Time flies. works

Chapter 190: Wu Ming's Unease, Hundred Billion Demonic


ven without opening up a cave heaven, it would allow chaos to grow further, and in turn allow oneself to possess formidable power.But.To truly achieve this, the difficulty is not small.Just now, a rul...In the desolate void, a gray continent hangs silently, as if held aloft by an invisible hand, never to fall.

Central China.

A suspended temple stood there quietly.

In the main hall, Wu Ming is silently refining the core of the divine nation.


His tightly closed eyes opened, revealing a hint of surprise and uncertainty.


Why do I feel uneasy

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Wu Ming's expression was uncertain.

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A sudden unease overcame him, forcing him to interrupt the process of refining the Sun and Moon Divine Country.


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Wu Ming was silently calculating, trying to figure out what could have caused him such unease.

But no matter how he calculated, there was always no result.

After several attempts, to no avail.

In the end, Wu Ming gave up on the possibility of divination.

“I cannot calculate this. It is highly likely that it involves the Divine King level. Could it be that a Divine King is preparing to attack our clan”

He pondered to himself.

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Although the demon tribe exists inside the Death Forbidden Zone, normally speaking, no race would dare to reach into it.

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If we exclude the myriad races, then the most likely candidates would be the Heart Demon Clan.

The clan has coveted the demon tribe for a long time.

This is a


If the other party were not afraid of some methods left behind by the former king, they would have probably made a move long ago.

"If it truly is the Heart Demon Clan, then I must prepare myself in advance!"

A murderous intent flashed in Wu Ming's eyes.

With the current strength of the demon clan, if they were to confront the Heart Demon Clan head-on, they would be utterly no match for them.

Unless one is able to ascend to the Divine King realm.

But the problem is.

Right now, I still need decades to refine the Divine Country of Sun and Moon.

in a short time.

There is no possibility of refining a divine nation at all.


“It seems like I'll have to use some drastic measures!”

Witch Ming's golden eyes looked outside the hall, as if they could span countless spaces and see a colorful vortex.

That is the entrance to the human world.

If there were any way for the demonic clan to maximize their power in the shortest amount of time, it would be to invade the human world and plunder the blood essence of humans.

Just —


The seal on the human race's gateway to heaven and earth is still incredibly powerful.

less than the God King realm.


There is no power to break the ban at all.

For a long time.

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Wu Ming retracted his gaze, and the next instant, his figure vanished from where he stood.

When it appeared again, it was already in a fiery cave.

Within the cavern, lava flowed incessantly, its terrifying heat warping the surrounding space.

No one would have ever imagined this.

In the underground of the Demon Continent, there exists such a terrifying magma.

But in the center of the magma, there is a platform abruptly existing.

The platform was etched with intricate patterns, resembling a powerful formation. In the very center of the formation lay a blood-red long sword, resting quietly there.

Lava flows ceaselessly.

The blood sword was reflected in a crimson hue.

The intense smell of blood spread, like some kind of peerless weapon. There were faint sounds of terrifying roars and howls, like a world-destroying demon king.

"Demon Sword!"

Standing on one side of the cave, looking across the magma at the blood-colored sword, a fiery gleam flashed in Wu Ming's eyes.

This is the ultimate treasure passed down through generations of his demonic clan.

A magic sword!

A peerless weapon capable of slaughtering all living beings and exterminating all clans!

But unfortunately.

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The Devil Sword is extremely vicious, capable of harming both enemies and oneself. Those without sufficient strength have no chance of wielding the Devil Sword.

Even if it were a god king, there would be no way to directly activate the magic sword.


Tens of thousands of years ago, during the war between humans and demons, the demon clan would never have suffered such heavy losses.

“To wield the Demon Sword, one must possess power no weaker than that of a Divine Master. Those who haven't reached the level of a Divine Master have no chance of retrieving the Demon Sword.”

In his mind, Wu Ming recalled some things the former god king had said.

The demon sword is mighty.

But it’s not completely helpless.

It's only when one's own power is insufficient that they would resort to wielding the power of the demon sword, a price that is incredibly steep. Throughout generations, powerful figures within the demonic race have warned against using the power of the demon sword unless it is absolutely necessary for the sake of their clan's survival.

Just as he was thinking about something in his mind.

The magic sword in the middle of the platform suddenly trembled.

A strange and chilling voice appeared in Wu Ming's ear.

"Do you crave power"

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“Who's talking!”

Wu Ming's expression changed drastically. After speaking, he turned his gaze to the blood-colored sword.

This is the forbidden land of the demon clan. It's very difficult to enter without special means.

Right now, in this cave, there's only me and this demonic sword.

If you don't speak first, then the other party will.


> Thought about this possibility.

Wu Ming was greatly surprised.

He didn't actually know much about the Demon Sword. All he knew came from what the previous God King had told him.

In fact.

The specific origins of the magic sword, as well as some details about it, are not well understood.

"It's you!"

Just as Wu Ming confirmed who had spoken, the magic sword vibrated again.

A strange, cold voice had already been transmitted.

"Do you crave power"

It's still the same sentence.

"Even if I craved power, what of it"

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“Once you break the formation seal and release me, I will bestow upon you the power you desire, making you the rightful emperor of the demonic race!”

“If you were truly capable of granting me the power I desire, why would you seal me here”

Wu Ming sneered.

He was completely unmoved by the temptation of the magic sword.

It is undeniable.

The magic sword is indeed very powerful.

But even if it were incredibly powerful, Witching wasn't convinced that the other party could directly bestow power upon him.


The information given to him by the previous King of Gods made it clear that the Demon Sword was both the final resort of the demon race and a double-edged sword hanging over their heads.

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If the seal is broken, the demon clan will face a crisis of extermination.

Upon hearing this.

The Demon Sword's voice, eerie and cold, echoed: "Since you refuse to believe, what need do you have to come here."

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“I am here for a reason of my own.”

Wu Ming frowned again.

He originally planned to borrow the power of the magic sword, but now he felt a hint of ominous premonition.

I want to leave.


But a sense of foreboding lingered in the back of his mind, unsettling him nonetheless.

Just then.

The Demon Sword said, “Then we’ll follow the old rules. Sacrifice one billion souls, and I will lend you a portion of the Heavenly God King’s power. Sacrifice ten billion souls, and I will lend you a portion of the Sun-Moon God King’s power.”

If I could sacrifice a billion trillion lives, I could borrow the power of your god-level.

Wu Ming fell silent.

The reason he came here was to say what he said.

The records of powerful figures from the demon clan state that by sacrificing corresponding creatures, one can obtain power from the demonic sword.

But only after truly arriving at the cave did I understand.

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So-called gaining power.

In essence, it's a deal with the Devil Sword.

Billions of creatures, able to trade for the power of Heaven and Earth Gods.

Trillions of beings are able to directly trade for the power of a god-level master.

This temptation.

It's simply too much.


Wu Ming also understood the difficulty of this. Billions upon billions of souls, even if the entire demon clan were sacrificed, it would be a question whether enough could be gathered.

Of course, he could also plunder souls from other races.


Plundering a few beings is easy, but to plunder over billions of them, it's almost the same as directly sacrificing an entire world.

All races of the heavens.

Any force is deeply intertwined.

With the current strength of the demon clan, it would be impossible to directly plunder hundreds of billions of lives.

A moment later.

Wū Míng said calmly, "In three days' time, I will offer up a hundred billion living beings to you. By then, I hope you will keep your word."

“Keke, you demon clan has cooperated with me for a long time, how could I break my promise.”

The magic sword emitted a cold and eerie sound, which made Wu Ming feel very uncomfortable.

But he didn't say anything, just looked deeply at the magic sword as if it were something extraordinary, and then turned and walked away.

Billions of creatures.

It can only be chosen from the demon race.

Although it was difficult, the vast demon clan managed to gather hundreds of millions of creatures.

Even so, doing this would cause the demonic race's strength to plummet to rock bottom.


Compared to the sacrifices needed to conquer human territory, this is equally bearable.

“When the human race's world is shattered, I will use their power to accelerate the refining of the divine kingdom. Once I become the Sun and Moon Divine King, the demon clan will certainly recover its former glory!”

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Wu Ming's eyes were resolute.

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He has this confidence.

The only prerequisite is that one can refine all human beings within the world of heaven and earth, thereby ascending to the position of the Sun Moon God King.

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That's all.

In fact, it's not difficult.

With the current power of the demon clan, dealing with the human race would be no problem at all. The biggest trouble lies in the restrictions within the human world's heaven and earth.

Right now, as long as we break the restriction, the rest of the problems will be solved easily.

After leaving the cave.

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Wū Míng is summoning all the deities.

"I have seen your Majesty!"

"I wonder what commands Your Majesty has summoned us for"

In the grand hall, those divine beings all wore expressions of bewilderment.

The Nether Deity said: "Within three days, you divine realms must apprehend a hundred billion demonic fiends and bring them before me. Do not fail."

"Billions of demonic fiends!"

All the deities present changed their expressions abruptly.

But looking at Wu Ming's expression, no one dared to ask any further questions, they could only bow and accept the order.

When all the other deities had retreated, only Wang Mubai remained. He clasped his fists and asked in bewilderment: "Your Majesty, are there any plans to apprehend the billions of demonic creatures"

When the other gods' realm appeared, Wang Mubai did not ask.


...until now.

Only when he was left alone with Witch Ming in the main hall did he dare to voice his doubts.

Looking at the person in front of me.

"My mood has eased somewhat. There is nothing I'm trying to hide: "I haven't been at peace lately, and I suspect a powerful being is plotting against our clan. The only way to break this deadlock is for me to ascend to the God King realm."

The fastest way to become a God King is to conquer the human world.

This capture of hundreds of billions of demonic fiends is to utilize the true foundation of my clan, using the power of the foundation to break through the human race's heaven and earth seal. This will allow our demon fiend army to advance unimpeded, thoroughly conquering them!

Wang Mu Bai is his true confidante.

Later, when the demon clan truly grew powerful, they also became an important ally.

There are some secrets.

Let it be known, it's not a big deal.


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The location of the Demon Sword is a forbidden zone with seals inside. It is impossible to enter unless there are specific methods.

As Wu Ming slowly explained, Wang Mubai finally truly understood why the other party had suddenly captured hundreds of billions of demons.

Sacrifice the demons.

...in exchange for the power to break through the human race's seal on heaven and earth.

But he also understood that this information absolutely could not get out, at least until the sacrifice was complete. Otherwise, it would cause some unforeseen complications.

As for the matter of sacrificing billions of demon-kind, Wang Mubai didn't have the slightest objection.

In his view.

If sacrificing billions of demon creatures is enough to gain the opportunity to break through and attack the human race, then this price is well worth it.

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Just a demon.

As long as the Dead Zone remains, the demon race can be constantly replenished.

This is the advantage of the demon race.

Born in the Forbidden Zone.


Every moment, every instant, beings are born into existence.

If it weren't for the frequent influx of countless races into the Death Forbidden Zone, causing frequent clashes between the demonic tribe and these cultivators, resulting in numerous casualties each time, the Demonic Continent would have long been overcrowded.

Of course.

To truly generate hundreds of millions of demons, under normal circumstances, it would take an extremely long time.

But what does this have to do with me

As long as he could break through the human world, Wang Mubai believed that he could also get a share of it.

By that time.

> One's own realm can be broken through again.

Even if I can't reach the level of a Divine King, entering the Divine Realm should be no problem.

After leaving the main hall.

He immediately returned to his family and spread the news of capturing demons. In an instant, the vast Wang family sent out their strongest members to all corners of the continent to hunt down demons.

This is different from before.

After Wang Mubai's ascension to the divine realm, the Wang family's influence expanded more than tenfold compared to before.

There are no less than twenty or thirty monks who have entered the ranks of saints.

These have entered the holy.

Most of them came to him after hearing his name.

The purpose is to be able to rely on the divine realm and have opportunities for promotion in the future.

When Wang Jiqiang was deployed, Wang Mubai also sent messages to various forces on the mainland, ordering those forces to hand over a certain number of demons within a specified time.

For a while.

The entire Demon Continent was in turmoil.

At the Wang family home.

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Tan Tianji, who had successfully advanced to the Saint realm, couldn't help but ask the question that had been puzzling him: "Master, what is the purpose of our current widespread pursuit and capture of demons"

“Our clan is preparing to make a move against the human race.”

Wang Mu Bai glanced at him slightly, and said in a lukewarm manner.

He made no attempt to hide it.

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Although the other party had come out of the reincarnation pool and was no longer their subordinate, Wang Mubai still trusted this person who had followed him from the human race.

In particular, these years, he has been devoted to cultivation, and many things within the Wang family have been handled with his cooperation.

The Wang family's current power stems not only from its own factors but also from Tan Tianji's significant contributions.

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If you say.

As Wu Ming's confidant, Tan Tianji could be considered my own.

On hearing this.

Tan Tianji's face was stunned: "Our clan is going to attack the human race Didn't we say that the power of the human race's heaven and earth seal has not dissipated, and there is no way to break it temporarily"

This news surprised him very much.

"You are unaware that the Witch Emperor intends to utilize our clan's remaining trump cards to break through the celestial seal on the human realm. The true purpose of hunting down billions of demons is this."

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Wang Mubai said lightly.

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But before Tan Tianji could ask again, he continued, "You needn't worry too much about this matter, I will handle it myself. Go ahead now!"



Tan Tianji did not ask any further questions, but bowed and withdrew.

"Death Zone!"

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Flying through the air, Shen Changqing looked at the empty void in front of him. Despite its uniformity, he immediately recognized it as his destination for this trip.

Never stop.

He directly entered the range of the Death Forbidden Zone.


Originally, the peaceful and serene vacuum was filled with a sinister negative aura that sought to corrupt this outsider and assimilate it into its ranks.

But this negativity could not shake Shen Changqing in the slightest.

Don't say it's him now.

Even when he first emerged as a member of the human race, these negative forces within the Death Zone had little to no effect on him.

Entering the Death Zone.

Shen Changqing's heart couldn't help but flutter with a few moments of excitement.

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It wasn't that he had any feelings about the Death Zone, but rather that humans existed within it. Once they entered the Death Zone, there was a kind of homesickness, a fear of being too close to home.

"Hiding the human race's world within the Death Forbidden Zone, the human expert who did this certainly has guts."

Qingyi felt the negative energy around her, a subtle change in her expression.

Death Zone.

Even during the reign of the human empire, it was a place that struck fear into people's hearts.

Many powerful human warriors entered, but ultimately all perished within the restricted area.

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That can be said.

The fearsome reputation of the Forbidden Zone has been around for a long time.

Now, people have placed humanity within the Death Zone. It's clear they intend to use this as a last resort, hoping for a resurrection from the brink of extinction.

From this, it can also be seen.

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In the beginning, the human race had dwindled to a dire state, so desperate that they were forced to relocate their entire species to the Death Zone in hopes of survival.

When Shen Changqing heard this, his eyes moved slightly: "Senior means that the human world was not originally located in the Death Forbidden Zone, but was moved here by a powerful being"

"> It's possible."

Qingyi shook her head: "Either the Death Zone itself already contains a world, or it was moved here by a powerful person. Of course, it's also possible that he created it himself."

Speaking of the creation of heaven and earth.

His tone was devoid of any fluctuation.

Opening up a world within the heavens is actually quite easy. All it takes is absolute power to shatter the void, from which earth, water, fire, and wind emerge, giving birth to a new world.

With your abilities, as long as you are patient, I believe it will be no problem to create a small Qiantiandi.

Qing Yi's words.


Shen Changqing also understands this to some extent.

Open up the world.

To put it simply, absolute power tears apart the void. When earth, water, fire, and wind emerge, they can give birth to a world.

That's all I have to say.

Thus, the world that has been opened up is merely a superficial framework.

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The true, complete heaven and earth are beyond the comparison of any mere framework.

But compared to the difficulty of moving an entire heaven and earth, the difficulty of opening up a new heaven and earth is certainly much less.

This is the time.

Qing Yi continued, “If your lord has the time, you might as well often open up heaven and earth to try it. There was once a strong human being who, in order to obtain the Chaos Stone Tablet, single-handedly opened up heaven and earth for tens of thousands of years in the void.”


"Is the probability of the Chaos Stone Tablet this low"

Shen Changqing's expression was strange.

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To have opened the heavens and earth alone for tens of thousands of years, that must have been an awfully lonely thing to do.

Qingyi smiled and said, "Venerable One thinks that the Chaos Stone Tablet is easily obtained As a treasure that suppresses the heavenly realms, even if it nurtures the destruction of a hundred worlds, whether it can be obtained or not is still a question."

And opening the heavens with brute force isn't always successful, perhaps countless times shattering the void before earth, water, fire, and wind appear once.


All in all, opening up the heavens and earth is said to be easy, but it also consumes an immense amount of time.

Ah, I see!

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Shen Changqing nodded silently.

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He thought that although the Chaos Stone Tablet was precious, it should be obtainable by breaking some worlds.

I never expected that.

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The probability of the Chaos Stone Tablet appearing is ridiculously low.


“Not every world born has a chance to give birth to a Chaos Stele. Only when heaven and earth can withstand the erosion of the void, gradually stabilize, and then spend a long time nurturing the rules, is it possible to nurture a Chaos Stele.”

If it's not too difficult to carve out a piece of heaven and earth with brute force, then making that newly carved space withstand the erosion of the void is exponentially harder.

And then, with the subsequent derivative rules, the heavens and earth gradually approached perfection. Through these numerous steps, even after tens of thousands of years, the complete universes that could be nurtured were few and far between.

The carrier required for the Ten Thousand Races Divine Dao is also similar in method, but to be honest, the Chaos Stele is much more precious than a carrier.

Qing Yi said.

Upon hearing the other party's words, Shen Changqing gained a deeper understanding of opening up heaven and earth.

The void breeds!

Endure the erosion of the void!

> On to rule derivation!

Every step must be flawless.

Given this method, the difficulty of opening up heaven and earth by one party is self-evident.

If one were to rely on their own strength to open up the heavens and earth to obtain the Chaos Stone Tablet, as Qingyi said, the time required would likely be measured in tens of thousands of years.

Shake your head.

Chen Changqing temporarily gave up on opening up the heavens and earth, obtaining the Chaos Stone Tablet, and finding a carrier.

It looks like this is a win-win situation.

But you should know.

The time of the strong is often the most expensive thing.

After spending a long time opening up the heavens and earth, all he got was a chaotic stone tablet. This wasn't what he wanted.


I did not have the Chaos Stone Tablet suppressing the cave heaven.

Under the premise of having the Chaos Stone Tablet, doing that would be overkill.


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Chen Changqing also had his own guess.

"Now I have reached the peak of the Ninth Heaven, and when I exterminate all the demon clans, I will definitely get a lot of killing points. If I ascend to the Tenth Heaven through killing points, then when I open up my own Heaven, will it still need to be suppressed by the Chaos Stele"

Could the panel automatically generate a Chaos Stone Tablet for me if needed

He thought about his own initial advantage.

Since entering the Heavenly Realms, there hasn't been a single kill to add to my ledger. My interface has been eerily silent for far too long.

This time, facing the demon clan again, it means there will be new kill value to account for.

Shen Changqing is very much looking forward to it.

How many kill points can such a large demon clan give themselves in the end

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Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!you'd like me to translate!His punch had already surpassed the level of a God King, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call him a God Sovereign.Even if Shangqing Daoist breaks through the Ten Thousand...