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Chapter 518 Conspiracy 5


ight, let's not dwell on that. Don't you want to go find the sulfur stone This king will accompany you.""Aren't you busy tomorrow I'll have Xiao Li accompany me instead. You can lead the troops to hel..."I really don't know what this Dugu Yu wants to do."

Feng Lingxi clenched her fists, furious. If this continued, this capital city would likely fall into his hands.

She must find a way to notify Dugu City, she can't let him be used by Dugu Yu. This cunningness is fortunate that Dugu City has a sense of vigilance, otherwise, if he had agreed that day, I'm afraid Dugu City wouldn't even know what kind of outcome he would face now.

"The Third Prince has trapped the Crown Princess here, he's probably doing this to get at the King. We have to find a way to warn the King and prevent him from being used by the Third Prince," Xiao Li said, looking out the window. "Your Highness, I have a plan."

Feng Lingxi raised an eyebrow. "What's the plan"

Xiao Li leaned in and whispered a few words in her ear. Feng Lingxi looked at Xiao Li, her brows furrowed with some worry, "Are you sure this is okay"

"No choice made."

Wind Lingxi nodded, looking out the window at the continuous drizzle. On a day like this, catching a cold and getting a fever was normal. This was also the only way to see Duke Guyu.


From the room where Feng Lingxi was confined came Xiao Li's frantic knocking on the door. She shouted to those outside, "Quickly come! My wife has a fever, quickly summon a doctor!"

The door was knocked loudly, and the maid outside heard the sound and reported to the Third Prince. Du Guyu came soon after.

Dugu Yu entered the room and saw Feng Lingxi lying on the bed, her cheeks flushed red, already in a coma. He hurriedly questioned Xiaoli, "How did you take care of your mistress How could she have such a high fever"

"Lord Three Kings, my wife is already weak. Confined here for days without even a stove to warm the room, how could she not catch a chill and develop a fever"

Dugu Yu coldly looked at the maidservant at the door, "Why wasn't a brazier fire sent to the Fourth Princess"

"This servant did not know that the Fourth Princess was so frail. The household has not yet reached the time to send a basin of hot water."

"Why are you still standing there Hurry up and bring the brazier and fire."

Dugu Yu roared furiously, the anger in his eyes made the maidservant guarding the door hurriedly go down to fetch a brazier and fire. Xiaoli knelt down with a plop, her eyes filled with tears, her reddened eyes opening to beg, "Third Prince, please spare me, please get a doctor for my mistress."

"Come, bring the doctor."

"Thank you, Third King."

Xiao Li hurriedly bowed and thanked, while Dugu Yu looked at Feng Ling Xi's flushed cheeks, standing aside with a gloomy face. How could Feng Ling Xi have a fever She was a skilled doctor! If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought Feng Ling Xi was deceiving him.

"My lord, I heard that the Fourth Princess is ill with a fever. How is she doing"

The Third Princess walked in, worry etched on her beautiful face. She looked at Feng Lingxi lying on the bed, wanting to speak but holding back.

Dugu Yu saw the Third Wangfei arriving, and said softly, "My love, you're watching her for me, I have something else to attend to. The doctor will be here soon, so let him examine the Fourth Wangfei properly and prescribe some medicine for her."


San Wangfei glanced at Feng Lingxi and said to Dugu Yu, "Wangye, the fourth Wangfei's cheeks are so red, she must have a high fever."

After he finished speaking, he reached out and touched Feng Lingxi's forehead. The burning temperature made her flinch her hand back, "It's so hot."

"It's a bother to my beloved wife."

Dugu Yu glanced at Feng Ling Xi, gave San Wangfei a few instructions, and then left.

Wind Lingxi had a high fever, and more and more people came in and out of the room. The Third Princess stayed in the room, and the doctor was invited to give Wind Lingxi medicine to bring down the fever. After staying in the room all night, Wind Lingxi's fever finally subsided.

Feng Lingxi's fever had subsided, but the Third Princess fell ill, with a high fever that wouldn't break. Upon hearing the news, Duguo Yu ordered the physician to treat her. However, the physician said that the Third Princess suffered from a wind-cold fever and was also poisoned.

Upon hearing about the poisoning, Dugu Yu's face paled. The doctor also informed Dugu Yu that the poison on the third princess was strange and he couldn't cure it. It was very potent and supposedly incurable, advising Dugu Yu to find another doctor. Dugu Yu inquired with the maidservants around the third princess. The third princess had only stayed in Feng Lingxi's room for a night, so Feng Lingxi was the most likely suspect to have poisoned her.

"Your Highness, do you think the Third Prince will come find us"

Feng Lingxi reached out and removed the towel from her forehead, "If he didn't like the Third Princess, he wouldn't come."

Dugu Yu was intelligent and perceptive, he would surely guess that the third consort had been poisoned and that she was involved.

As Feng Lingxi had said, on the very afternoon that the Third Royal Concubine was poisoned, Duguyu came to her room. Looking at the maidservant guarding the door, Feng Lingxi's face was icy cold.

"The Fourth Princess really is good at this."

Dugu Yu walked before her, "What poison did you give to this king's beloved concubine"

"What did the Third Prince say I just recovered from a fever, so I don't know what the Third Prince meant. The Third Princess is poisoned"

"Fourth Princess, wise men speak plainly. Your medical skills are impeccable, and your poisons even more so. Otherwise, you wouldn't be accused of poisoning the late Emperor."

Feng Lingxi heard what Dugu Yu said, her beautiful eyes swept over him, and she was unafraid. "Since the Third Prince has said so, I won't be afraid to tell you, the poison on the Third Princess, was indeed placed by me. Besides me, no one else can cure it. Moreover, from the moment the poison takes effect until it fully manifests, there are only seven days. After seven days, there is no hope of recovery."

"Fourth Royal Consort, you..."

Dugu Yu looked at Feng Ling Xi's cold eyes, his fist clenching in anger, "I never thought you would be so ruthless. This king asked Ai Fei to take care of you, but you poisoned her."

"Didn't you learn this from the Third Prince Wasn't the Third Prince also using the excuse of Mother Fei being kidnapped to bring me here If I'm not mistaken, Dugu City doesn't even know I'm in your hands. He's probably still running around like a headless fly looking for my whereabouts."

Feng Lingxi's words made Duguyu grit his teeth. She was right, he hadn't informed Dugucheng. Now the entire capital city was searching for Feng Lingxi's whereabouts, even the Empress Dowager had offered a reward for finding her.

"This king truly underestimated the Fourth Princess's abilities."

"You too."


Feng Lingxi looked at Dugu Yu's gritted teeth, and she realized she had underestimated him. She learned this from him after all.

"If the Third Prince doesn't want to give the Third Princess an antidote, he needn't worry about my poison. After all, to the Third Prince, women are like clothes. If there is no Third Princess, he can always find another woman to be his queen..."

"Shut up!"

Dugu Yu angrily rebuked her, she didn't understand at all how good his relationship with his beloved wife was. In his manor, there were no other women besides his beloved wife.

Feng Lingxi's eyes flashed with a hint of triumph. She naturally knew the importance of the Third Princess to Duke Gu Yu. When Duke Gu Yu was with the Third Princess, his eyes would never deceive her. And that day when he said his Third Princess understood him, she guessed their relationship was very good. She had a fever, and the Third Princess would surely come to visit. Duke Gu Yu wouldn't touch her forehead, but the Third Princess and she were both women. The poison... it was administered at that time.

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(This book URL: www.rzlib.net/b/94/94762)ng to be with Yu Mo today. If you have something to do, just go busy yourself, don't worry about me."It's almost the Lunar New Year, but she still has a lot of things to do."Will he be leaving soon Ar...