Chapter 1132: Preparations


I mean you no harm. I just have a business proposition to discuss with you."When the male cultivator saw Lu Ye and Da Hu staring at him, his scalp went numb. He forced a smile and said, “It’s just a..."What should I call you" Lu Ye suddenly realized this.

A ethereal voice echoed from within the pure radiance, "You may call me whatever you wish."

What is the "hat"

From a visual standpoint, the Celestial Mechanism Panel does resemble a cap placed atop Kyushu. However, it exists in a state invisible to the naked eye. Even if you were observing from the starry skies beyond Kyushu, you wouldn't be able to perceive the true existence of this "cap."

Li Ye clearly sensed that Tianji wasn't too pleased with this title. Although it was a spiritual being, it didn't really care about names. However, having protected the human race of Jiuzhou for so many years, it knew what kind of names sounded good and which ones didn't.

Lu Ye smiled. It seemed that Tianji wasn't the kind of cold, emotionless and needless spirit he had imagined. This was a little different from his understanding of spirits.

>>>It's a good thing to have feelings and needs, it won't be too rigid. My own experience is proof of this. If it were really a rigid spirit, it probably wouldn't worry about so many things, let alone lead him here to demonstrate the various changes of Kyushu.


When the land leaves appeared, they were clearly trying to enter through the portal, but unfortunately, they were stopped by the Heavenly Machine. How could they get in

Seeing Lu Ye safely return, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

As the greatest contributor to the Allied Forces' counterattack against the Zerg in the Great Secret Realm of Kyushu, Lu Yiye's name is not just famous in Bingzhou, but throughout the entire Kyushu. The celebratory banquet hasn't even begun, and a hero like him shouldn't have any accidents.

Before anyone could ask questions, Lu Ye took the lead and bowed. "Honorable lords and ladies, I have a request to make."


It has been two months since the Allied forces launched a counter-offensive against the Zerg in the Great Secret Realm.

The large army withdrew from the Zerg Secret Realm, it took about a month, mainly because there were too many people and it was inconvenient to travel.

After a month of the return, cultivators from across the Nine Provinces traveled far and wide, eliminating the remaining insect races. Now, we can say that the insect plague in the entire Nine Provinces has basically been resolved. There may still be some stragglers, but they are no longer a threat.

Before Lu Ye's return, the Nine States had already been preparing a celebration banquet. However, since the greatest hero hadn't appeared yet, they were only in the preparatory stage.

After Li Ye's return, the preparations accelerated significantly. The venue for the celebration banquet was quickly finalized.

It was expected that the Wanmo Ridge would take this action within Haoxian City, Bingzhou. After all, Lu Ye is a cultivator of the Haoxian Alliance in Bingzhou. If he made such a request, others would find it difficult to refuse.

This grand banquet served both as a celebration of victory and an opportunity for high-ranking officials from both sides to exchange opinions.

The disaster has passed, but how the two sides will coexist afterward is a question worth pondering.

The situation in Bingzhou Haotian City is also hectic. A large number of cultivators are busy preparing for the celebration banquet. It can be foreseen that Haotian City will definitely be a gathering of celestial beings, with an enormous scene at that time.

When things were busy, he took some time to himself and went to find the Headmaster. "Master Tang, what is going on with Lu Yiye This invitation list has too many people on it! Even if only half of them come, it will be an astonishing number. So many Sea God Realm cultivators gathering in Haoxian City, if something unexpected happens, we can't afford the consequences!"


When ordinary people said this, no one would take it too seriously. But when Lu Ye said it, with the halo of a great war hero, they couldn't help but pay attention.

After this, Pang Zhen and others insisted on holding the celebration banquet in Bingzhou Haotiang City, taking this opportunity to invite heroes from all walks of life.

Even Qian Wudan, known for his composure, was starting to feel uneasy. The number of attendees was overwhelming; if this continued, the Heavenly City would be teeming with powerful figures from all corners of Kyushu during the event.

What’s in Lu Ye's gourd, he doesn’t know. He can only go to the headmaster for advice.

The headmaster knows more than him, and upon hearing this, he said: "Rest assured, nothing unexpected will happen."

Compared to whateeing this scene, Lu Ye had a guess and pointed to another white spiritual decree. The price changed, and the white spiritual decree also emitted a halo.As expected, there are luminous seals, represen...