Heavenly Tang Brocad

Heavenly Tang Brocad

classification:Science fiction
author:<p>Mr. Xu</
state:in the series
update:(2024-09-03 08:38:38)

At this moment, a young maid of twelve or thirteen years old ran over and "thud" knelt before Fang Xuanling. Her knees sank instantly into the inch-thick snow.,Famous throughout the ages, a turtle's paragon, the ultimate cuckold king, the glowing green giant!,After some thought, I agreed with my son and continued, “This matter, I'm afraid it’s beyond your control. Lately, Your Majesty has been quite upset over that Clan Chronicle. It is said that Princess Shen, who compiled it, ranked the Cui clan as the first among all clans, and there are rumors that the Five Clans and Seven Sects wanted to maintain their pure bloodlines and would not marry into the imperial family… Your Majesty is very displeased. If you were to stir up another such commotion now, what do you think your Majesty would think Well, the Five Clans and Seven Sects look down upon our Li royal family, and your Fang family does too Think about it, can this possibly work”。

author:<p>Mr. Xu</Straight to the bottom