Mr. Jade works

Chapter 514 His body began to lose control


nwell."Are you really okay"Feng Ming didn't believe it, and instinctively wanted to grab her hand to feel her pulse.An Xuetang immediately swatted his hand away, “I’m really fine. I need to go find Du...Feng Ming's eyes darkened. He knew, of course he knew, that An Xue Tang would be worried, but there was no way he could let her know about today's events.

His body was becoming increasingly uncontrollable. He had felt something amiss with his body since he entered the city yesterday, so he walked alone.

He had been unconscious for almost a day and a night, and he knew exactly what was going on in his body. He was afraid he could do... very little more for her!

Seeing Feng Ming's complicated expression, Mo Yun Jing frowned, and at this moment, he finally noticed his pale face. "What's wrong Are you injured"

Feng Ming hesitated for a moment, his voice low, "Don't tell her."

Even though he didn't explicitly say it, Mo Yunjing knew he was talking about An Xuetang.

At this time, Mo Yunjing looked him up and down, "Really hurt Who hurt you"

"By now, Feng Ming wasn't going to hide it from Mo Yun Jing anymore. "This illness has been with me since birth, incurable. I know I won't live past thirty, but I didn't expect it to worsen so soon."

Moyun Jing's eyes were deep, "What illness"

"A kind of disease that no one has ever seen before and can't cure."

Feng Ming's words were as if they were never spoken. Mo Yun Jing frowned, because since he had known Feng Ming, he had never seen him express such a desperate look.

Therefore, he also realized at this moment that the illness on Feng Ming's body was probably very difficult to treat.

For a moment, silence hung between them. Mo Yunjing's dark, deep eyes fixed on him, "She's skilled in medicine. Why not let her try"

Feng Ming twitched the corner of his lips and smiled, but this smile was filled with a helplessness only he understood. "This seat is also a skilled physician, isn't it It's useless. This illness of mine... cannot be cured. Letting her know would only add to her worries, it's unnecessary."

This is his destiny, could it be changed by A Tang's medical skills

This was a very heavy topic, and after a moment of silence, the two fell into it again. Feng Ming felt like he had recovered, so he got out of bed:

"Come on, with her temper, if this lord doesn't return soon, she'll have a meltdown."

Dressed, Feng Ming walked straight out. He saw Fu'er in the courtyard and his expression became very serious. "Today's events," he said, "are not to be mentioned to A Tang."

Fú'er pursed her lips and cupped her hands in a salute, replying with a "Yes."

Yu Si was confused. He looked at Feng Ming, then at Mo Yunjing who was walking over behind him.

Mo Yunjing said nothing. He raised his foot and walked out. Right now, he should return to Beijang王府 first and discuss it.

Da Zi, perhaps because she hadn't been with Mo Yun Jing for a long time, was very clingy to him now. When Mo Yun Jing raised his foot to walk, she followed closely behind him.

On the way back home, Mo Yunjing had already told Feng Ming about what happened at Qingyun Pavilion. Feng Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "This seat is very curious, who could have injured the master of Qingyun Pavilion to such an extent."

Mo Yunjing was also curious, but he just smirked. "What do you think Save or not"

Feng Ming let out a light chuckle and said, "It's rare to have the opportunity to have Qiong Yun Pavilion owe someone a favor. Naturally, I should go and see for myself."

The prowess of the Qingyun Pavilion, who in the martial world does not know

If he could save the headmaster of the Qingyun Pavilion, getting them indebted to him, they could later return that favor on An Xuetang, leaving a way out for his dear A Tang.

When he is no longer around, the Qingyun Pavilion can also help his family A Tang overcome difficulties.

However, even if he were to go see the head of Qingyun Pavilion, it wouldn't be tonight. After all, An Xuetang waiting at home is more important.

At this time, An Xuetang in the mansion had already memorized the general outline of Beijing. She knew the locations of all the entrances and exits of the streets and alleys, as well as where the important government officials' residences were located. All of this was crystal clear in her mind.

Half an hour had passed, and An Xuetang looked out the door. "Has there been any news from Ajing"

Younliu and Ninger looked at each other, both shaking their heads. "Not yet."

"What about Fu'er and Dazizi Have they sent any news back yet"

Ning'er pursed her lips, "Reporting to the Princess Consort, there is still no news from Fu'er."

"Come, this princess will go and find her myself."

She has waited, endured for half an hour, this is her limit.

Yun Liu still wanted to say something to persuade her, but An Xue Tang wouldn't listen at all. She hurried out, and Yun Liu couldn't stop her.

As soon as they stepped into the courtyard, Mo Yunjing led them into Jingtang Garden. Seeing Feng Ming standing there gracefully at the entrance, An Xuetang's eyes instantly welled up with tears.

But she quickly blinked back her tears and, now furious, walked over to Feng Ming.

"I was wrong, A-Tang, my brother truly knows he was wrong!"

Before An Xue Tang could utter any accusations, Feng Ming, very tactfully, blurted out an apology.

Such a him, made An Xuetang who wanted to curse speechless.

"Big brother…"

"Brother, I truly know I was wrong. It's all my fault for being too playful. I heard that there was a beautiful place outside the city, so I rushed over last night. When I came back, I saw you all looking for me. I'm sorry, A-Tang, and I'm sorry everyone, for worrying you."

"... "

Is that really true

An Xue Tang's brows furrowed slightly. She pursed her lips and looked at Mo Yun Jing and Fu'er, both of whom nodded slightly.

Even though she had their confirmation, An Xue Tang still didn't quite believe it. Her eyes held a mysterious look as she stared at Feng Ming:

What about the rumors circulating in the martial world Why would there be talk that someone from Bai Guang Palace controlled you

She believes that if something is spreading, there must be a reason for it. After all, there's no smoke without fire, why would such rumors circulate in the martial arts world

Mentioning this, Fengming helplessly shrugged and looked at Mo Yunjing, "The King of Beijiang knows about this best. You should explain it to A Tang."

Mo Yunjing nodded slightly, "Please come in."

Mo Yunjing, An Xuetang, and Feng Ming entered the reception room in the courtyard. After sitting down, Mo Yunjing informed An Xuetang of what Qingyunge had done.

But An Xuetang kept her head down, and Mo Yunjing and Feng Ming didn't know if she had heard them or not.

An Xue Tang wasn't really listening this time because she was seriously paying attention to something else, something that truly mattered to her.

No one knew that she could hear everything within fifty meters of her.

So Fu'er and Ning'er were completely unaware that their whispered conversation in a corner, not a single word omitted, had been heard by An Xue Tang.

Originally, after Feng Ming entered the room, Ning'er pulled Fu'er to a corner and asked her what was going on.

Fu'er didn't intend to hide anything from Ning'er. She told Ning'er everything she had seen.

She and Dazi did indeed quickly find Fengming, but when she saw Fengming, she was completely terrified.

For at that time, Feng Ming was utterly cold, his breath faint and weak, barely clinging to life.

No matter what she called him, Fengming remained unconscious. Furthermore, his whole body had turned purple.

This illness has come on worse than ever before!dle of the night, a man suddenly appeared in her room. That man was Mo Yunze.Actually, all the letters are fake. Mo Yunze never wrote them to her; he just told her those things himself.Mo Yunze had in...