Night Walker under t works

Chapter 1097: Long-Planned


his hand and struck down upon the lower realms, a heavy palm strike aimed at Tiānlòs Mountain as a whole."Boom!"Another earth-shattering roar echoed, and within the towering peak of Tiansuo Mountain,...Just as this thought arose in Jiang Yun's mind, he suddenly felt a flash before his eyes and saw figures emerge from the bodies of those tens of thousands of Kongmen worms at the same time!

In an instant, tens of thousands of figures appeared all around this space!

Ten thousand cultivators!

Seeing these one hundred thousand cultivators, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hongnia's eyes lit up instantly, and their faces couldn't help but show excitement.

Clearly, all 100,000 cultivators are disciples of the Jiuyi Sect!

And that was something they hadn't expected!

Originally, it seemed like only Grand Ancestor was here, but in reality, he brought with him one hundred thousand Void Gate Worms. At this moment, using these Void Gate Worms as a conduit, he summoned one hundred thousand disciples from the Nine Righteous Sect!

In this way, although this is the main sect of Yaoshénzong, and although there are tens of thousands of Yaoshénzong disciples surrounding it, and even two puppets of the Human Dao Tongshen realm are watching closely, with the assistance of these 100,000 disciples, Yaoshénzong would be unable to stand a chance in this battle.

However, there was also a hint of doubt in both their minds.

The fact that these 100,000-plus disciples of the Yi Zong could appear simultaneously in such a short period of time clearly indicates that it was prearranged.

Could it be that the ancestor of the Man clan is taking this opportunity to help Jiang Yun in order to attack Yaoshengzong

Facing this sudden appearance, like divine soldiers descending from the heavens, of 190,000 disciples from the Jiu Yi Sect, the elder of the Ya Shen Sect did not show any surprise on his face. Instead, he smiled.

"So, it seems even the ancestors were prepared. And if I'm not mistaken, this should be the entirety of your Jiuyi sect's elite, right"

"My goodness, I never expected a second-rate sect like yours to have so many disciples. You Hidden Sword Sect truly are good at concealing your strength!"

“But, welcome! From now on, my Yaoshending sect will have ten thousand more medicinal puppets, including even a human-like one at the Dao Tong realm!”

With your help, the Dao ancient realm will soon be dominated only by my Medicine God Sect!

The old man suddenly raised his hand again, and he saw streaks of light shooting up into the sky on the entire land of Yaoshenzong.

If one were to look from the outside at this very moment, they would clearly see that the entire space where the Yaoshhen Main Sect was located had become a gigantic transparent sphere.

Inside the sphere, countless light beams crisscrossed each other, and each beam emanated an astonishing wave of energy.

As these pillars of light appeared, the entire earth of Yaoshensh utama Zong collapsed in this instant.

Below the earth, a sea of red magma appeared, with endless flames constantly churning and emitting scorching heat that twisted the entire space!

From the molten mass, there were wisps of all sorts of strange scents drifting out.

And the experienced herbalist Jiang Yun, smelling these aromas wafting into his nostrils, instantly understood.

If my calculations are correct, beneath this sea of magma, there should be a colossal cauldron!

This sea of magma was forged by the flames emanating from the cauldron, and the scents that wafted out were those of the various herbs placed within.


That is to say, the Yaoshenzong is now clearly going to refine all 100,000 disciples of the Jiuyi Sect, including Man Shang and Jiang Yun, into medicine puppets!

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

Immediately following that, the space where the nine branch sects were located outside also suddenly shifted rapidly.

In an instant, they had all shifted to new positions. Each one emitted a ray of light, nine rays in total, encasing the space where everyone stood.

This sudden string of changes caused Ren Dinghan and his companion, who had just regained their composure, to once again change their expression drastically!

Although the Jiuyi Sect brought one hundred thousand disciples, this is after all the mountain gate of Yaoshhen Main Sect.

Here, the Yaoshén Sect spent countless years quietly laying out a plan, long ago transforming this space into an impregnable fortress.

Now, to counter the 100,000 disciples of Jiuyi Sect, they have activated all their hidden schemes!

Their divine senses swept across the surroundings, and they immediately felt that the entire space was completely confined. Even with spirit stones or jade keys, no means could escape this place.

They cannot leave this formation. Below them lies a sea of scorching magma, its intense heat making even those at the Daoist Realm feel waves of heat rolling over them, almost unbearable.

As for the countless beams of light that crisscrossed in all directions, forming a vast and intricate array like a spider's web, they clearly constituted an unimaginably colossal formation.

Although we don't know what this formation is truly for yet, it must contain many hidden killing moves.

It was obvious that the Yaoshenzong had set a trap long ago, and the 100,000 disciples of Jiuyi Sect, plus Man Shuang and others like themselves, had become moths flying into a flame.

Moreover, even if they were killed, they wouldn't believe it. As the largest sect in the ancient world, the Yaoshhenzong, only has over 10,000 disciples.

They definitely still have a large number of disciples who haven't shown up, and given the current situation, they don't need to appear.

Based solely on the current arrangements shown by the Yaoshenszong and those two human-like apothecary puppets, they would be more than capable of killing all of us.

At this thought, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hongniang unconsciously moved their bodies closer to Man Shang.

And those one hundred thousand and nine disciples of the Yizong also all simultaneously spread out their forms, preparing to approach the Manzu.

However, the old man suddenly spoke up: "Everyone is best to remain still. If you move, you might activate my sect's great formation completely. What consequences will arise then Even I cannot predict."

Hearing this, the ten thousand disciples instantly dared not move.

"And that elder continued, "They say you Nine Righteous Sect are a rabble. Now it seems that is not the case!"

For many people, such as Wei Hong, the reason why Jiuyi Zong managed to become a second-rate sect in their understanding is entirely because they admitted disciples regardless of their background.

Such disciples, of course, could not possibly coexist with the sect. Once the sect was in trouble, they would inevitably flee at the first opportunity, and would never even consider the sect's fate. They would simply run away.

But now, seeing it with his own eyes, the old man realized that the rumors were apparently wrong.

As disciples of the Jiuyi Sect, they are all willing to fight for their sect.

Just like Ren Dinghan and Hua Hongniang now, along with their hundred thousand disciples, when they find themselves in danger, the first thing that comes to mind is not escape, but to do whatever it takes to protect Manzu.

Having realized this, the elder felt even more secretly grateful that his sect leader had decided to thoroughly exterminate the Jiuyi Sect and had made such arrangements.

Because of such sects, as long as they are given enough time, they will inevitably grow stronger and even threaten the status of Yaoshhenzong.

A hint of satisfaction flickered in Man Zu's eyes as he looked at the actions of his many disciples. After scanning the crowd, he addressed the elder of Yaoshhen Sect: "It seems you have long been plotting against my Jiuyi Sect!"

"Very good!" The old man said with a smug look: "Within the Dao Ancient Realm, my Yaoshhen Sect absolutely does not allow any secrets to exist beyond our control!"

Besides, don't think we don't know. Your Jiuyi Sect has been secretly working against us. Our sect leader has long wanted to eradicate your entire sect, but there hasn't been a suitable opportunity.

Fortunately, not long ago at a bidding event in Dongming City, the Qingyun Ding that had been stolen from my sect suddenly reappeared. And among those present, the two most likely suspects were Ren Dinghan and Hua Hongniang.

This makes us realize that you seem to have a rather special interest in this Jiang Yun.

"Therefore, we decided to use Ginger Cloud as bait to see if we could lure out the big fish from your Jiuyi Sect."

"Now, you big fish have finally taken the bait!"

This novel is first published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Network.'s figure shot towards the gathering place of the heavens like an arrow, and soon arrived at the end of the passage. He saw his divine consciousness avatar sitting cross-legged there.As Jiang Yun took...