Full Moon works

Chapter 638: Vacation for Half a Month


he entire kitchen, and it wasn’t messy at all despite cooking. 。"No, it will be ready soon. You can just wait and eat." 。"By the way, about that competition XuanXuan is going to participate in, you s...After the rush hour of commuting to work, everyone in the company is busy at their respective posts. 。Qin Jingwen went to the first floor to pick up a file. When she came back, she just stepped into the elevator and hadn't had time to press the up button when Qiao Shunchen entered the elevator with Sun Xu and Chen Shu. 。Even though the moment they locked eyes, Qin Jingwen's heart still trembled uncontrollably. Before retracting her gaze, Qin Jingwen took the initiative to greet him. 。“Mr. Qiao, good morning” 。As soon as the words left her mouth, she looked away, unwilling to be in a private space with him. She wanted to go down, but Chen Shu had already closed the elevator door and it started going up immediately. 。Qin Jingwen remained silent, and she didn't glance at Qiao Shuncheng's cold face or his disdainful eyes. 。She only hopes the elevator speed is as fast as a rocket to reach the 30th floor as soon as possible. 。Seeing him still makes me feel lost, my heart races, and I'm completely bewildered. 。She hates herself, hates that there's still Qiao Shunchen in her heart. 。Qiang Shunchen remained silent, but he noticed Qin Jingwen's complexion had improved significantly recently, and she seemed to have gained a little weight. 。Compared to the previous time, when I was skinny and weak, I am much better now. 。Seeing Qin Jing like this, his heart was both bitter and at ease. 。The bitter part was that after leaving him, everything about her life got better. It seemed like he was the negative energy in her life, bringing only pain. 。What is comforting is that she is in good spirits and her physical health is also good. 。This made Qiao Shunchen very at ease, so he didn't have to worry about her all the time. 。"How come General Qin came down himself to retrieve the files Where's Xie Miao"Sun Xu broke the silence in the elevator. 。This also eased Qin Jingwen's tense nerves. 。"Xie Miao is busy, so I came down myself." 。It's just an answer, nothing else. 。Because she didn't know what the next topic would be. 。"General Qin, is this cooperation case you're handling almost finished" Chen Shu then found another topic to talk about. 。As if they had planned it, the two stood in the elevator, making sure the air inside circulated freely so that the atmosphere wouldn't feel too strained and awkward. 。"Well, it will be about ten days or so." 。"

Qin Jingwen still only replied 。This is not actually her personality. She just speaks as little as possible to avoid being disliked by Qiao Shunchen. 。From the moment Qiao Shunchen stepped into the elevator, he didn't utter a word. He didn't even respond when she greeted him, only using his icy demeanor to continuously lower the temperature inside the elevator. 。Qin Jingwen was about to catch a cold from his low air pressure. 。"The next cooperation project, is your company ready It seems like you won't even have time to breathe before accepting the next one. General Qin must be quite hardworking." 。"The contract for the next project has already been signed, just waiting for this one to end so we can immediately start planning the next. " 。Chen Shu brought up the next cooperation case because he is still the person in charge on the Qiao's side. 。"Still..." "The next collaboration project has been postponed. You can go back to your company during this time." 。"It's not hard," Qin Jingwen wanted to say, but before she could finish the word, Qiao Shunchen interrupted her with a cold voice. 。Jo Shun-chen's sudden opening, and the content he spoke, also surprised Sun Xu and Chen Shu. 。But none of them were as sudden and unexpected as Qin Jingwen's. 。

He remained silent the whole time, but when he finally spoke, it was to tell her to leave.

Although Qin Jingwen had always wanted to leave, when Qiao Shunchen actually said it, she felt a strange mix of emotions in her heart—she wasn't happy about it, but she also didn't want him to go. 。"Okay, thank you, Joe." 。“At this moment, Qin Jingwen could only say this.” 。Sun Xu and Chen Shu were still stunned by the surprise when the elevator reached the 30th floor. 。As soon as Qin Jingwen stepped out of the elevator, her phone rang. 。“Officer Li, is something the matter” Officer Li's phone and the calls from the city bureau leaders, Qin Jingwen always answered first. 。I'm afraid it will delay important tasks. 。Such eagerness in picking up the phone left Joe Shun-chen feeling irritated, but he merely pricked up his ears to listen to Qin Jingwen walking behind him and saying something, without revealing his displeasure. 。"Okay, okay, I understand." 。"Lunchtime, then Around lunchtime…"

Qiao Shunchen only heard this much before going into his office.

Chen Shu, contact Qin Jingwen company, the next cooperation case postponed by fifteen days in start 。The first thing Joe Shunchen arranged was the next cooperation project. 。Actually, he didn't have this plan when he was in the elevator. He only decided to do it on a whim after hearing Chen Shu say that Qin Jingwen had no rest time. 。 。“Okay, I’ll contact you shortly.” 。"However, Mr. Qiao, wouldn't it also be possible for me to take a vacation these fifteen days" Chen Shu took the opportunity and felt that he had also benefited this time. 。However, hope had just begun to rise when it was mercilessly crushed the next moment. 。"Think nice, there's plenty of work waiting for you" 。Joe Shun-chen decisively put an end to Chen Shu's wicked thoughts. For these fifteen days, he had only been fighting for Qin Jingwen. 。"Well, I thought I could at least find a girlfriend to date during these fifteen days..." 。Chen Shu said disappointedly, it seems he shouldn't have thought about having a vacation. 。"No impact on you dating a girlfriend even without these fifteen days." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。Sun Xu caught Chen Shu off guard on one side. 。 “You…” Just as the two were about to confront each other, Qiao Shunchen suddenly asked a question 。 "Are Qin Jing and Officer Li on good terms" This question caught both Sun Xu and Chen Shu off guard. 。“Huh We really don’t know about that. " 。“

Sun Xu answered in a daze.

"Officer Li is married, isn't he" Joe Shunchen's questions got more and more out there. 。Let Sun Xu and Chen Shu be somewhat dumbfounded, could it just be because of General Qin's

one phone call 。Alas… Since you care so much, why say break up 。"I know this, I've heard it before" 。He got married, but his wife couldn't accept that he worked too much and never came home, so they divorced. 。"This question was answered by Chen Shu. He heard about this news a long time ago. It seems that when Song Yien hadn't entered prison yet, he went to the police station with Qiao Shunchen to cooperate in the investigation. He overheard Li officer's colleague chatting and mentioning it." 。Officer Li's single status made Qiao Shunchen frown involuntarily. 。This period of time Qin Jing has been getting too close to Officer Li, which makes him very unhappy. 。Although I have no relationship with Qin Jingwen and wouldn't interfere in her private life, isn't it wrong of her to treat relationships so casually and not know how to keep a distance 。"What about Luo Zhenghao How is his relationship with Qin Jingwen"喬舜 was still asking, even he himself felt surprised. 。And this was the first time Joseph had mentioned Luo Zhenghao's name in front of others since his hotel check-in incident. 。After looking at each other, Chen Shu, with a sense of authority, spoke first. 。"We don't know about that either, that's all General Qin's private life." 。However, in all this time, I've never seen Luo Zhenghao come to find General Qin. When we worked together, I never heard Luo Zhenghao call him either. 。Chen Shu didn't dare to say it too clearly, he was afraid that if he wasn't careful, he would touch Qiao Shunchen's sensitive point and cause an explosion. 。But his words already made it clear, if Qin Jing and Luo Zhenghao were a couple, how could he not pick up Qin Jing after work How could he not even answer a phone call 。"You guys go out first." 。Then Joe Shun-chen suddenly didn't dare to face it, and he didn't want to talk about this topic anymore. 。It was only then that he realized Qin Jingwen finding a hundred men had nothing to do with him. 。Although he knew it had nothing to do with him, Qiao Shunchen's heart was still in turmoil because of his chance encounter with Qin Jingwen. 。It's a mess, I can't continue working. 。For so many days, I've been deliberately avoiding her out of hatred. Although my heart is filled with mixed emotions, it's still bearable. 。But upon seeing him, all my emotions were stirred again. 。He didn't deny that even if Qin Jingwen had done something out of line, he still couldn't forget her, and his heart still beat for her. 。Ye Wen has had a rough few days. She even feels like she's living worse than death. 。Being constantly threatened by Jonny to stay in the mansion, she was relatively fine during the day when going to and from work. But at night, she had to endure physical and mental torture. 。Jonny is crazy about physical stimulation, even to the point of BD**. 。 。Another agonizing night, Ye Wen didn't even have the courage to go to her bedroom. 。She sat in the living room, with a computer on the coffee table, always putting off going to the bedroom on the pretext of work. 。But Jonny didn't care about any of that. When it was time to go upstairs, when he had the urge, he had to release himself, he had to get Ye Wen onto the bed. 。Stop working, go to sleep quickly. 。" Jonny said in a cold and disdainful tone, he hated Ye Wen, at this time being able to threaten her and take revenge was a great opportunity, he didn't need to care about her feelings at all. " 。“My work isn't finished yet, you sleep first” 。"

Ye Wenzhen answered nervously, the only excuse she had at this moment was work

"Why do you insist on taking work back, I'm telling you, stop making excuses." 。" Jonny walked over to the coffee table and closed Yè Wén's computer. Even when he had work to do, he shouldn't be doing it at this time. 。After the computer was shut down, he grabbed Ye Wen by the hand and walked towards the bedroom, not caring how roughly his actions might hurt her. 。"Please be gentle, I bumped my leg on the coffee table." 。Ye Wen was indeed injured, but she wasn't as scared as she currently seemed. 。Stop wasting time, just go to sleep if you want to. Don't try to play games with me. 。It's already a kindness of mine to let you stay home during the day. Don't think I won't keep you locked up 24/7 if you try to play tricks on me. 。“ Jonny said in a cold voice, his hatred for Ye Wen had gone beyond his imagination. And Ye Wen was a person who played tricks in all sorts of ways. He wouldn't easily believe Ye Wen's words, and he couldn't let her go just like that.” 。Ye Wen was like a helpless little chick, picked up by Jonny and brought into the bedroom. She was then thrown harshly onto the bed. 。"Jonny, please don't do this. You torture me every day, I can't take it anymore." 。" She had realized that her work could no longer protect her, so she could only speak up and plead desperately. 。"How come, you can't take it anymore after just a few days" 。Didn't you like my wildness when we were together 。"Don't you like it now" Jonny smirked wickedly, his words shameless. The more Ye Wen acted this way, the more it fueled his desire to conquer her. 。"It was what it was, but you can't keep doing this every day." 。You always do this, I can't take it anymore. 。"

Yè Wén looked at Jonny's expression and was terrified, even her voice trembled. 。“Can’t bear it If you can't bear it, find Qin Jingwen for me. I like that woman, let her come and help you bear it.” 。" Jonny was looking at Ye Wen, who was trembling on the bed, and knew that asking her for this at this time would be a help to her. " 。hair. 。"Mom, that's not fair, do you know" 。Even in the midst of chaos, that child, Xuanxuan, remembered to tuck away the hair from his elder brother's hand. 。"Aren't you afraid they'll actually use y...