Full Moon works

Chapter 739: Love and Hate Crossed Out in One Stroke


done nothing wrong, you can't treat her like this." 。Let him go, let him go. We can talk about anything. 。Joe Shunchen tried his best to restrain himself, but his flushed face and frantic heartbeat...Qiao Shunchen returned to his bedroom dejectedly. His child had worked hard and with hope to help him get the opportunity, but he still prioritized work and missed it. 。The child was disappointed, and he was disappointed too. 。If I keep missing opportunities like this, will I never get Qin Jingwen's forgiveness, even on the day I die 。Joe was worrying about this matter when the phone rang. 。He frowned and picked up the phone. Seeing that it was Qin Jingwen calling, he immediately became excited. 。 "Warm warm " 。"Even Qiao Shunchen was a little excited. This was the first time Qin Jingwen had taken the initiative to call him in this period of time." 。"If you have time, we could meet sometime." 。Qin Jingwen had no mood to chat idly and went straight to the point. 。Yes, yes, I have time 。"Where shall we meet" At this moment, even something as important as Qiao Shunchen's big event had to be put aside. He couldn't miss this opportunity. 。"Let's go to the villa on the mountaintop, I'll be there right now." 。Qin Jingwen's address left Qiao Shunchen momentarily stunned. 。What Qin Jingwen hated most was that place. How could she choose to meet there 。"Okay, I'll go now." 。" Joe Shunchen hung up the phone and ran out quickly. 。I didn't even have time to tell the child, nor did I have time to say hello to my father. 。When Qiao Shunchen arrived at the villa on the mountain, Qin Jingwen was already there. And Qin Jingwen had the key to this place. She had entered the house and sat on the sofa in the living room. 。 Qiao Shunchen practically ran into the building after getting out of his car. When he saw Qin Jingwen, he froze. 。"Your hair is cut" Qiao Shunchen asked in a low voice. How long had it been since he last saw Qin Jingwen He didn't even know she had gotten a haircut. 。Although he liked Qin Jingwen's long hair, this short hairstyle also made her beautiful, even more charming with a hint of wildness. 。 “Oh, I've always had long hair, and I'm getting tired of it.” 。Get a new haircut and a new mood! 。Come sit down, we really should have a good chat. 。" Qin Jing's voice was soft and gentle, without anger, hatred, or grievance. 。Although she still couldn't understand and couldn't completely let go, nor could she forgive Qiao Shunchen, on the surface she had to pretend to be indifferent, as if she had forgiven everything. 。 Qiao Shunchen, listening to Qin Jingwen's reason for cutting her hair short, felt inexplicably panicked. 。Her calm tone of voice also made Qiao Shunchen nervous. 。I always feel that something is off about Qin Jingwen today. She should be angry, resentful, and blame him for punishing her. 。But why was she so calm, why did she show a look of indifference 。 Qiao Shunchen walked towards Qin Jingwen's other side, and when he passed the tea table, he saw the remote control for the villa gate on top, the remote control for the garage door, and a spare key for the back door of this villa. 。These are the ones he gave to Qin Jingwen. 。Qin Jingwen has a habit of putting things back in her bag immediately after using them to avoid forgetting and causing unnecessary trouble. 。But today she put it on the coffee table, why What did she mean by that Qiao Shunchen sat down in the main seat of the sofa with unease and questions. 。 "Wenwen, these days..." "Aren't you going to apologize to me Now I'm giving you a chance..." 。Qin Jingwen interrupted Qiao Shunchen's words. She still had to catch a plane and didn't have time to talk to Qiao Shunchen any more. 。"Yes, I want to apologize to you. " 。 。" Qiao Shunchen's heart was becoming increasingly uneasy, Qin Jingwen was too quiet, a silence that filled him with inexplicable fear. 。I felt like today's meeting wasn't about explaining things to him, but more like a goodbye. 。"Winn, everything that happened before was my fault. I was too selfish and didn't consider your feelings." 。Don't lose your temper before you understand the situation. 。Don't be angry, please forgive me this time, I promise this will be the last time. 。If you're still wronged in your heart, you can scold me, you can hit me, do whatever you want. 。As long as you're not angry and as long as you forgive me, 。Joe Shunchen's attitude was very sincere, it could be seen that he was truly and sincerely apologizing. 。He was apologizing, Qin Jingwen heard his apology, but her heart still wouldn't calm down. 。 Qiao Shunchen's apology was always the same, Qin Jingwen had heard it countless times. 。However, she didn't hear the key point she wanted to hear, and Joe Shunchen didn't say where he was wrong. 。It's no big deal to have misunderstandings, just clear them up. 。The key is his lack of trust in himself and his failure to prioritize himself. He's not aware of these issues, nor does he demonstrate them in his apology. 。Qin Jingwen sighed, ultimately not hearing the apology that would make her heart feel better. 。Alright, since we've decided to let go of everything and since there's nothing left between us, then an apology is just a formality. It doesn't really mean anything anymore. 。"I don't blame you, I forgive you" 。A while ago, I didn't understand. I was too dramatic. 。Everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay to recognize them. I'm sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable. 。Qin Jingwen was still very polite, just like two strangers who bumped into each other and apologized. 。This attitude left Qiao Shunchen at a loss. 。"Winnie, don't speak like that. Nothing you do is too much." 。"It was my fault, it was me..." "General Qiao, I've already forgiven you. Don't apologize anymore." 。Qin Jingwen wryly lifted the corner of her mouth, and immediately interrupted Qiao Shunchen's words. 。“We made everything clear today, and there won't be anything 。You are still the child's father, and I am still the child's mother. 。We erase love and hate, from now on we'll just be friends. 。Qin Jingwen said, stood up, whether sincerely or insincerely, she did a good job today, quietly resolving everything. 。"Mmm...""This key, I forgot to give it back to you last time. This time, I'm returning it to its rightful owner." 。Keep it, I'm leaving now. 。He glanced at the key on the tea table, but didn't dare to look up at Qiao Shunchen. 。

I'm afraid that if I look at you once, I won't be able to bear leaving, and my heart will feel even more wronged.

She wanted to make herself cold, indifferent, to forget everything here, and also to forget the fact that she had been a surrogate for Qiao Shunchen. 。Qin Jingwen said that she walked out, Qiao Shunchen quickly blocked Qin Jingwen's way. 。"Winnie, I apologize. I was wrong. Everything I did wasn't meant to end our love with a simple strikethrough." 。Give me one more chance, let me pursue you again. 。I promise I'll put my heart into this, and give it my all for you. 。" He quickly persuaded him, and quickly expressed his heart. 。He originally intended to first seek Qin Jingwen's forgiveness 。Then pursue Qin Jingwen again, and give her a new romantic love pursuit. 。But Qin Jingwen's reaction today was too taciturn, which made him flustered, anxious, and unable to wait any longer. 。And her forgiveness, so insincere and superficial. 。She never forgave herself, she never let it go. 。Her heart was still aching, still feeling wronged. 。If one chooses to forgive with such a mindset, there is only one possibility: to distance oneself from him. 。"Joe, what kind of result you want is your business," 。We broke up over four months ago, and what you're saying has nothing to do with me. 。"Qin Jingwen answered nonchalantly, he didn't know what he wanted, perhaps not even himself, but Qin Jingwen knew clearly that what he wanted wasn't her. 。"Mr. Qiao, what kind of result do you want to achieve by going to others The last thing I want to do right now is go back to the way things were before. " 。Let's begin and end here. 。Qin Jingwen once again stated her position, and this time she was very firm. 。She called Qiao Shunchen to the villa on the mountaintop, just to end everything here completely. 。She stepped out of the house, and what happened between her and Joshua Chen became a thing of the past. 。The saying "part ways and live well" is quite appropriate for this situation. 。"Wenwen, I like you, and I love you. How could I possibly go to others for attention" 。I know you're disappointed in me, and I know you've been hurt. 。But please give me another chance, I will definitely perform well and make up for it. 。" Jo Shun-chen struggled, he always felt that if Qin Jingwen left him, he would have no chance to see her again. If he let her go, it would be a lifetime, forever " 。"It's too late for you to say these things, you liked me but I don't like you anymore. " 。For over four months, I successfully erased your existence from my memory. I am ready to start anew and find happiness again. There's no turning back. 。"Mr. Qiao, you should start looking for happiness again too. I wish you find a good person and true love." 。"Goodbye!" Qin Jingwen said, then bypassed Qiao Shunchen and left. 。At this very moment, she understood what it meant to speak insincerely, what it meant to be heartbroken, and what it meant to feel a piercing pain in her heart. 。To speak words that go against one's heart, hurting oneself in the process, and still pretending nothing is wrong, this is perhaps the most difficult role a person has to play in their lifetime. 。 Qiao Shunchen chased after Qin Jingwen from behind. Qin Jingwen heard Qiao Shunchen calling her, but she had made up her mind to give up, and her ears closed with the giving up heart. 。That is to say, no matter what Qiao Shunchen said, she chose to ignore it. 。Qin Jingwen quickly got into the car and locked all the doors before starting the engine. 。Joe Shun-chen patted the car window, calling out to Qin Jingwen, vying for a chance 。 。She told herself there was only air outside her window, nothing at all. 。Except for the cicadas' chirping and the rustle of the breeze, there was no other sound. 。Put on the gear, press the gas pedal all the way down, and the car shot forward rapidly. 。The car took away more than just the wind, it also took Qin Jingwen's memories and disappointments of Qiao Shunchen. 。 Qiao Shunchen stood there in regret, pacing back and forth incessantly. 。He knew Qin Jingwen hadn't forgiven him, and he knew his efforts weren't enough. But how could he feel like he had no chance 。She said she no longer liked him, she said she had forgotten him, and she also said she wanted to pursue happiness again. 。Did she really forget about him Did she truly not give him another chance 。Qin Jingwen left the villa on the mountaintop and went straight to the airport. Upon arriving at the airport, she checked in immediately and went to the waiting lounge. After waiting for about half an hour, she boarded her flight. 。 Qiao Shunchen paced back and forth in the villa's courtyard, his heart troubled and worried about Qin Jingwen. 。Qin Jingwen left here. There was no point in him staying. 。So, he got straight into the car and drove away. 。We didn't realize we had left our phone at the villa on the mountaintop until we reached the foot of the mountain. 。So he went back to get his phone. 。Back in the villa's living room, his phone was lying on the coffee table. Qiao Shunchen picked up his phone and took a glance at it, only then did he see that his bodyguard had called him many times. 。His heart skipped a beat, and he worried that something had happened to Qin Jingwen. 。I almost immediately called back. 。"What's the matter Is it General Qin..." "General Qiao, why did you just answer the phone General Qin left your place directly and went to the airport. He's already flown away." 。“id Dad is almost on the plane and worries Sister might get upset if he returns unexpectedly these two days." 。While Qiao Shunchen marveled at his father's foresight, he also started to feel anxious....