The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1568: Besides Wine, Nothing Else Is Appropriate


haven't said what you want to do with me today You wouldn't actually want to go to bed with me, would you Just so you know, I (4) am not someone who's easy." Ye Fan only then remembered that Qin Xu ha...As the saying goes, three women make a play.

Mr. Li has so many women, if they were all gathered together, there would definitely be a troupe of actors, able to perform any kind of play.

It's a pity that Mr. Li can't see that scene yet.

At this moment, he only felt that it wasn't necessary to have three women to make a play, one woman was enough.

And it's not just singing opera, it's a full-fledged movie blockbuster.

That woman with the shapely hips and long legs, wielding a butterfly knife in her hand, danced it like a blooming seven-colored rose.

She didn't even raise her head, and while she was dancing with the butterfly knives, she casually picked up a glass of wine and took a sip.

When the final dance ended, the butterfly sword's blade was pressed directly against the yellow-haired gangster's forehead.

This scene left Li Nanfang speechless, and the two scoundrels who were trying to take advantage of the situation were so frightened that they almost knelt down.

After a brief moment of stillness, the two turned and ran.

Li Nanfang's gaze shifted with the fleeing yellow-haired thug, only to return to the woman with her raised buttocks and long legs. There was no more butterfly knife, just a drunk woman buying herself some late-night solace.

"Wow, the moon is so round tonight."

Mr. Li let out this heartfelt exclamation, his lips twitching slightly. He straightened his posture and continued to savor the authentic sake.

It's just that looking at the alluring curves and long legs has become a little more discreet.

The moment he saw the beautiful woman whip out a knife, he completely lost any desire to get close and take a head-on hit.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the woman's skill, after all, there were only a handful of people in the world who could pose a threat to him.

But the moment he saw the blade, his mind inexplicably flashed images of Yue Ziting and Bai Linger, those women who beat him up with punches and kicks whenever they felt like it.

"Tonight, besides drinking, nothing else should be done."

He warned himself silently, picked up the glass of wine in front of him, and drank it all in one gulp.

The more wine he drank, the more Li Boss's consciousness blurred.

The entire bar became increasingly boisterous, and those who had failed to resist Ye Shen gradually became the main force swaying in the dance floor.

Perhaps the alcohol helped them temporarily forget the pain of their goddesses being with someone else.

At that moment, who knows which oblivious bartender accidentally pressed the remote control for the pub's TV.

The dazzling music video on the television screen transitioned into the news segment of Hancheng Television.

The diligent heavy metal music faded, replaced by the sultry voice of a glamorous female host.

"Our station will be providing a live broadcast of Miss Shen Yun's wedding ceremony tomorrow. We wish Ms. Shen and Mr. Ye a lifetime of happiness together."

This sentence came out of the television, exploding in everyone's ears through the bar's hollow speakers.

Those who seemed to have already forgotten "Ye Shen" suddenly erupted.

"Boycott Ye Shen, protect the princess!"

Right at that moment, a member of the protest organizing group searching for the restroom bumped into Mr. Li's side. Stimulated by the news being broadcasted on TV, he hopped onto the round table in front of him, stepping on a stool, and raised the protest sign he always kept close by. He shouted out this sentence loudly.

Then, countless people responded, shouting in unison, "Boycott Ye Shen."

The drunk Li Boss, seeing a pair of smelly feet kick his table and spill his wine, and hearing countless people shout to resist him, what could he possibly do.

Of course, he was furious. He grabbed a leg from the table and yanked it down with his hand.

With a crash, the face of the protest organizer and the table surface came into close contact. Their loud shouts turned into heart-wrenching screams.

Everyone in the bar was stunned.

Countless eyes converged, focusing on the perpetrator.

And Boss Li was startled awake by the wailing around him. He didn't need to turn around to know what had happened behind him.

What's even more frightening is that the disheveled organizer, after falling flat on his face, looked up and met his gaze, becoming the only person to ever see his true face.

The howl abruptly ceased. The creature's eyes widened, a finger trembling as it pointed, struggling to form words in its extreme shock: "Ye—"

"Oh, buddy, you've had a bit too much to drink, haven't you Come on, let me help you!"

Boss Li had seen all sorts of storms and waves. If he were to be cheated by this unknown, cowardly wretch here, what face would he have to return to the people of Qingzhou

Without letting the other party finish their words, he strode forward, bending down to scoop. He used his entire body to block everyone's gaze, and with lightning speed, he punched that person in the abdomen.

The stomach is the most important digestive system in the human body. All food will go through this organ for simple sorting, and then transported to the intestines for digestion.

After a person overindulges in alcohol, their stomach suffers a sudden onslaught. The most direct consequence is the reversal of the digestive system, causing alcoholic beverages to reflux from the stomach upwards.

But, if you're going to inflict serious abdominal trauma on someone, simultaneously use force to obstruct their mouth and nose.

Fizzy and swirling liquor will certainly allow alcohol to disperse quickly, permeating the whole body, especially the brain which is closest to the mouth and nose.

What would be the result if alcohol directly invaded the brain

But just look at how meekly the organizers of the demonstration lie down.

"Ye Shen!"

The organizer had been knocked unconscious by Li Nanshan's punch to the stomach. Of course, that wasn't his name he yelled out.

It was Mr. Li himself who let out that roar of anger.

He casually threw the organizer onto a nearby bench and, with a voice that boomed with power, bellowed out the two words "Ye Shen." He then leaped onto the round table.

The placard bearing Ye Shen's giant portrait was held high above his head, blocking his face.

"Boycott Ye Shen, Protect the Princess!"

Li the boss hid behind a playing card and shouted out his own words of resistance.

This scene was so ridiculous, yet those arrogant South Korean people were carried away by his passion, raising their arms and responding in unison: "Resist Ye Shen!"

The shouts were deafening.

Mr. Li is really formidable when he gets serious, he doesn't even let himself off the hook.

The drunken mob, now with a new leader, was full of fervor, their chants echoing for a long time.

As the bartender reset the television screen, the upbeat music filled the bar, and everyone slowly began to calm down.

Mr. Li, hidden behind the playing cards, let out a breath of relief: "As a prince consort, to enjoy life with the people is definitely something worthy of being recorded in history. However, I am not the kind of person who cares about fame and fortune, so I'll just let this matter blow over."

He reached out from behind the cards with one hand, making a silencing gesture, and then jumped down from the round table.

A sudden and inexplicable “crisis” has reached a point where it can be perfectly concluded.

But as soon as his feet touched the ground, another drunken shout came from the entrance of the bar: "Good, resisting very well. Tonight's drinks are on me!"

A young man walked unsteadily, clearly intoxicated. It was surprising that he could speak so clearly just moments ago.

Being invited for drinks by someone is something everyone would be happy about.

Cheers, applause, and screams erupted as the new era of revelry began.

Li Nanfang wasn't particularly interested in this so-called "nouveau riche" who had appeared out of nowhere.

I just think that the style of South Korean people is too flamboyant. They always seem like they've already had too much to drink and can barely stand, yet they still come to the bar to get more drunk.

The tycoon was like that, with a big booty and long legs—oh Where's the person

Mr. Li unconsciously turned his head back to look at the beautiful scenery he had admired for so long, only to find that the place where the beauty was located was now empty.

Turning her head, she saw that swaying pleated skirt billowing in the wind, stumbling towards the direction of the bar door.

Li Nanfang admitted that tonight, apart from drinking, nothing else was appropriate. But without a reason to make him feel at ease drinking, the only explanation was that everything was inappropriate.

He didn't even want to drink any more, he just wanted to chase after her.

How did I get here, and how do I go back

After all, that pert bottom and long legs came from the Hotel Seoul. It was perfect to have her lead the way back.

And some people have already paid, there's no need to bother the Shen family anymore.

Thinking this way, Boss Li strode out.

As he took a step forward, he realized that the Korean rice wine, barely above ten degrees, tasted little more than water. However, its aftertaste was surprisingly strong.

He swayed involuntarily from side to side, his feet moving in a graceful curve.

Opposite him, a similarly out-of-control tycoon, drawing circles inward with his unsteady gait.

The two met in the hallway, a narrow passage where they bumped into each other. It was a beautiful scene of you dodging me and me blocking you.

Seeing the翹臀長腿 had already disappeared outside the door, Boss Li panicked and reached out to push the nouveau riche away.

Who knew the wealthy landowner would sway and dodge his casual shove, not to mention working diligently. He actually opened his arms and hugged him right on the shoulder.

"Hey man, I just said I was treating you to a meal, and you're leaving Isn't that a bit disrespectful"

The nouveau riche was drunk and blurry-eyed, while Boss Li staggered on his feet. The two of them swayed together like they were dancing, a truly sickening sight.

Our boss Li isn't gay, being hugged by a man is disgusting enough. The other party even blocked him from chasing after the beautiful scenery, how can this be tolerated

Li Nanfang immediately thought of using the same trick, buying one and giving one away to send this nouveau riche a "digestive coma."

But before he could even clench his fist, the tycoon's eyes widened and he burst into laughter: "I know you!"


Mr. Li let out a surprised exclamation, and suddenly sobered up half way.

The next moment, the latter half of this person's sentence made him both laugh and cry.

"You're the one who spearheaded the resistance against Ye Shen. I want to buy you a drink, let's get drunk tonight!"

The wealthy landowner was overjoyed, holding onto Mr. Li's shoulder and pulling him upstairs with all his might.

Li Nanshan clenched his fists a couple of times, but ultimately didn't strike out.

During the time I was delayed, that hot-bodied beauty with long legs probably doesn't even know where she has gone.

Since chasing after them won't lead to finding anyone, there's no point in doing such futile work.

He followed the tycoon's lead and stepped onto the private room on the second floor of the bar.

Alcohol has always been about getting drunk.

Mr. Li relaxed his mind and naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity to be treated to a meal by someone else.

The table in the room was piled with all sorts of alcohol. As soon as the wealthy landowner walked in, he slumped onto the sofa and started guzzling it down desperately.

Impressed by his diligence, Li Nanfang couldn't help but speed up his drinking pace.

By the halfway point, both had drunk half the wine, yet they hadn't uttered a word to each other.

Mr. Li felt a pang of guilt for receiving such kindness out of the blue. He really wanted to know the name of the generous benefactor so that he could ask the Shen family to look after them in the future.

Before he could even open his mouth to ask, the door of the room suddenly swung open.

Two women who had been sent away by Mr. Li with a single word walked in and chirped at the nouveau riche, “Young Master Li, we’re here to keep you company over drinks.”

"Li Dashao"

Li Nanfang silently muttered to himself, only feeling that this title was so familiar.

Like the sultry aunt, please collect everyone: () The sultry aunt updates the, wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility.Ye Fan stopped talking after hearing this. He simply found a spot and sat down with Jiang Xue, chatting and laughing merrily. He looked relaxed and co...