Chapter 1244


esn't have such an opportunity for the time being, and she can only bear the heartache. 。"Winn, come down," 。I still have something to tell you. 。What Qiao Shunchen wanted to see was Qin Jingwen. The...Joe Shun-chen firmly refused. 。But now that I think about it, the one begging outside the hospital door was Qin Jingwen. It was Qin Jingwen who deceived his feelings. 。Jiō Shunchen's these memories don't know whether it is pieced together, but he is very sure that at that time he didn't know the existence of Qin Jingwen. 。The memory continued, arriving at a hospital night. 。As Qiao Shunchen left the ward and came to the small park in the hospital, he clearly remembered a girl crying heart-wrenchingly in the pavilion, her cries full of helplessness and despair. 。The voice trembled with pain, even the icy Qiao Shunchen felt moved by such a heart-wrenching cry. 。At that very moment, Qiao Shunchen's memory suddenly became clear. The figure weeping constantly in the gazebo also gradually came into focus. 。Qin Jingwen, yes, that girl who cried until her heart broke is Qin Jingwen. 。Because she had suffered a major accident and lost her home and family, Qin Jingwen cried bitterly. 。Memory flooded back in an instant, and Qiao Shunchen's heart ached with it. 。It turned out that the scene that constantly appeared in his mind was actually Qin Jingwen. It turned out that his first encounter with Qin Jingwen was not during a surrogacy arrangement. 。What is this, could it be fate Is it destiny Could it be that fate has already arranged for them to meet in such a way, and they must go through the baptism of hatred 。< lastly, what was the result > 。What is the final result of hatredIs it Qin Jingwen leaving this world, or does he disappear forever No, no. 。Thinking of this, Qiao Shunchen suddenly didn't dare to think any further. It seemed that he couldn't accept such a result. 。He hates Qin Jingwen and loathes Qin Jingwen's schemes against him. 。He could retaliate, he could take revenge, he could make Qin Jingwen suffer so much that she couldn't even speak, but he had never thought of killing Qin Jingwen, nor had he ever considered Qin Jingwen leaving this world as the ending. 。After work, Qiao Shunchen returned home that evening. He was so downcast that he didn't even feel like speaking a word. 。Looking at Qin Jing patiently playing with the children, watching Qin Jing busily taking care of the home, Qiao Shunchen was dazed and didn't know which one was the real Qin Jingwen. 。Many years ago, the one who cried with heartbreak in the hospital gazebo, was she real, or is it the her who, for her child and family, is wholeheartedly devoted now Or is it the one who harbors hatred but perfectly masks her insidious natureAfter the child went back to his room to sleep, Qin Jingwen dragged her tired body back to her room. 。"Haven't slept yet" Seeing Qiao Shunchen sitting on the sofa looking at his phone, Qin Jingwen spoke first. 。"There is no " 。“ Qiao Shunchen’s voice was a little cold, so cold that Qin Jingwen felt a sudden 。Although it was clear that Qiao Shunchen was in a bad mood since he returned, I didn't expect him to bring his negative emotions here. 。Qin Jingwen didn't speak, instead she went to the bathroom to prepare for a bath and sleep. 。Joe Shun-chen wants to vent his emotions here, and she could totally avoid accepting this innocent venting. 。 ”Slowly 。"Qin Jingwen walked two steps and was called back by Qiao Shunchen. 。The voice was still cold. 。"Is something the matter" Qin Jingwen didn't turn around, she just stood facing away from Qiao Shunchen and asked. 。"Can you tell me about your parents' car accident I remember you said they haven't paid the other party yet" 。Jo Shunchin endured the hatred and pain in his heart and spoke out about this matter. 。He wanted to see what kind of attitude Qin Jingwen had. 。But Qin Jingwen sarcastically smiled. 。"Have I told you this before" Though he was a little unsure if he had said it before, what difference did it make at this point 。"You've always refused to listen. Several times, when I tried to speak, you found excuses to avoid it. Even now, saying anything won't change a thing." 。“

Qin Jingwen finished speaking and continued towards the bathroom, but she didn't expect Qiao Shunchen to suddenly get angry >>> 。"I don't understand what you mean, why don't you tell me about your family" 。You said that before, but I forgot. It wasn't intentional. 。"Why are you hiding things from me How much have you been keeping secret"

Joe Shunchen didn't expect his emotions to erupt suddenly, nor did he expect to speak to Qin Jingwen in this manner. 。But the words have already been spoken, and it's impossible to take them back. All we can do is continue to reason with Qin Jingwen. 。"What do you mean Are you saying I'm deliberately hiding things from you for a purpose""Although I don't understand what purpose I would have in hiding things from you, I know you've hidden a lot of things from me..." 。Qin Jingwen was unable to control her own emotions either, and so she retorted with such sharpness at Qiao Shunchen. 。She considered herself to have no purpose, nothing in particular conflicting with Joe Shunchen. 。Ke Qiao Shunchen's suddenly vicious attitude made it unbearable for her, and Qin Jingwen, who was already feeling wronged, couldn't control herself from lashing out. 。“Do I have anything to hide from you” 。"That girl you've been looking for, you've been hiding everything about her from me, treating me like an idiot." 。"That phone is in the drawer of your studio, you said it was here one minute and then there the next, just don't show me." 。"What are you hiding like that" "Every time you rush out of the country, it's to see that girl. You say there's an emergency at work." 。"Do you think it's meaningful to keep this hidden" "Besides, you've recovered your memories of that girl and you've been waiting for her, yet you avoid talking to me about everything. Isn't that deliberate concealment" "As I said before, let me look at the girl's information. After all, I studied there too, maybe I can help you..." 。But you, you don't believe a word I'm saying, and you keep hiding it from me. 。Qin Jingwen questioned Qiao Shunchen one by one, she was going to make Qiao Shunchen know who was the one with ideas hidden, and who treated the other like a fool. 。 “You rummaged through my drawers and peeked at my things” 。"

Joe Shun-Chen was furious, so angry that fire burned in his eyes. " 。He heard Qin Jingwen's words clearly, but he had his own thoughts. 。Whether or not she was being deceptive, Qin Jingwen's act of looking at his things was a very sinister one. 。"What else have you been looking at Have you also been looking through the company's important files" Qiao Shunchen questioned loudly without considering the consequences, yet he hadn't thought about this being the most hurtful way to ask. 。"See, I knew all along you never really believed me." 。" I peeked at the company's important files, I went through your drawers... Don't you think it's ridiculous Since you suspected my motives from the beginning, why did you still let me use your studio" Qin Jingwen's heart shattered, scattered on the ground because of Qiao Shunchen's hurtful words. 。She lived so carefully, working so cautiously in front of Qiao Shunchen, but in the end, she still couldn't escape such suspicion. 。She suddenly realized that she had been too naive before, actually believing those lies Joe Shunchen told her. 。"I tell you Qiao Shunchen, I haven't looked at your company's documents, I haven't gone through your drawers " 。Once you were abroad and asked me to get a file for you. I saw that phone in the drawer. 。"From then on, I told myself not to go into your studio anymore, lest I be suspected" 。Whether Qiao Shunchen believed her words or not, Qin Jingwen had to explain the situation at this time. 。“If I’m this careful, you still doubt me. Do you doubt the purpose behind everything I do” Qin Jingwen suddenly realized this problem because even after her explanation, Qiao Shunchen still looked at her with a suspicious expression. 。There are some things I do need to confirm. 。Joe Shunchen replied coldly. 。When she said that, he finally knew why Qin Jingwen didn't want to join his studio. But this move contradicted her conspiracy. What was she hiding Had she already gotten what she wanted from that studio"It's up to you, whatever way you confirm..." 。If you think my intentions are impure and suspect that I'm stealing, you can completely report it to the police for investigation. 。Qin Jingwen's heart ached with pain, she couldn't accept such humiliation. 。His one sentence completely overturned everything the two people had experienced before. 。In Qin Jingwen's view, they no longer needed to persist for anyone or anything. 。"Investigate me, thoroughly and meticulously." 。If I took your things, I accept legal punishment. If I ruined your plans, I accept any penalty you give me. 。"We should get a divorce. There's no point in continuing like this." 。A few days after her marriage, Qin Jingwen resolutely proposed a divorce. 。Now the one who regrets it is her, she shouldn't have agreed to get married, and she shouldn't have given up her principles because of Qin Jingyi's matter. 。"Divorce You don't want to solve your sister's problem" Qiao Shunchen didn't expect Qin Jingwen to propose a divorce. Even if they were to divorce, he should be the one to bring it up, instead of Qin Jingwen holding the reins. 。“Do you mean to help From the beginning, you didn't want to help. You even used marriage to blackmail me. Do you think that's funny” 。Qin Jingwen saw the facts clearly and finally saw Qiao Shunchen's attitude towards her. 。He had no intention of helping at all; otherwise, with his ability, there would have been some news by now. 。Whether I help or not is my business, but things might get worse after the divorce. 。" Qiao Shunchen, with his cold and icy expression, spoke threateningly. 。Qin Jingwen looked at Qiao Shunchen in disbelief. He had actually said such words. 。"Are you threatening me Were you the one behind Jing Yi's situation" Qin Jingwen couldn't help but suspect this. Qiao Shunchen's eyes flashed with a hint of triumph that she saw clearly. 。You're overthinking it 。"

Qiao Shunchen answered faintly, withdrawing his gaze

"You figure it out. If you don't want things to get worse, take back those divorce words." 。"Having said that, Qiao Shunchen got up and was about to leave. 。He didn't acknowledge Qin Jingwen's suspicion, not because he was afraid, but because all the plans were just beginning. It wouldn't do for Qin Jingwen to know so early on. 。"Qiao Shunchen, can you tell me why you suddenly changed"Looking at Qiao Shunchen's back about to walk out of the bedroom, Qin Jingwen held onto the last sliver of hope and asked Qiao Shunchen. 。"I am still me, it's the past me that has changed." 。After pondering for a moment, Qiao Shunchen gave such an answer and then strode away. 。Looking at the closed door, Qin Jingwen's heart couldn't settle for a long time. 。What does Qiao Shunchen's last sentence mean Has he gone back to the beginning, back to that Qiao Shunchen who only knew hatred And it's obvious he regrets it, regrets changing himself because of her appearance. 。In other words, the time they spent together before was like a dream to Joe Shunchen. 。Now his dream was over, she Qin Jingwen wasn't the person he loved, nor was there any marital relationship between them, she was simply just Qin Jingwen. 。Back to the beginning, will the child still be given to her when they divorcexpect Jiang Kai to be able to make dumplings so skillfully and beautifully. 。"Isn't it nice Your sister even said it wasn't pretty." 。She said my dumplings look like little pigs, too chubby. 。Jiang Ka...