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Chapter 734 She Was Scarier When She Went Crazy


st resentful of Xiao Yu Ge and the Crown Prince meeting Why would she be so willing to help"An Ling, we're rushing to Honglu Temple with all our might. However, because we were too anxious, the carria..."Ge'er, if you can't forgive me, then kill me. I thought about letting you be with Xiao Huai Shu, but I really can't do it! To watch you marry someone else would drive me insane!" At this moment, Qian Si Chen knelt before her humbly.

“Qian Si Chen, you and I are the same kind of people. I can go mad too, and when I do, it’s not something you can bear! So, don’t push me! We could have lived in peace like this—you as your prince, me as my carefree princess. But you insist on doing all these things. Don’t blame me for not warning you, I am no longer the Xiao Yu Ge you knew before. When I go mad, I can destroy even myself!”

Xiao Yu Ge gritted her teeth and uttered these words before leaping away. This was her final warning to Qian Si Chen. If he truly drove her to desperation, she wouldn't hesitate to drag him and the entire world down to hell with her!

If she had been that woman consumed by hatred, she would have done it long ago. It was Qian Tingxuan's appearance that gradually changed her thoughts, even convincing her to let go of that deep-seated hatred.

If one day Qian Tingxuan were to disappear, perhaps nothing in the world could hold her back anymore.

She had originally planned to go to the Prince’s Palace of Tranquility, but after being stirred up by Qian Si Chen like this, Xiao Yu Ge suddenly lost her mood. She aimlessly came to the Love Pond. At this time, the Love Pond was no longer as lively as before. The Wish Tree was still full of red ribbons, and the breeze blowing through caused the red silk and wind to dance in harmony, but it also seemed so lonely.

Xiao Yu Ge sat quietly under the tree of fate, thinking she would destroy everything to vent her emotions. But now, she seemed to want to do nothing, just sit here in silence.

Perhaps, the end of emotions is not venting but silence. Too many wounds may lead to choosing silence. It turns out that when emotions reach their peak, one can truly be silent, not wanting to say a word. Retaining the power of silence is the last way to comfort oneself.

Once, I had a soft heart, but when I looked back at the wounds I had suffered and that broken heart, I couldn't soften again. Perhaps at some point, a fire burned away all my obsessions in my heart, or maybe there will be a day when I let go of all obsessions, with a little regret. It is recognition, letting go, acceptance, and also powerlessness......

"Big brother, if you truly want to take responsibility for me, then wait until I come of age, and you can marry me..." Xiao Yuge, half-dreaming and half-awake, was awakened by that crisp voice. She suddenly opened her eyes and jumped to her feet.

Everything around was still so quiet, quiet enough to hear only the sound of the wind blowing. She strolled to the lakeside, thinking about the words from her dream. Was this really where she and Qian Tingxuan first met Why couldn't she remember

She patted her head in annoyance, muttering to herself: "Why do I always remember what I shouldn't and forget what I should"

"Little Song!"

Perhaps it was a spiritual connection, when Qian Tingxuan went to Mingzhu Mansion to find her, he learned that she had also gone out to find him. Thinking about not meeting her halfway, she actually came here by some divine intervention, indeed, she was right here.

This was where he first met her, a place that truly sealed their fate.

"Qiantingxuan!" It was after a period of low spirits that his appearance allowed Xiao Yuge to recklessly throw herself into his arms. This warm embrace would certainly calm her heart.

"What happened Why is someone here alone" Qian Tingxuan gently stroked her hair, his eyes full of concern.

“Where have you been these two days You didn’t come to find me, I missed you.” In this life, she could spout sweet words effortlessly and knew he loved to hear them. It was also the truth, perhaps out of habit from his daily presence, when she couldn't see him for a day, she felt a strange emptiness in her heart, always looking forward to his appearance.

“I'm preparing a surprise for you,” Qian Tingxuan smiled mysteriously, reaching out to remove the fallen leaf from her head. “Hè Míng is getting married, and we are the witnesses. We should at least help with the preparations. Besides, I also invited the Prime Minister and his wife to be the witnesses, so I've been busy and neglected you. Are you angry”

"I'm not angry," Xiao Yuge shook her head, genuinely believing it: "I was going to give the wedding dress to A Yue, but Senior Brother said you already had someone rush-make one. Is that true"

"Well, of course it's true. Yours is the wedding dress I prepared for you. How could you possibly give it to someone else That's a dress that only my bride can wear." Qianting Xuan said ambiguously, leaning close to her ear.

"It's really not a big deal, our wedding isn't going to be set anytime soon anyway." Xiao Yuge sighed helplessly.

"Hearing Xiaoger's tone, does she really want to marry me" Qian Tingxuan held her and sat her down beside him.

Xiao Yu's song paused, she turned her head and looked at him earnestly: "Qian Tingxuan, from the moment I agreed to marry you, I have truly decided to spend my life with you." Perhaps marrying him was not a bad choice.

Qianting Xuan's heart felt as if it had been suddenly filled with something. His heartfelt feelings had finally been reciprocated, and he was so happy: "Little troublemaker, this is where we first met, and the place where you made your promise to me. It's finally coming true. You are mine, always will be!"

"Qian Ting Xuan, if our path to marriage is destined to be fraught with obstacles, will you persevere"

"You are the one I have chosen, and no obstacle can stop my determination to marry you. I will never give up!" He lowered his head and pressed a deep kiss onto her forehead, sealing his promise there.

"Qianting Xuan, as long as you don't give up, I will never leave your side!" Xiao Yuge hugged his neck and kissed him proactively, using practical actions to tell him her determination to marry him.

No matter how many people try to stop her from marrying him, no matter how difficult the road ahead may be, as long as he is by her side, she will walk with him until the end. Although she has foreseen the hardships that lie ahead, as long as he is there, she is not afraid!

“Little baddie, you’re so enthusiastic that I can't help but want to eat you right here!” Qian Tingxuan hugged her tightly. At the moment desire erupted, he still managed to stop himself. It was because he had promised her that he would have her completely on their wedding night, so he had to keep his word!

"It's getting dark, let's go back. Tomorrow, my senior brothers and sisters are getting married, so we should get up early to help." Xiao Yuge had calmed down now, smiling as she pulled him up.

"Well, I'll send you back first. I have some things to arrange tonight, so I can't keep you company. Get some rest." Qian Tingxuan kept a faint smile on his lips.

This made Xiao Yu Ge instantly feel that something was off about him today: “You really seem a bit strange, what’s wrong”nd. In just a few months, the vows they made still echoed in her ears. Why did it all change just like that"Fu'er, stop joking! I will still marry you, just a little later." Qian Sichin frowned slight...