on, until the letters "For more details, please watch tomorrow's episode" appear.

This kind of approach really makes me want to smash the TV and go after the director and screenwriter with a knife, chopping them into dozens of pieces.

Well, this isn't a TV drama, so nothing that bizarre will happen.

Some are definitely, the most reasonable answers to let everyone relax.

"Mr. Ye Shen, will you love Miss Shen Yun'ai through poverty and riches, through health and sickness, until death do you part"

The priest said this with a kind smile, but his fingers lightly traced the pages of the Bible he was holding. One couldn't help but think that beneath this benevolent facade, there lurked the body of a demon. But anyone who dared utter "no" would be met with a knife pulled from beneath the Bible, used to silence those who dared to blaspheme the divine.

Boss Li swallowed hard, trying to make his smile seem genuine so as not to summon the demon behind the priest. He said softly, "Of course."

"Good child."

The priest was pleased, slowly extending his fingers and laying his entire palm flat on the Bible to demonstrate his acknowledgment of the groom. He then spoke again, "Do you, _____, take _____ as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part"

The most crucial question has finally been asked.

As long as Li Nanting utters the three words "I agree," it means that the Shen family's wish will be fully realized.

That also proves that the entire wedding finally had a happy ending.

So, all eyes in the audience were on Li Nanfang, filled with an atmosphere of extreme tension.

After all, this moment is the most likely time for accidents to happen.

Anyway, the groom himself didn't intend to cause such an accident.

After all he had been through, Li Nanshan finally, at this crucial moment, managed to step into the role of the groom.

He felt he should express some sincerity, or perhaps in the time to come, really savor the feeling of being a son-in-law.

So, there's no reason to cause any surprises.

He took a deep breath: “I—”

"Wait a minute, I disagree!"

A voice, a male voice with an unwavering tone, suddenly boomed out from the throng of people listening to the 'gospel' behind Li Nanshan just as he was about to utter the words "I agree".

The entire wedding scene, which had already been silent, seemed to hold its breath as if the air itself had thickened at the sudden sound.

Everyone seemed to have that satisfied expression, as if they had expected something unexpected to happen at this very moment.

Then, all eyes turned to the source of the voice from the void.

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