Time flies. works

Chapter 1151: The Fall of the Heavenly Prodigy


lderness Mansion is plagued by demonic disturbances.>Although the situation is not completely dire, it certainly won't be getting any better.He had originally planned to return directly to the Demon S...www.bbiquge.cc, the human race guardian!


Shen Changqing then bestowed individual names upon the three.

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Lei Jiang!

Lei Yuan!

Congratulations, Lei Qing!

As for the name, it was just a code name. Shen Changqing wouldn't think too much about it. It was good to have a designation.

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Shen Changqing also discovered that the three of them were very different from Lei Chong.

When Lei made his reappearance, he began at the level of a half-step Divine Lord. But the three who were born together only reached the level of the Sun and Moon God King. Let alone being a half-step Divine Lord, they were even two levels lower than a Rule God King.

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It seems that the first being born from Reze is incomparable to those born later. There's a gap not just in strength, but also in talent.

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If Lei Chong's talent could be compared to that of the top prodigies, then these three could only be considered average prodigies.

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One's innate talent is not fixed and can be changed through later effort, but if one's initial talent is good enough, it undoubtedly allows one to take many fewer detours.

This can also explain why the first Thunder God born from the ancient Lei Ze reached the level of a god, while other beings born from Lei Ze failed to replicate his glory.

While there's certainly a matter of coincidence here, it's also due to the different fundamental essence that Reze bestowed.

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> However.


That's how it is.

But Shen Changqing didn't feel sorry.

Raze can no longer give birth to powerful beings like Lei Chong because the current Raze is only capable of this. If Raze could be restored to its ancient state, the creatures it gave birth to would undoubtedly be even more formidable.

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Being able to nurture three Sun Moon Divine Kings right now is already quite good.

In any clan, an additional Sun-Moon God King is a force to be reckoned with.

Not to mention.

The three of them are naturally born as the Sun, Moon, and Divine King. As long as they follow the established path, attaining the position of Divine Master will undoubtedly be a certainty.


As for whether one can reach the divine king, it all depends on personal fortune.


Shen Changqing immediately conferred titles on the three as elders of Tianzong.

After all, the strength of its Sun and Moon King is totally capable of serving as a sect elder.

In the current Celestial realm where the Divine Lord reigns supreme, few sect powers exist that could cause a Divine King powerhouse to act on behalf of an ordinary disciple. Even if they couldn't truly ascend to the higher echelons, they could at least become a mid-level elder.

The Divine King's position of honor.

Do not underestimate.

Conferring the title of Elder.

There were not too many ripples caused in the Tianzong.

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The appearance of the three Sun and Moon God Kings, while noteworthy to some elders, was nothing more than that.

> In addition.

Shen Changqing didn't continue to stay at Leize Peak.

He retreated to Liyue for several years, just in time to digest everything properly and better control the power he currently possesses.

At the same time.

Shen Changqing also needs to understand the current situation of all heavens.

“In ordinary times, several years would hardly bring about much change in the heavens. But now that a great tribulation has been unleashed, several years could be enough to alter countless things.”

In the past, celestial beings were bound by karma and restrained their conflicts, even when they had disagreements.

But now that the power of the industry has dissipated, all races have no shackles to speak of, and it is a vivid representation of the weak being preyed upon by the strong.

Racial war.

There was hardly a moment's rest.

Although Tiānzōng now appears peaceful on the surface, outside of Tiānzōng, war is almost visible everywhere.

In the Heavenly Palace.

Shen Changqing summoned the elders of Ri Tianzong to a meeting.

Inside the vast hall, only a few elders remained seated. Only a handful like Dan Sheng had not participated in the battle, remaining here to oversee the sect. The rest of the elders had mostly gone to the Zhongshan Divine Clan camp to fight.

“After years of seclusion, how is the current state of affairs for the Zhōngshān Divine Clan”

Shen Changqing asked slowly.

Before his seclusion, the Zhongshan Divine Clan had a divine master appear. He lent the Heaven Punishing Sword to Li Kaiyang himself, and within several years, it was enough for the Zhongshan Divine Clan to secure victory on the battlefield.

But so far, there has been no sign of powerful figures from sects like Li Kaiyang returning. This shows that the battle is not as smooth as I had imagined.

And then he fell silent.

Dan Sheng couldn't help but shake his head: "Not long after the Sect Master went into seclusion, the Zhōngshān Divine Clan launched a full-scale attack on the Luóxiāo Divine Clan, who were defeated again and again."

Just when the Zhongshen clan attacked the Luxiao clan's void battlefield, preparing to take down the Luxiao clan in one fell swoop, something unexpected happened.

The Lord Luo sacrificed a divine scroll written by the Celestial Sovereign, blocking the power of the Heavenly Punishing Divine Sword. Afterwards, several ancient deities emerged and forcefully repelled the Zhongshan Divine Clan.

The battle between the two clans is fierce and neither side has gained a decisive victory yet.

"The divine monarch's handwritten script!"

Shen Changqing's brow furrowed.

He didn't expect that the Luo Xiao Divine Clan could still have such a treasure.

There was no record of the Divine Lord's handwriting in his memory.

For the sake of prudence.

Shen Changqing dispersed a wisp of his mind and entered the Minghe Realm, asking Qingyi about the meaning of the divine monarch's handwritten letter. Only from her did he truly understand what the divine monarch's handwritten letter was.

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The so-called handwritten script of the divine sovereign.

It is literally a scroll made from special materials, written with the deity's own blood as ink, imbued with the rhythm of Daoist rules.

Any scroll penned by a deity can contain a fraction of the deity's power.

The stronger the divine monarch's handwriting ability, the stronger the power of the divine monarch's handwritten text will be.

Under the current restrictions of Heavenly Rules, being able to withstand the power of the Divine Punishment Sword indicates that the powerful individuals who left behind the divine monarch's handwritten note are at least at the seventh level of the Divine Monarch.

Only those at this level of power could possess strength rivaling that of a divine master simply by wielding a single scroll.

"In that case, the Luo Xiao Divine Clan's foundation is indeed stronger than I imagined. Just relying on a scroll of a divine monarch's handwriting, they can rival the peak of a God Master."

“It is stated that within the Luójīng Palace, there must be powerful cultivators with a strength of at least seven layers of the Divine Sovereign Realm.”


Shen Changqing relayed the news he had gleaned from Qingyi to the gathered elders.

Up to this point.

In the eyes of other cultivators, he was the reincarnation of the Minghe God Monarch.

Even among the numerous elders of Heavenly Sects, few truly knew his human identity.

That's it.

When Shen Changqing said this, he was also indirectly proving his identity as an ancient divine monarch.

If not a reincarnation of an ancient deity, who else could possibly know information that reaches the level of divine kings

Upon hearing this.

Dan Sheng's face turned grave: "According to the Sect Leader, these forces with a Celestial Venerable watching over them must possess numerous treasures akin to those personally inscribed by a Celestial Venerable, wouldn't they"

A scroll penned by a divine king is enough to possess the power rivaling that of a supreme god.

If other deities were to casually bestow a few scrolls of their divine writings, wouldn't they be able to easily eliminate other forces without the protection of a deity

"A power with a deity at its helm is inherently superior to those without. Besides, a letter written by a deity isn't some special technique."

Even deities like us, gods and lords, can leave behind corresponding handwritten notes to bestow strength upon our successors.

But the more powerful an existence is, the harder it is to leave behind such power. Simply carrying the necessary scroll would require an artifact of immense value.

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Moreover, every time a handwritten message is left, it is based on the writer's own blood essence. For the deity, the deity's handwritten message is not something that can be passed on at will.

Shen Changqing shook his head. He wasn't surprised by these things at all.


Among the celestial races, one with a Celestial Sovereign presiding over it and the other with only a Celestial Lord is naturally incomparable.

And the Celestial Sovereign resides in the vast expanse of the universe, not among the heavens. The heavens have their own rules and regulations, so even though the Celestial Sovereign is not within them, to have the Celestial Sovereign's handwritten script enter the heavens would require a tremendous price.

Two worlds apart.

The divine letter written by the celestial lord isn't something that can be simply sent over.

Although Shen Changqing doesn't know the price that was paid for the divine monarch's handwritten notes to be passed into all heavens, if it were less than the price the divine monarch paid to enter all heavens, it would certainly not be so easy.

So although the Divine Lord's handwriting was powerful, Shen Changqing didn't take it too seriously.

After all, to leave behind a divine inscription that rivals the pinnacle of a god master, one would need to be at least a powerful being of the seventh heaven or above.


The power contained in the divine inscription has run out, and it is no longer effective.

Compared to the power contained in the peak Dao soldiers, divine script written by deities of the same level is undoubtedly inferior.


That is to say, the power of the Heavenly Punishment Sword is now suppressed by the restrictions of the Celestial Rules.

Otherwise, even a scroll inscribed by a deity at the peak of their power, trying to block the sharpness of the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword would be nothing but a joke.


The Zhongshan Divine Clan is currently unable to defeat the Luoxiao Divine Clan, and they cannot guarantee that the Luoxiao Divine Clan only possesses a single scroll of the God Sovereign's handwriting.

If there were a second volume, it would mean the power of Heavenly Punishment Sword would be further depleted.

On this point.

Even if the Zhongshan Divine Clan wanted to take down the Luoxiao Divine Clan, Li Kaiyang wouldn't agree rashly.

After all.

Tian Zhu Shen Jian is the foundation of Tian Zong, a top-tier divine race currently.

As long as the power of the Tianzong's peak Dao soldiers is not exhausted, other top-tier divine races have to be wary of Tianzong.

If the strength of the Dao Army is exhausted, then Tianzong will lose its greatest deterrent force.

>What others don't realize is that even after the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword runs out of power, Heaven Sect still possesses the might to intimidate even the top-tier divine clans.

Although Shen Changqing's current strength is somewhat inferior to that of the peak Divine Master, it is already on par with a normal Divine Master at the tenth level.


In the chaotic void, fighting against Chaos Demon Spirits of a god-king level, in terms of pure combat power, Shen Changqing was even stronger than an average God Master at the tenth level.

But these are all Shen Changqing's trump cards. He won't reveal them unless it's absolutely necessary.

Both sides were deadlocked, and there was no harm to Yu Tianzong in this.

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So, Shen Changqing had no intention of interfering.

Just as both sides were locked in a stalemate, this battle provided the disciples of Heaven Sect with an excellent opportunity to hone their skills.

Although the number of disciples in the sect has decreased significantly compared to the past, the overall qi of the sect has not diminished but rather increased. This shows that the strength of the sect's disciples has risen considerably, enough to offset the negative impact brought about by the loss of disciples.

No matter what time, war is a powerful test.

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The Divine Saint said: "Two years ago, the top prodigy of the Limitless God Clan, Cang Hu, was ambushed and killed by a powerful being in the vast expanse of heaven. Because of this, the Limitless God Clan was furious."

"The Azure Tiger has fallen"

Chen Changqing's expression changed slightly.

He wasn't unfamiliar with this Heaven's Chosen who ranked ninth on the Divine Lord List. The other party's strength was not weak, completely comparable to a powerful figure at the seventh level of the Divine Lord realm.

Even among top-tier deities, it wouldn't be easy to slay them. Recently, the conversion rates have been serious, giving us more motivation to update faster. Please help us out by switching to a non-reading mode. Thank you!d by Dao soldiers are much more frequent. After reaching the seventh rank, every promotion in rank comes with its own Heavenly Tribulation. This is also why truly powerful Dao soldiers are so rare."Sh...